Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
In the blue book was the description for an undead monster called the "vision." Does anyone have the book that I am describing? Does anyone have the DM entry for that particular monster? The vision has been removed from subsequent versions of AD&D, so all my texts come up short. I kind of need to have my memory refreshed on the vision for this thing I am doing, so if anyone has access to the text and can post it or take a scan of it, that would be of tremendous aid to me.
Well, I've already talked to Jonsey on the phone, but what the hell.
This is from AD&D v1 <i>Fiend Folio</i>, 1981, which is probably the source for the Vision in the later Expert set which I don't have. The Vision isn't in the 1980 Expert set, which I do have.
The following text is doubtless now owned by Hasbro, but whatever:
FREQUENCY: <i>Very rare</i>
NO. APPEARING: <i>1</i>
ARMOUR CLASS: <i>0 (10)</i>
MOVE: <i>15"</i>
HIT DICE: <i>8</i>
% IN LAIR: <i>Nil</i>
NO. OF ATTACKS: <i>Nil</i>
SPECIAL ATTACKS: <i>Ageing</i>
SPECIAL DEFENCES: <i>Semi-ethereal, immune to normal weapons and missiles</i>
ALIGNMENT: <i>Lawful evil</i>
SIZE: <i>M</i>
Attack/Defence Modes: <i>Nil</i>
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: <i>VI/825 + 10 per hit point</i>
Misguided research by a high-level illusionist (which led quickly to his death) created the visions -- summond beings which appears as shadows. The visions are unable to return to their own plane until their physical manifestations are destroyed on the <i>Ethereal/Prime Material Plane</i>; thus they roam the underworld in perpetual frustration and attack all they meet.
A vision exists partially on the <i>Prime Material Plane</i> and partially on the <i>Ethereal Plane</i>; if attacked from the material plane they are treated as AC0, but if attacked ethereally they are AC10.
A vision attacks by suggestion, not by physical means. Anyone seeing a vision within 30' must roll 3d6, add 3, and compare the result with his intelligence. If the character's intelligence is the greater, he has saved and can no longer be threatened by that particular vision. Any previous 'ageing' he has suffered is seen to have been unreal. A character failing to save will believe that he has aged ten years (the effects of ageing are covered in <b>ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE</b>). Each character seeing a vision is 'attacked' in the same way and must attempt the special saving throw, repeating the process each round.
If a character kills a vision, he must make a normal saving throw against magic; if this is successful, the apparent ageing vanishes, but if not it is real and permanent.
A vision can only be attacked by magical or silver weapons on either plane of its existence. The clerical <i>bless</i> spell inflicts 3-18 hit points of damage on it, while <i>dispel illusion</i> cast on a vision causes 0-5 (d6 minus 1) hit points of damage on it per level of the caster (so a 7th level illusionist casting this spell on a vision would roll d6 seven times, subtracting 1 from each roll and adding the results).