Boycott Toys R Us

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broken dvd

by » Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:54 pm

They would not take back a DVD that came out of the package broken... my 2 1/2 year old cried for 5 minutes over this and then again when we had to tell them they wouldn't fix the problem... I will post their response to my email complaint to their Cdn HQ. :razz:

Shipping splatter

by milker » Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:18 pm

I would just love to see if they give you crap when trying to return the item based on the shape of the box if anything is broken. I mean these type of places are just the ones to base your return on how badly the box is damaged. Not only that, but if you are like me, I tend to like to keep my shipped items on my front door a little bit private. You know, getting those blowup dolls from Sweden may make the goody goodies in my neighborhood go into a permanent oh face and call the HOA.

I hope this story has a happy ending. And not the kind a blowup doll may provide. Happy Holidays!

by Jack Straw » Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:38 pm

hypothetically broken.
definitely saw it although the UPS guy tried his best to throw it in the garage before she saw it. (School bus rolled up right afterwards) I really like the way he handled the situation, I know ONE UPS guy who's getting a nice tip this Xmas.

Crisis averted anyway since it ended up being the main present for the baby. Toys r us still dont give a fuck.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:49 pm

Jesus! So it was broken, AND your girl knew she was getting it, or just one of those? That's amazing. I've never seen something sent that way before, and I've definitely deserved something like that through arcade purchases.

by CO » Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:23 pm

I thought Wal-Mart and Amazon had killed them already. Surely it won't be much longer till they go the way of circuit city.

Boycott Toys R Us

by Jack Straw » Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:31 am

Well, the biggest toy store in the States apparently doesn't care about ruining kid's Christmases, all they care about is the almighty dollar.

My wife ordered the main present for my daughter - a huge dollhouse - from Toys R Us online and had it shipped to the house.
I'll be damned if they didn't ship the thing in the original white and pink box with pictures of the dollhouse all over it. They didn't put it in another box, they didn't even wrap it in cheap brown paper. They simply slapped a UPS label on to it and sent it off.
Especially at this time of year, is it really worth saving the extra couple cents by not covering the box? Not to mention the thing could be in pieces after getting thrown around by UPS and we wouldn't know it until Christmas morning. Imagine the disappointment to open your one present you wanted most and it's broken.

Of course, the UPS guy is bringing it off the truck just as the bus rolls up.

Boycott Toys R Us. They don't deserve to be the largest toy store.
