by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Sep 26, 2010 3:32 pm
It falls under the Hall and Oates Corollary of Quality, which I will explain: my favorite band is Hall and Oates. Therefore, even their bad songs are - to me - much better than even the great songs of some other bands.
BioShock blew me away. I really enjoyed it, and I enjoy nothing these days. BioShock 2 starts you off as what should seemingly be a powerful character from the original game. But your player character is crippled. This makes sense from a game design standpoint (as a new player, you'll get more powerful) but sucked from a narrative standpoint, because all the enemies were skewering you from the get-go in BioShock 2.
There were a few more things to it that I put in a text file back in February, and I now can't find it. But BioShock 2 sucks because it was the sequel to BioShock. If it had been the sequel to Battlecruiser 3000 AD or Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3, it would be a triumph.
(Also, I haven't finished BioShock 2 yet. It could very well get better.)
It falls under the Hall and Oates Corollary of Quality, which I will explain: my favorite band is Hall and Oates. Therefore, even their bad songs are - to me - much better than even the great songs of some other bands.
BioShock blew me away. I really enjoyed it, and I enjoy nothing these days. BioShock 2 starts you off as what should [i]seemingly[/i] be a powerful character from the original game. But your player character is crippled. This makes sense from a game design standpoint (as a new player, you'll get more powerful) but sucked from a narrative standpoint, because all the enemies were skewering you from the get-go in BioShock 2.
There were a few more things to it that I put in a text file back in February, and I now can't find it. But BioShock 2 sucks because it was the sequel to BioShock. If it had been the sequel to Battlecruiser 3000 AD or Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3, it would be a [i]triumph.[/i]
(Also, I haven't finished BioShock 2 yet. It could very well get better.)