Portal: The Flash Version and Portal TFVMP for Portal

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Portal: The Flash Version and Portal TFVMP for Portal

by Tdarcos » Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:47 am

A group called We Create Stuff developed an Adobe Flash game called, appropriately, "Portal: The Flash Version" where you can play a 2-D version of Portal. It's amazing, and apparently was created just from the ideas in Valve's Portal before the actual game was released.

I bought The Orange Box on the strength of the trailer for Portal, and the game was actually better than the trailer even though there was at least one segment in the trailer that was not present in the game. (Compressing ceiling next to a fire pit.)

Well, anyway, WCS then went on to release an add-on for Valve's Portal which basically took the traps in their 2D Flash version plus new hazards and converted it to 3D. These new hazards - many of which have no equivalent in the original Portal game from Valve - include:

* Red walls/floors that will vaporize you if you walk or fall through them
* Blue walls/floors that are basically transparent and non-passable except, unlike a glass partition, you can shoot a portal through them
* Multi-switch areas where you can see several areas and you have to figure out how to get to them and drag cubes around to trip the switches
* Special endgame completely different from the original Portal, but similar

WCS's "Portal: The Flash Version Map Pack for Portal" is well done enough to represent a full replacement map for the original game. Plus, they're both free but you need Valve's Portal to play the Map Pack.

Portal: The Flash Version - http://portal.wecreatestuff.com/portal.php
Portal: The Flash Version Map Pack for Portal - http://portalmaps.wecreatestuff.com
