by rld » Fri May 08, 2009 12:24 pm
In room-type regions, if I place a takeable item (like a misc item) in an otherwise empty location, the player is blocked from walking over the item.
If I put a 'floor' (a space object) under the item, the player can then walk over the item ok.
This doesn't show up in worldmap regions; in those types of regions, you can put an item in empty space and the player can move over it without any problem.
I verified this using the Ultima kit as well, by making a new adventure, importing the Ultima kit and making a couple of test regions. In the room-type region, if I put a 'food' object on empty space, the player cannot walk over it, but if I put a brick floor down first, the food item can then be walked over.
In room-type regions, if I place a takeable item (like a misc item) in an otherwise empty location, the player is blocked from walking over the item.
If I put a 'floor' (a space object) under the item, the player can then walk over the item ok.
This doesn't show up in worldmap regions; in those types of regions, you can put an item in empty space and the player can move over it without any problem.
I verified this using the Ultima kit as well, by making a new adventure, importing the Ultima kit and making a couple of test regions. In the room-type region, if I put a 'food' object on empty space, the player cannot walk over it, but if I put a brick floor down first, the food item can then be walked over.