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Topic review


by Defensive Spider » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:47 pm

Don't make fun of him because he can't afford a special keyboard like I have.

by Leaped Frog » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:45 pm

[capital-o]h[comma] believe me[comma] it is definitely [quotationmark]time[quotationmark]. [capital-b]ring it on[exclaimationmark]

You don't have the AUTHORITY to be offensive while I'm around!

by Worm » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:44 pm

What about when the Butler dons the costume and screams out "I AM BATMAN" then there are dreams and what not. Not to mention Batman and Bruce Wayne could easily have a conversation on a message board.

by Offensive Spider » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:38 pm

Leaped Frog wrote:
Worm wrote:Wow, I wonder if Forum Socialist and Leaped Frog are the same person. I heard it sucked too.

"Hi, I'm Dick Grayson. Say! Say, didja ever notice that you never see Batman and Bruce Wayne together? Anyone? Just saying!!"

You're KILLING me here, sidekick o' mine. KILLING* me.

* Dead
hey, bich, is it 'right now' yet[question mrk]

by Leaped Frog » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:37 pm

Worm wrote:Wow, I wonder if Forum Socialist and Leaped Frog are the same person. I heard it sucked too.

"Hi, I'm Dick Grayson. Say! Say, didja ever notice that you never see Batman and Bruce Wayne together? Anyone? Just saying!!"

You're KILLING me here, sidekick o' mine. KILLING* me.

* Dead

by Debaser » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:34 pm

Ben wrote:So, I hear it sucks. Does it suck? I ain't buying it, anyway.
Don't. You'll hate it. That doesn't necessarily mean it sucks, but it means its suckitude-or-non-suckitude is buried under a thousand pounds of completely undocumented interface and engine and, unless you really and truly feel like playing video game archeologist on the off chance you'll win the great game lotto, it's just not worth your hard earned money (or the cash you made by selling your food stamps, whatever). Needless to say, there are plenty of good games out there that don't require nearly as much up front investment. I've pretty much given up on experimenting with it, and it will sit on my CD rack until such time as:

A. The first patch is released.
B. Quicksilver puts out an updated manual online (as I've heard tell they plan to do).

In any event, the game will bomb. Harshly. Which is a shame because a lot of what these guys were trying to do is really, really cool in the theoretical.

by Worm » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:22 pm

Wow, I wonder if Forum Socialist and Leaped Frog are the same person. I heard it sucked too.

by Leaped Frog » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:05 pm

What? No. Don't listen to this simpleton. It doesn't suck.

by Forum Socialist » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:05 pm

Yeah. Sucks.

by Ben » Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:17 pm

So, I hear it sucks. Does it suck? I ain't buying it, anyway.

P.S. I cannot be bothered to read the rest of this thread, which probably already answers the above question several times.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:06 am

This is a test:


OK, it doesn't appear to be there on preview. I would love to rip out ALL the emoticons that show up under "Message Body" when you go to write a new message, but it caused some form of drama that I wasn't ready to deal with when I tried that back in April.

I should note that I hate the rolleyes smiley with passion that normal men use while commiting their serial death crimes.

I'm kinda glad that there are no avatars here and that nobody uses a sig with any graphics in them, actually. I wouldn't want all the BBSs to be like that (in some cases, avatars can be funny) but I guess I am glad that this one is like that.

by Debaser » Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:59 am


If I ever see (little green animated eye-rolling smiley that thank causality doesn't seem to exist on this BBS) again after this week I'm fairly certain I will harm something dear to me.

by Mewling Fanboy » Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:15 am

Debaser wrote:Of course, this means everytime I sit down to play, I check the internet for updated advice/info, get bogged down reading (especially since every thread post-release for every game ever inevitably turns into a giant flame-war between mewling fanboys and over-expectant self-absorbed trogladytes) and generally feel pretty burned out by the time I'm ready to actually fire the game up.

by Debaser » Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:04 am


I did, point of fact, buy the game on Wednesday as planned. I played the shit out of it on Wednesday, and haven't really fired it up for great length since. Part of that's situational (I actually tried to socialize with my coworkers on Friday, and spent most of today arranging my new furniture), but a lot of it's that I'm spending far more time reading about the game than playing it.

