What? I'm confused. They are referring to a Fallout 3 in relation to this new game. There is no Fallout 3.
Well, that's clearly insane. At any rate, with Fallout 3 being one of the best-selling games of last year (and I assume this one) there's gonna be a 4 and 5, too!
No, whats insane is the obsession of the masses with 3d eye candy. Yes of course its one of the best sellers and of course there will be many sequels. Thats exactly how the 3d gaming industry works. 3d game software technology is the perfect money maker for these big software corporations. The can practically automate the process of churning out these games similar to the way you can easily make your own 3d game with First Person Shooter Creator.
Yes, I realize they put a lot of work into making each one different and special but most of that work and creativity goes into the virtual physics [like that recent game review of that unfinished PC game with the awesome skydiving sensation] or the uphill battle to get the textures to wrap around the 3d models and environs without losing their original pixel perfect quality. Much of what older RPGs concentrated almost exclusively on consequently gets sacrificed upon the alter of technological progress.
I place more importance on the traditional RPG elements and I am simply more impressed with what a team of artists can do with pixels in 2d and/or text than what a team of company men can do with the latest gadgets like digital cameras, and expensive 3d modeling software.
Ok I respect your opinion as a fellow retro game expert and enthusiast and so I will grant you that Bethesda's creation probably is really cool. I must admit I was impressed by the screenshots of the realistic ruins which are indeed beautiful in a dark apocalyptic kind of way, which I do like.
However, I like to be able to play all my games on the same machine for the life of that computer without ever having to shell out the big bucks for the latest hardware just to be able to play the latest games. That being the case, plus the fact that I feel more at home in non-3d environments, I am content to never play the latest big budget commercial game industry productions.
There are plenty of emulators, retro game roms and images, and retro style indie games that run perfectly on older PCs to keep me fully satisfied for the rest of my years. Call me atavistic, backward, old fashioned, a stubborn old crumudgeon, or what you will but that's just who I am and I like it that way.
I am a true Fallout fan having been among it's first players when Fallout 1 first came out and also having been there and played Wasteland when it first came out as well.
Hey hey, now! Fallout didn't follow Wasteland's interface. And Fallout 3 is a lot closer in interface and tone to Wasteland than Fallout 1/2 ever were.
True true, Fallout was not a true sequal to Wasteland, however taking that as our presupposition and taking that logic to it's conclusion we must admit that the same true of the new Bethesda game that calls itself Fallout 3. That would be exactly like if Black Isle would have chosen to call it's spiritual successor/tribute to Wasteland "Wasteland 2" instead of Fallout 1.
When I say the new 3d game is not true to Fallout I do not mean to imply that Fallout was true to Wasteland. Fallout is just not Fallout in a 3d engine. The whole experience that is Fallout is lost in a 3d environment IMHO. I would say the same thing for Wasteland. It just belongs in a top down 8bit environment and would not be Wasteland anymore in the more advanced isometric Fallout environment.