by AArdvark » Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:45 pm
Well, I'm back. Three crazy days of fun and sun. So let me start from the beginning.
Remember way back in the drunk base when I asked what there is to do in Maine? more specifically, what is there to do in Bangor?
Well the answer is not a whole hell of a lot. Left Thursday morning, early. Drove to Albany and turned left. Originally we wanted to stay off the expressways in order to see more of the country. Turnpikes are boring as fuck. All they do is get you there. So we set the 'ol GPS on 'scenic route'. This is kind of a mistake as the device cannot tell a secondary road from some dirt road going thru somebody's cornfield. At one point it told us: 'Now turn left, onto..Old Hogback Road.' I swear I'm not making this up, Old Hogback Road was a dirt and rock track leading off into the deep woods at a twelve degree down-slope. This was a little TOO scenic for us so we looked at each other and just kept going straight. Driving through Bubba Leather-face's moonshine campground is not what we had in mind here.
So we get to Bangor. Bangor is not as large a city as I would have thought. I would say the size of Batavia for those of you that know Western New York. You might call it quaint. I would call it built on a hill. I have since found out that everything in Maine is built on a hill, including soccer fields and airport runways.
I did get my picture taken in front of Stephen King's house.
The cool thing about Bangor is that King basically wrote about the city and called it Derry in 'IT'. You can see the big plastic stature of Paul Bunyan in the park. You can see the three way intersection at the bottom of Up-Mile Hill. You can drive by the fine old houses on West Broadway (where he lives, BTW) You can actually see the standpipe where the drowned dead kids live.
you can also see the Castle Rock bandstand where the girls were killed in 'The Dead Zone'. It was kinda cool in a surreal way.
I have a weird bible thumping wedding and reception to talk about in the next posting installment, but first here are some pictures.
Well, I'm back. Three crazy days of fun and sun. So let me start from the beginning.
Remember way back in the drunk base when I asked what there is to do in Maine? more specifically, what is there to do in Bangor?
Well the answer is not a whole hell of a lot. Left Thursday morning, early. Drove to Albany and turned left. Originally we wanted to stay off the expressways in order to see more of the country. Turnpikes are boring as fuck. All they do is get you there. So we set the 'ol GPS on 'scenic route'. This is kind of a mistake as the device cannot tell a secondary road from some dirt road going thru somebody's cornfield. At one point it told us: 'Now turn left, onto..Old Hogback Road.' I swear I'm not making this up, Old Hogback Road was a dirt and rock track leading off into the deep woods at a twelve degree down-slope. This was a little TOO scenic for us so we looked at each other and just kept going straight. Driving through Bubba Leather-face's moonshine campground is not what we had in mind here.
So we get to Bangor. Bangor is not as large a city as I would have thought. I would say the size of Batavia for those of you that know Western New York. You might call it quaint. I would call it built on a hill. I have since found out that everything in Maine is built on a hill, including soccer fields and airport runways.
I did get my picture taken in front of Stephen King's house.
The cool thing about Bangor is that King basically wrote about the city and called it Derry in 'IT'. You can see the big plastic stature of Paul Bunyan in the park. You can see the three way intersection at the bottom of Up-Mile Hill. You can drive by the fine old houses on West Broadway (where he lives, BTW) You can actually see the standpipe where the drowned dead kids live.
you can also see the Castle Rock bandstand where the girls were killed in 'The Dead Zone'. It was kinda cool in a surreal way.
I have a weird bible thumping wedding and reception to talk about in the next posting installment, but first here are some pictures.