by Tdarcos » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:06 am
Flack wrote:In my interactive Get Lamp review, I had someone e-mail me disappointed that they could not "steal coin" (I included the collectible coin as an object in the game). So while you can't "steal coin", you can "take coin" and then leave with it -- effectively stealing it. I should send that guy this comic, he would get a kick out of it.
That was cute. The end panel, where he decides to do the equivalent of a "Kill me with handgun" on himself, reminded me of how I've felt after trying to fix a programming problem caused by a tiny or almost blatantly obvious error.
If you've ever done programming or database work I think you'd enjoy this cartoon, which hilariously summarizes the vulnerability of "SQL Injection".
[quote="Flack"]In my interactive Get Lamp review, I had someone e-mail me disappointed that they could not "steal coin" (I included the collectible coin as an object in the game). So while you can't "steal coin", you can "take coin" and then leave with it -- effectively stealing it. I should send that guy this comic, he would get a kick out of it.[/quote]
That was cute. The end panel, where he decides to do the equivalent of a "Kill me with handgun" on himself, reminded me of how I've felt after trying to fix a programming problem caused by a tiny or almost blatantly obvious error.
If you've ever done programming or database work I think you'd enjoy this cartoon, which hilariously summarizes the vulnerability of "SQL Injection".