by Tdarcos » Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:16 pm
There are two videos I found extremely interesting, on the subject of what you should say to the police if you are questioned. The first is by a law professor, and the second is approximately equal time by a police detective who follows him. If you think being innocent and telling the truth to the police can't get you into trouble, please watch this film.
[youtube][/youtube] Here's the police officer's "rebuttal":[youtube][/youtube]
The cop actually agreed with the professor about what you should say, and told how he "interviews" suspects and often gets them to confess.
There are two videos I found extremely interesting, on the subject of what you should say to the police if you are questioned. The first is by a law professor, and the second is approximately equal time by a police detective who follows him. If you think being innocent and telling the truth to the police can't get you into trouble, [i]please[/i] watch this film.
[youtube][/youtube] Here's the police officer's "rebuttal":[youtube][/youtube]
The cop actually agreed with the professor about what you should say, and told how he "interviews" suspects and often gets them to confess.