Glad I didn't buy the strat guide, as it's apparently much out of date, and lurking on the various forae seems to be the way to go for folks (like myself) who despise learning by trial and error. Of course, this means everytime I sit down to play, I check the internet for updated advice/info, get bogged down reading (especially since every thread post-release for every game ever inevitably turns into a giant flame-war between mewling fanboys and over-expectant self-absorbed trogladytes) and generally feel pretty burned out by the time I'm ready to actually fire the game up.

So, anyway my verdict as of this moment is that the game looks really really cool in theory, but might not actually be fun for another patch or so due to various issues. If I have a better handle on the game by next weekend, I might just up and feed the content beaver.

by Debaser » Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:57 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: I read somewhere (possibly that MOO3 thread) that Deus Ex was a game where none of the weapons did any damage. I certainly got that impression in the time that I have spent with it.
Do any damage to the player or to the enemy? If the former, yeah probably, at least in the early going. But you are an nano-powered weapon of mass destruction and everything. But sniper rifles, and the "heavy" weapons (flamethrowers and the like) can pretty much demolish you in a shot or two. Later on you'll encounter these bionic commando guys who you absolutely cannot take in a fair fight. If the latter, I ain't seeing it at all. Or, at least, I ain't seeing it any more than I did in Mafia or NOLF. Maybe you just need to take more headshots. Or else stop using tranq darts and the fucking stealth pistol.

Surprisingly for me, though, I got my rocks off by playing Mr. Nice Guy in that game. I got through the first couple areas without capping a single terrorist; and, later, when you have to betray UNATCO because they're a pawn of the evil conspiracy (I don't think I'm spoiling anything with that, right?), I replayed that level several times until I figured out how to avoid getting into a shootout with my former comrades. Of course, then I had to slaughter an entire platoon of them in the very next scene, but at least that time they were the aggressors instead of vice-versa.

by Debaser » Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:44 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Icewind Dale II did the same thing, in terms of getting all meta on me when they said that I'd have to go do a Fedex quest. Hey, howabout instead of sheepishly apologizing for a shitty stretch, you devs instead REMOVE said shitty stretch from the game?
Yeah, but that was a pretty short stretch, and at least they gave you that magical teleporting kid to get it over with quickly.

Really, they were kind of locked into a pacing problem there. They had two attacks (the one at the docks at the very start of the game, and then the one at the walls that occurs after the aforementioned fedexing) and obviously needed to put some level of "time lapse" between them, in order to pace the game's plot effectively, give the various townsfolk running around enough personality so that you at least notice when the goblins start slaughtering them, and then to give players time to equip themselves, get settled in, and conduct the ever-popular side quests. And you've got to fill that stretch of time with some sort of motivated task. Granted, they could theoretically have solved it better probably, but I didn't find it terribly egregious or anything.

by Roody_Yogurt » Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:39 pm

I think I was just so happy that they were continuing the Zork franchise that I'm a lot easier on RTZ than I really should be. Zork: Nemesis is the one that I absolutely scorn, both puzzle-wise and thematically. It's pretty much a non-Zork game with Zork slapped on its title and maybe some mentions of Antharia here and there. Some people like it for this while I detest it.

by Debaser » Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:31 pm

Roody_Yogurt wrote:Just to voice my disagreement, didn't Zork: Nemesis bite the big Myst cock first? I enjoyed Zork: Grand Inquisitor. I thought the humor was there, and I got the feeling that time around that the designers were actually familiar with the Zork games. And then when you throw in A*Team actors, it gets better.

I guess I've forgotten enough of the game that I could replay it if I wanted and see if I still enjoy it.
Really, when you get right down to it, didn't Return to Zork bite the aforementioned "Myst Cock" before Myst even came out? Then again, my entire memory of that game boils down to "Want some rye? Course ya do!", so take any comments on it with a grain of salt.

by loafergirl » Tue Feb 25, 2003 4:57 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Debaser wrote:Hey Jonsey, you're the guy who seriously follows all this game development stuff, right?
I'll edit this if any girls start posting in this thread. But the answer is.... YES!
Do I count? Bwahahahha, just here to torment the masses =)


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 25, 2003 3:48 pm

... and again, sorry. That last bit was me straining to work in a Duke Nukem 4 shot. I have a contract to fulfill with certain parties, and if I don't do a certain amount of mewling I don't receive the monies. (No kill fee either, unfortunately.)
