[RAMEN MAGIC] Niggarigged Bun

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Expand view Topic review: [RAMEN MAGIC] Niggarigged Bun

by Yumiko » Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:59 pm

pinback wrote:^______^
Ah! There is new ramen effort. Must be particularly innovative in any way out, but we also have a diet, so tonight without beef in the weight or so, things like, may leave the heavy stomach.

by pinback » Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:15 pm


The link to this page is being disseminated to a large group of Vietnamese and other Asian people! Let's all make them feel welcome!!


by ChainGangGuy » Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:55 am

Yum! I can't wait to see what this Ramen Magician pulls from his sleeve next.

[RAMEN MAGIC] Niggarigged Bun

by pinback » Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:49 am

Welcome to our first in a series of new recipes which appeal to the broke-ass among us who just aren't satisfied anymore with following the directions on the ramen packs! It's time to make RAMEN MAGIC!

For our first trick, we will be presenting Niggarigged Bun. Bun (pronounced "boon") is a classic Vietnamese noodle salad dish, served usually with a variety of herbs and some meat doused with a delicate fish sauce, and other than the ubiquitous pho represents the pinnacle of Vietnamese cuisine and comfort food, and which shouldn't cost more than $1 to make if you follow the below instructions!

- 1 pack beef-flavored ramen
- Some thinly sliced, cheap-ass beef (can be eliminated if you can't afford any beef)
- A few tablespoons of Niggarigged Nuoc Mam (see below)
- Some chopped cilantro
- Some chopped green onions
- Some bean sprouts

1. Boil some water! Put the ramen noodles and beef in the water once it's boiling!

2. Boil it for three minutes until the noodles are done!

3. Quick-strain the noodles and beef. This means, you know, strain it out, but not really aggressively, because you want at least a little bit of moisture left on the noodles to dissolve the flavor pack in.

4. Transfer noodles/beef to a bowl, add half the flavor pack, and toss to coat.

5. Top noodles with cilantro, onions, and sprouts.

6. Pour niggarigged nuoc mam over top.

7. Enjoy??

NIGGARIGGED NUOC MAM ("nuoc mam" is a classic Vietnamese fish sauce, used as dressing for salads, and for dipping, and pretty much for everything else.)

- 8 oz warm water
- 2 tbsp cheap-ass fish sauce
- 2 tbsp lime juice (in a bottle is fine! We are niggarigging this!)
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- Chile paste, or dried crushed chiles, or cayenne power, or something hot like that, to taste.

1. Mix all ingredients together.
2. Let cool in fridge.
