Rule 34 Is a Great Way to Kill Off a Conversation

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by loafergirl » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:51 am

trekkie geek wrote:
Flack wrote:I thought only Vulcans had blue blood ...
No, it's green.
It is. I'm frightened because I know this, but it is.

by Flack » Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:06 pm

I thought that was Timothy Dalton from Flash Gordon?

Man I'm getting my 80s movie aliens all mixed up.

by trekkie geek » Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:14 pm

Flack wrote:I thought only Vulcans had blue blood ...
No, it's green.

by Flack » Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:27 pm

I thought only Vulcans had blue blood ...

by AArdvark » Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:20 pm

Please tell me you never actually believed the red/blue blood color scheme. Oh, it's just fine for political purposes and everything, although I doubt there are really any states of those colors. we went to Vermont last October and the primary color was foliage. Just remember those teachers will tell you anything to make you shut up and be quiet. And the textbooks! Remember, the winners wrote those...the losers wanted the pictures of blood to be joker green/purple but....

they lost.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:57 am

I am willing to have pho at any place near where you live this upcoming week, on any day but Monday.

(I hate going out to lunch on Monday.)

The only blood will be from when I smash my fist into your nose to punctuate the sentence about how FUCKEN GOOD the pho is.

(It won't be gelled.)

Speaking of which - I read recently that blood is actually at NO time blue in the human body. We were taught for years that it's blue next to the heart, or that it turns red when air hits it. No, this isn't even remotely true. Did anyone else -- was anyone else taught that some human blood is blue? It always seemed like a load of horseshit, but I was told it so young I never questioned it.

by pinback » Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:38 am

I haven't had Pho in I think nearly, or over a month. This is the longest I have gone Pho-less in recent memory.

I may have to take steps.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:06 pm

Seriously, I had a craving for some pho, but the gelled blood thing has put it towards the back of the queue.

Oh, I should also say that I DID go to the Best Pho 2007 in Colorado place with Pinner and savvyraven. It is an excellent pho place, with excellent pho. I couldn't quite tell the difference in quality between it and the place near where I live, but that's fine - everyone can be a winner, then.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:53 pm

They put BLOOD in pho? I am supposed to get some with Pinback on Wednesday. Since when did they start putting BLOOD in there? I don't care who it's from! Including my own!

"I wouldn't bet on you." -- Fortune Telling Machine, BioShock

by Flack » Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:01 pm

Ah, that makes more sense. My dad graduated from Thonton, Illinois.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:21 pm

Flack wrote:There's a place pretty close to me called Pho 89 (it's off 89th street). I didn't realize they all did that.

Pho 89 is known as "that one place my boss ordered soup that had gelled blood in it on accident and now everyone's afraid to go back in there."

Was Pinback referring to Thornton, IL?
He was referring to Thornton, CO... home of.... me!

by Flack » Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:01 pm

Worm wrote:Wait, so they accidentally added gelled blood? Cuz, if someone bled into his soup it probably should be a bigger issue.
I don't think it was "accidentally added" as much as it was "accidentally ordered." Either way, it was "accidentally ingested," thus the pho-phear.

by Type O 34 » Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:41 pm

There's a Pho (number) place on 104th and Federal. As that is in Westminster, Thornton's no-number-pho record is safe.

by Worm » Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:16 am

Wait, so they accidentally added gelled blood? Cuz, if someone bled into his soup it probably should be a bigger issue.

by Flack » Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:15 am

There's a place pretty close to me called Pho 89 (it's off 89th street). I didn't realize they all did that.

Pho 89 is known as "that one place my boss ordered soup that had gelled blood in it on accident and now everyone's afraid to go back in there."

Was Pinback referring to Thornton, IL?

by AArdvark » Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:50 pm

You should put all the chat conversations you and pinback have in a book. Seriously. Napalm scars! I chortled aloud at that image.


Rule 34 Is a Great Way to Kill Off a Conversation

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:59 pm

ICJ: I am just saying, every pho place I have gone to is quick
Pinback: They do not fuck around. "YOU WANT DA FOO??" "YA!" "HERE DA FO!!!"
Pinback: this is the hardest of the hardcore. The place is huge, for a pho place. Just a big room full of asians slurping soup.
Pinback: I imagine it is what Vietnam looks like, except with fewer people with napalm scars.
ICJ: Yeah
ICJ: I always thought that was from acne
ICJ: But nobody loved the smell of monoxidyl in the morning

Pinback: Anyway, some day we will hit that shit, cuz that shit is the money.
ICJ: That would be perfect. I'd be "in".
Pinback: Right next to it is Pho 53. Know what I say to that? FUCK PHO 53.
ICJ: Why??
Pinback: Was pho 53 voted Best Pho in Denver 2007?
Pinback: WAS IT?!?!
ICJ: Uh - no?
Pinback: Yeah, that's what I thought.
ICJ: Okay!

ICJ: Was.... uh - heh, I am hesitant to ask
ICJ: Was, uh, the other place voted best?
Pinback: I saw it on some website, I think.
Pinback: If you type "best pho denver 2007" the first link is to pho 79,
ICJ: Wait, these places are really called that?
ICJ: Pho 53 and Pho 79?
Pinback: yes
Pinback: This is what most pho places are called.
Pinback: Only up in Thornton do they name them non-numbered things.
ICJ: What's Pho 34? Do you have it with a giant black dildo and someone who dresses up as Scooby Doo?
Pinback: okay, gotta go!

(Rule 34 is an Internet meme that says that anything you can imagine has been sexualized by something. Or as I like to call it, the "Rule That Lets Me Get Back to Fallout 3.")
