Welcome to this new feature which is called:
What Is The Games That Pinback Is Looking Forward To Them Coming Out, So By Reading This Thread You Can Know About Some Games Coming Out That Pinback Is Excited About And Maybe You Would Be Too, If You Didn't Already Know About Them And Weren't Already Looking Forward To Them Also.
That is the new feature. In this feature I will count down, from #5 to #1, the games that are coming out in the next, say, year or so, that I am looking forward to enjoying.
So, without any further ado or explanation, I will now begin to count down those five. I will provide screen shots and release dates when possible. When it is not possible, I will not provide same.
#5: NHL 10
NHL 08 was the first hockey game I ever spent any real time with. NHL 09, which I bought about a week after getting NHL 08, is the game I have spent more time with on the Xbox than all the other Xbox games we have, combined. The new mode that lets you play as a single guy throughout an entire season still is the most interesting, compelling mode of any sports game I've ever played, and I've played at least three.
Robb and I nearly come to blows at least once a week arguing over whether NHL 09 is the best hockey game ever, or sucks balls because it doesn't have fucking
speed burst. The former is correct. I am looking forward, then, to NHL 10, because 10 is a higher number than 09, and apparently the fights are better.
Unfortunately because I am poor right now, I probably won't be able to get the game right when it's released, but I am looking forward to the time when I
#4: Starcraft 2
There was a time when this was far and away the #1 item on this list. There was a time when I'd gone so far as to actually
start a semi-fictional website about the upcoming game.
That was two years ago. With delay upon delay, upon variously strange announcements -- mainly that the original release would include only the Terran campaign, and you'd have to buy the other ones individually, upon the fact that I'm a little burnt out on the whole Starcraft
thing right now, it's slipped down to this spot. Once the day actually gets closer, if it ever does, it might go back up.
#3: Empires Of Steel
I found this by accident a couple days ago, and it immediately jumped up to #3! This is because it is the spiritual successor to Empire, and Empire Deluxe was the very first strategy game I ever loved.
So this is Empire, but with a few extra bells and whistles, and it's about damn time someone did a new Empire game.
#2: Tropico 3
RELEASE DATE: 10/20/09
I was already very excited about this because the original Tropico is one of my favorite games ever! You ran a tropical island, which I love, and could make money by distilling rum, which I love, and if anyone challenged your authority, you could have them shot in the face in broad daylight! Which I love!
My enthusiasm only grew, then, when I read
this preview which does everything but proclaim Tropico 3 the greatest computer game ever in history ever!
My enthusiasm grows
greater still each time I recall that I WILL be able to get this game on release date, because Jonsey gifted it to me over at Impulse, in exchange for certain services which I am not comfortable discussing in a public forum! Thank you, Ice Cream Jonsey!
But as great as my enthusiasm is for the above games, it is all dwarfed by my searing, insatiable anticipation for Pinback's Most Looked Forward To Game:
#1: Silent Hunter 5
Sub Game is far and away my favorite genre. The Silent Hunter series is far and away the best of that genre.
And Silent Hunter 5 will let you walk through the boat in first-person perspective.
Aw yeah.
Welcome to this new feature which is called: [b]What Is The Games That Pinback Is Looking Forward To Them Coming Out, So By Reading This Thread You Can Know About Some Games Coming Out That Pinback Is Excited About And Maybe You Would Be Too, If You Didn't Already Know About Them And Weren't Already Looking Forward To Them Also.[/b]
That is the new feature. In this feature I will count down, from #5 to #1, the games that are coming out in the next, say, year or so, that I am looking forward to enjoying.
So, without any further ado or explanation, I will now begin to count down those five. I will provide screen shots and release dates when possible. When it is not possible, I will not provide same.
[size=150][color=orange][b]#5: NHL 10[/b][/color][/size]
[b]PLATFORM: XBOX 360[/b]
[b]RELEASE DATE: 9/15/09[/b]
NHL 08 was the first hockey game I ever spent any real time with. NHL 09, which I bought about a week after getting NHL 08, is the game I have spent more time with on the Xbox than all the other Xbox games we have, combined. The new mode that lets you play as a single guy throughout an entire season still is the most interesting, compelling mode of any sports game I've ever played, and I've played at least three.
Robb and I nearly come to blows at least once a week arguing over whether NHL 09 is the best hockey game ever, or sucks balls because it doesn't have fucking [i]speed burst[/i]. The former is correct. I am looking forward, then, to NHL 10, because 10 is a higher number than 09, and apparently the fights are better.
Unfortunately because I am poor right now, I probably won't be able to get the game right when it's released, but I am looking forward to the time when I [i]can[/i].
[size=150][color=orange][b]#4: Starcraft 2[/b][/color][/size]
There was a time when this was far and away the #1 item on this list. There was a time when I'd gone so far as to actually [url=http://moltobenny.com/sc2/]start a semi-fictional website[/url] about the upcoming game.
That was two years ago. With delay upon delay, upon variously strange announcements -- mainly that the original release would include only the Terran campaign, and you'd have to buy the other ones individually, upon the fact that I'm a little burnt out on the whole Starcraft [i]thing[/i] right now, it's slipped down to this spot. Once the day actually gets closer, if it ever does, it might go back up.
[size=150][color=orange][b]#3: Empires Of Steel[/b][/color][/size]
I found this by accident a couple days ago, and it immediately jumped up to #3! This is because it is the spiritual successor to Empire, and Empire Deluxe was the very first strategy game I ever loved.
So this is Empire, but with a few extra bells and whistles, and it's about damn time someone did a new Empire game.
[size=150][color=orange][b]#2: Tropico 3[/b][/color][/size]
[b]RELEASE DATE: 10/20/09[/b]
I was already very excited about this because the original Tropico is one of my favorite games ever! You ran a tropical island, which I love, and could make money by distilling rum, which I love, and if anyone challenged your authority, you could have them shot in the face in broad daylight! Which I love!
My enthusiasm only grew, then, when I read [url=http://wargamer.com/article/2767/tropico-3]this preview[/url] which does everything but proclaim Tropico 3 the greatest computer game ever in history ever!
My enthusiasm grows [i]greater still[/i] each time I recall that I WILL be able to get this game on release date, because Jonsey gifted it to me over at Impulse, in exchange for certain services which I am not comfortable discussing in a public forum! Thank you, Ice Cream Jonsey!
But as great as my enthusiasm is for the above games, it is all dwarfed by my searing, insatiable anticipation for Pinback's Most Looked Forward To Game:
[size=150][color=orange][b]#1: Silent Hunter 5[/b][/color][/size]
Sub Game is far and away my favorite genre. The Silent Hunter series is far and away the best of that genre.
And Silent Hunter 5 will let you walk through the boat in first-person perspective.
Aw yeah.