Ok Chris and all you ACK designers out there. I've whipped up a little treat for y'all! And just in time for Christmas! ;)
First you'll need to dl ImageMagick if you haven't already. Heres the link to the official dl page with all the different distros for various OS's.
If you want it portable like for usb drive or stick you can dl the static version. I dl'd the Win32 dynamic binary which installs itself into the registry.
I dl'd both the 8bit and 16bit versions just in case but ended up using the 16bit first in case that was needed just to read 16bit files before converting them to 8bit. I never installed 8bit since the 16bit version worked just fine. I'm guessing 8bit is for if you have a really old system.
Anyway, go ahead and install the distro of your choice. Dynamic is best as that way you can be sure that IM's commands will work from any directory on your comp. Static is supposed to too though by setting an environment variable in addition to adding itself to the path.
The batch file I made is designed to run from any directory that contains the tiles you wish to merge and convert into one 320x200 BMP. Preferably 16x16 tiles so they dont get resized which would result in unpredictable quality - and yes if they are not 16x16 they will be automatically resized but the original png files will not be changed at all.
The output files are saved to a new directory created by the batch file. Also, if you wanted to merge a bunch of files of some other format all you need to do is edit the batch file and replace '../*.png' with '../*.gif' or '../*.bmp' '../*.ppm' or whatever format. ImageMagic can read a bewildering number of formats including uncommon or older ones. If you wanted you could edit the batch file to process a comination of formats. If you need help with how to do that just ask.
Here is the batch file...
md montages
cd montages
montage ../*.png -geometry 16x16+2+2 -tile 16x9 -format bmp -depth 8 -size 320x200 tileset.bmp
No matter where you install ImageMagic - the default directory or one of your choosing it will be functional from any drive or directory from the command prompt. You can just copy the above batch file text to a new text file in notepad and save it as whatever name you want
except "montage" or "convert" which are ImageMagic commands and make sure you choose SaveAs and add the .bat extension to the name you choose and enclose the whole name+ext in quotes so it doesnt save as a text file. And save it to the directory where the files to merge are located.
Once saved you can copy the file to other directories if you have other collections you wish to merge or you can just save it to the ImageMagic directory or Windows/system directory so that it can be invoked from anywhere at the command prompt. If you save it to the directory where your files are you can just click on it in Windows without going to command prompt. If you run from command prompt,
and didn't put a copy in c:\windows\system or the ImageMagic root directory, you'll need to navigate to the directory the files are in for it to work unless you have
command prompt here in the Windows Explorer's right click context menu.
I have it so that if you have more tiles than will fit into one 320x200 8bit BMP it will automatically create multiple 320x200 8bit BMPs until it runs out of tiles. Any other types of files in the directory will be ignored and your 320x200 BMPs will be saved to a new directory called "montages". If there are more than one resulting 320x200 BMP they will be named tileset1.bmp, tileset2.bmp, etc.
Ok Chris and all you ACK designers out there. I've whipped up a little treat for y'all! And just in time for Christmas! ;)
First you'll need to dl ImageMagick if you haven't already. Heres the link to the official dl page with all the different distros for various OS's.
If you want it portable like for usb drive or stick you can dl the static version. I dl'd the Win32 dynamic binary which installs itself into the registry.
I dl'd both the 8bit and 16bit versions just in case but ended up using the 16bit first in case that was needed just to read 16bit files before converting them to 8bit. I never installed 8bit since the 16bit version worked just fine. I'm guessing 8bit is for if you have a really old system.
Anyway, go ahead and install the distro of your choice. Dynamic is best as that way you can be sure that IM's commands will work from any directory on your comp. Static is supposed to too though by setting an environment variable in addition to adding itself to the path.
The batch file I made is designed to run from any directory that contains the tiles you wish to merge and convert into one 320x200 BMP. Preferably 16x16 tiles so they dont get resized which would result in unpredictable quality - and yes if they are not 16x16 they will be automatically resized but the original png files will not be changed at all.
The output files are saved to a new directory created by the batch file. Also, if you wanted to merge a bunch of files of some other format all you need to do is edit the batch file and replace '../*.png' with '../*.gif' or '../*.bmp' '../*.ppm' or whatever format. ImageMagic can read a bewildering number of formats including uncommon or older ones. If you wanted you could edit the batch file to process a comination of formats. If you need help with how to do that just ask.
Here is the batch file...
md montages
cd montages
montage ../*.png -geometry 16x16+2+2 -tile 16x9 -format bmp -depth 8 -size 320x200 tileset.bmp
No matter where you install ImageMagic - the default directory or one of your choosing it will be functional from any drive or directory from the command prompt. You can just copy the above batch file text to a new text file in notepad and save it as whatever name you want [i]except "montage" or "convert" which are ImageMagic commands[/i] and make sure you choose SaveAs and add the .bat extension to the name you choose and enclose the whole name+ext in quotes so it doesnt save as a text file. And save it to the directory where the files to merge are located.
Once saved you can copy the file to other directories if you have other collections you wish to merge or you can just save it to the ImageMagic directory or Windows/system directory so that it can be invoked from anywhere at the command prompt. If you save it to the directory where your files are you can just click on it in Windows without going to command prompt. If you run from command prompt, [i]and didn't put a copy in c:\windows\system or the ImageMagic root directory[/i], you'll need to navigate to the directory the files are in for it to work unless you have [i]command prompt here[/i] in the Windows Explorer's right click context menu.
I have it so that if you have more tiles than will fit into one 320x200 8bit BMP it will automatically create multiple 320x200 8bit BMPs until it runs out of tiles. Any other types of files in the directory will be ignored and your 320x200 BMPs will be saved to a new directory called "montages". If there are more than one resulting 320x200 BMP they will be named tileset1.bmp, tileset2.bmp, etc.