Holy shit, my boss just got in a fight with Ted Stevens

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Expand view Topic review: Holy shit, my boss just got in a fight with Ted Stevens

by CO » Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:46 pm

<url>http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/washing ... .html</url>
Ha, that fuckhead Ted Stevens got convicted on 7 counts of corruption.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:54 am

CO wrote:It's also funny that a congressman is staying at the homestead suites here in Fairfax, which is one of the shittiest motels you can find on the outskirts of washington. I guess he can't afford more than $109 per night.
Ted Stevens - the People's Champion.

Unless you're parked for two seconds as he attempts to get on with the boozing, whoring and cheap hoteling.

by CO » Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:13 pm

It's also funny that a congressman is staying at the homestead suites here in Fairfax, which is one of the shittiest motels you can find on the outskirts of washington. I guess he can't afford more than $109 per night.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:04 pm

Excellent! After mastering the Internet, it's nice to see that stupid piece of shit lie to cops about the condition of his car because he couldn't chill for two seconds due to - HORROR - some bad driving in Washington D.C.

What a loser. Ted Stevens, you're a loser. Call the cops on me, you miserable Luddite cocksucker, I'll break your fucking face in.

I hope your boss counter-sues.

Holy shit, my boss just got in a fight with Ted Stevens

by CO » Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:28 pm

I'm staying at a long term motel in Fairfax VA (outside DC) for my job and my boss just got in a fight with Ted Stevens (internet tubes) congressman from Alaska. When dropping me off at the office to check in, my boss (a fat, drunk tub of lard) blocked the driveway with his car. When we came out of the office, some old guy in a car starts yelling "move your fucking car!". So my boss, who had a few drinks, goes up to his car window and starts yelling and putting his hands in the guys car. I get uncomfortable and say to my boss "just pop the trunk so I can get my stuff" So he moves his car out of the way and the old guy is still talking shit. My boss runs up to the guy's car and hits his window and keeps arguing for a minute. I tell my boss he should get out of there.

Twenty minutes later I get a call from a police officer in the motel office. Apparently Congressman Stevens called the cops and reported that his car was damaged. I had to tell the cop where my boss works and the number of how to reach him.

I had no idea Ted Stevens was such an asshole nor did I know my boss was such a hothead.
