ChainGangGuy wrote:
1. Do you know if Bendis is working on any other titles besides Daredevil?
Yeah, he's also writing Alias (which I get each month), Powers (ditto) and Ultimate Spider-Man (which I don't). I'm trying to recall if there are any other monthly titles that he writes, but I am drawing a blank.
2. What was the outcome of the White Tiger trial?
White Tiger was found guilty, and then lost it after the verdict was read. He started freaking out. He got a hold of a gun and was on the court steps when he was met by a squad of cops. He didn't drop the weapon and was shot dead outside the courtroom.
3. Occasionally, I'll hastily thumb through a Daredevil issue while shopping for Spider-Man and Strangers in Paradise comics. This is what I've noticed: it seems like he's never actually battling anyone. Maybe I'm flipping through too quickly... so anyway, is he "laying low" or do I just not know what I speak of?
Right, this is indeed quite accurate. He pasted Mister Hyde along with Spider-Man a few issues back, but other than that he really hasn't gone up against a villain in pure melee mode for quite some time. The thing is, though, with Matt Murdock being "outed" as Daredevil, it hasn't been easy for him to 'get away from it all' and just start pounding guys, I guess. I think it's OK in this book, though, because the author isn't making a big deal out of there being fewer DD scenes: a lot goes on in each issue, it's really entertaining and the dialogue is great. I quit reading Hulk during the last run because the author over there seemed to get off on the fact that the Hulk wasn't around. Some kind of less is more approach or something. I don't know. Maybe when you're obsessed like me regarding the DD book you don't mind so much.
4. Assuming he still does engage in combat with super-villains, who's he fighting these days? The only Daredevil villains I can name* are:
The Owl (Is he still crippled?)
Not sure, be he's around currently.
Mr. Hyde
Yeah, he was in 7 or 8 issues ago. "Mighty Thor my ass." -- Spider-Man
Mr. Fear
No signs of Mr. Fear.
Stilt-Man gave up the business. He turned his armor into Matt, after the papers outed him as Daredevil. I scanned part of his last scene for some discussion we were having in AB101. The one thread that got derailed into silliness.
Haven't seen any of these guys recently.
*I can only name them because they've crossed over into Spider-Man's turf once or twice.
Right. DD definitely needs some new vilians. The book is currently in great hands, but if Bendis one day got sick of it and Quesada came out of nowhere and said WRITE THIS BOOK what I would love to do is take 12 months, get a young, hungry, up-and-coming and altogether unique artist, and then go on a villain rampage for a year. Introduce a few new ones, re-establish ties with the old ones, basically do what David Michelene and Todd McFarlane did with Spider-Man in the late 80s.
Typhoid Mary is supposed to come back pretty soon, however. The book's artist drew a picture of her for a cover and gave her a costume that showed her wearing a nipple ring, but it was unfortunately CENSORED. Or reworked, anyway.
Here's a good recap of her adventures with Daredevil.