[NANO-REVIEW] Starcraft 2

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by Finsternis » Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:21 am

pinback wrote:
Finsternis wrote:One very tiny group
You're calling South Korea a "very tiny group"??

C'mon, everyone knows Asians have very tiny penises.

by Flack » Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:08 pm

My wife asked me to quit using "FTW" on my blog because it wasn't appropriate for kids. When I asked her what she thought it meant. She said "F the World." I said "For the Win". We both had a good laugh. Then I punched her in the face.

by Wizard of Wor » Sun Sep 19, 2010 3:17 pm

I also agree. Fucking Blizzard. Every one of their games ended up using the same abbreviation as something else:

SC2: Starcraft 2/ Star Control 2
WoW: World of Warcraft / Wizard of Wor
WC2: Warcraft 2/ Wing Commander 2
D2: Diablo / er.... D. OK nobody cares about that one.


by Star Control 2 » Sun Sep 19, 2010 3:14 pm

Finsternis wrote:I refuse to stop using a standard gaming term that's been in use for decades just because the silly subculture of one single game decides they want to use it differently. If I told you not use "LOL" because in some minor subgroup I'm a part of it means "Love Our Lilacs", would you start using it differently? Yes, I know, you don't use LOL much yourself, but you get the point. One very tiny group doesn't get to arbitrarily redefine a term that a billion people use differently every day. You know what I mean. Live with it.

by pinback » Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:41 am

Finsternis wrote:One very tiny group
You're calling South Korea a "very tiny group"??


by Finsternis » Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:03 am

pinback wrote:I said "glhf" to you and you were all WHAAA??
Well, I hadn't heard that one before.
pinback wrote:Also, stop saying "PvP". It's CONFUSING. It makes me think only Protoss players are antisocial maniacs.
I refuse to stop using a standard gaming term that's been in use for decades just because the silly subculture of one single game decides they want to use it differently. If I told you not use "LOL" because in some minor subgroup I'm a part of it means "Love Our Lilacs", would you start using it differently? Yes, I know, you don't use LOL much yourself, but you get the point. One very tiny group doesn't get to arbitrarily redefine a term that a billion people use differently every day. You know what I mean. Live with it.

by pinback » Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:50 pm

I said "glhf" to you and you were all WHAAA??

Also, stop saying "PvP". It's CONFUSING. It makes me think only Protoss players are antisocial maniacs.

The worst

by Finsternis » Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:03 am

You know what IO hate a lot? PvP players who never say ANYTHING. Not a "gg", not a "hi", nothing. I'm guessing they are Koreans who don't speak English, but WTF? Even if I didn't speak the language of the player I was playing with, I'd at least learn a FEW expressions! It ruins the fun of both winning and losing.

by pinback » Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:08 pm



by pinback » Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:39 am

historic pinback wrote:I haven't stopped playing since the moment I loaded it up and created my battle.net account, and it's within the realm of believability that I may not play anything else for a long, long time. There just doesn't seem to be any reason to.
For the record, I got the game the day I got home from a business trip, on July... 29th, I want to say.

I have played it every single day since then. And that includes two other trips, including a vacation to Maine. Every day, at least once, I fired it up and played it.

That's over a month and a half so far.

Other games I have played during that time:

Other games I have ever gone on this sort of streak with:

Ladies and gentlemen, it took 39 years, but I think we finally found a game he likes.

(other than http://onlinegames.com/basketball )

by pinback » Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:42 pm

Jonsey, all of your problems will be solved within a couple days.

I have never loved a game more than this. I suck at it, it's okay. But I've played it every single day since I got it, and I have no plans of stopping any time soon. Every spare moment I get, I fire it up and do something with it.

SC2 is probably not the greatest game of all time, I don't know. All I know is, it's my favorite game of all time, officially now.

This is something you should know about me.

by RetroRomper » Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:45 pm

I have two or three copies of the trial if anyone needs them... PM me and I'll send the code your way. And it appears that me and Pinback are the only two people on this forum who are in any way fanatical about this (much less the only two denizens who own a full retail copy (I actually own two, so its three retail keys)).

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:30 pm

It was a mistake for me to install the trial version so quickly. Are you in Colorado this week, Pinner?

Does anyone else on the forum have a copy of this game? I can contribute to this thread.

Also, the thread on Caltrops about Starcraft 2 almost instantly turned into a round of shitposting. So there's another thing I have to do before the year is out: save my other site. I think most of the regulars that made that place are gone.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:40 pm

I want an answer.

Is the Firebat asking a question, or making a statement, when he says, "Time to turn up the heat".

I want some goddamn answers!

by pinback » Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:37 am

Some of them are very funny. I don't know if "funnier". The best line I've heard yet comes from the Firebat, who unfortunately is not in the core multiplayer game.

by AArdvark » Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:35 am

What I really want to know is...

Are the in-game comments from the NPCs and different units funnier than the first game?


by pinback » Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:13 am

On another note, that's another reason I love it. You always know you can get better, and unlike something like learning the chess openings, there's a much clearer, quicker path to getting better. Not a lot better, but better. You can see results within a couple of days. And each layer of the onion you peel, you see more ways of getting better.

I feel nothing but hope every time I lose a game. Because the goal of improving doesn't seem so far away.

I dunno, that could just be me.

I will be beginning a new feature here shortly, called "Starcraft 2: From Worse To Bad", which will help t0t4l N00BZ go from sucking completely to only kind of sucking. If you only kind of suck at this game, to me, you've done at least a little homework, which is way more than anyone would normally do for any game ever.

by pinback » Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:33 pm

The main user interface on the multiplayer side of things is a big button that says "quick match". This attempts to match you up with a random someone (or someones) at or around your skill level. So it doesn't matter how much you suck, there'll always be people that suck just as much.

by Flack » Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:22 pm

What sucks for me is, these games reward those who play more than others. I know that sounds stupid and babyish but ... for example, I tried that Star Wars MMORPG for a month or so and I could only play once or twice a week, so all the people I ran into quickly out-leveled me and then it wasn't any fun. Maybe I should quit my job and move to Korea.

by pinback » Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:26 pm

Flack wrote:Great review, Pinback. I would say my interest level before reading your review was 0% and now it's ... well it's still pretty low, but it's higher than it was.
This was my goal.
