by Garth's Equipment Shop » Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:40 am
This one isn't really retro gaming related but I thought it was so damn funny and kind of fits into the whole theme of "what if characters in fiction could actually think about what they are doing and come to some funny realization about it..."
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Use Their Weapons
Read the comments too:
"He should of said try these on for sai's! "
This one isn't really retro gaming related but I thought it was so damn funny and kind of fits into the whole theme of "what if characters in fiction could actually think about what they are doing and come to some funny realization about it..."
[url=]The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Use Their Weapons[/url]
Read the comments too:
"He should of said try these on for sai's! "