by Finsternis » Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:21 pm
The "bombs" are monsters. Did you perhaps notice that at night, monsters come out? If there is a "point" to the game, it's survival. That's why you build houses - so you can lock yourself in at night so the monsters don't get you. Keep your eye on the sun. When it starts getting dark, run like hell for home (the sun sets pretty fast). Don't fight the monsters. Some of them blow up, as you discovered, and even with a good sword and some armor, you will either die or take so much damage you'll spend two days just growing/finding food to heal.
As for the crafting, it depends on what you consider fun. I don't find discovering recipes on my own to be that fun, So I just look 'em up on minepedia.
Random tips:
1) My recommendation is that the first recipes you look up (besides the obvious tools like axes and pickaxes, shovels, etc) are torches, doors, (large) chests, and the furnace.
2) Note that you can regain health by eating, either stuff you find, stuff you kill and cook, or stuff you grow.
3) Use the chests as a bank to store stuff in so if you die, you don't have to start all over. Keep all your most rare stuff in there when you're not using it. When you die, you lose all the stuff you had on you. It does stick around for a short while if you an get back to your death spot fast enough.
4) For me the most fun is discovery. Since the world is a) procedurally generated, b) completely random, and c) infinite, you can just head off and explore aboveground, or pick a cliff wall and start tunneling. Just don't get lost! You can discover some really cool shit underground in addition to useful ores. It's great when you're just tunneling along and all of a sudden you break into a huge underground cavern with a giant waterfall, or lava pools, diamonds, etc.
5) DON'T GO OUT AT NIGHT. Use the time to craft stuff, or else starting tunneling indoors to expand your home and/or discover shit.
6) As for homes, building square houses is very dull. For the first day, just find enough wood to make a crafting table and a door, tunnel a short way into a cliff or whatever, install the door, and cower inside for the night. On the second day, explore to find some amazing location for your home - a natural feature like giant cliff/cave or whatever. It's WAY easier (and more aesthetically pleasing) to carve your home out of an existing mountain than to build a castle. Make sure there's water nearby for farming. The terrain generation engine is *awesome*. If the world you created doesn't have anything interesting nearby, just delete it and make another one. Soon enough you'll find some feature that makes you go "WHOA - I'ma build my house THERE!"
7) Craft and place tons of stairs. This makes getting up and down in your house MUCH faster than jumping. It's a very vertical game.
8) Take advantage of the "no gravity" thing. I just built a walkway from my mountaintop home to the top of another mountain.
9) Make and carry tons of torches. Placed around your home, they keep monsters away (I think) and provide light. They are also absolutely required for tunneling/underground exploring. Also, always carry a workbench and a bunch of wood and stone. You never know when you'll need a new pickaxe or whatever. BTW, workbenches are portable. if you destroy your workbench it turns into an object you can grab and put in your inventory.
10) If your home is far from your spawn point, build and stock a little shelter right there in case you respawn there and don't have time to get home before nightfall. You can also clear/build a nice straight, smooth path from spawn point to your front door so you can find your way easily and don't have to detour all over while you're naked.
11) Go to youtube and watch some of the ten thousand "how to do <x> in Minecraft" videos. They're often very helpful. I've discovered a lot of shit that way. Did you know you can make glass, for example?
Tips from others are welcome - especially if you can figure out how to change your spawn point.
The "bombs" are monsters. Did you perhaps notice that at night, monsters come out? If there is a "point" to the game, it's survival. That's why you build houses - so you can lock yourself in at night so the monsters don't get you. Keep your eye on the sun. When it starts getting dark, run like hell for home (the sun sets pretty fast). Don't fight the monsters. Some of them blow up, as you discovered, and even with a good sword and some armor, you will either die or take so much damage you'll spend two days just growing/finding food to heal.
As for the crafting, it depends on what you consider fun. I don't find discovering recipes on my own to be that fun, So I just look 'em up on minepedia.
Random tips:
1) My recommendation is that the first recipes you look up (besides the obvious tools like axes and pickaxes, shovels, etc) are torches, doors, (large) chests, and the furnace.
2) Note that you can regain health by eating, either stuff you find, stuff you kill and cook, or stuff you grow.
3) Use the chests as a bank to store stuff in so if you die, you don't have to start all over. Keep all your most rare stuff in there when you're not using it. When you die, you lose all the stuff you had on you. It does stick around for a short while if you an get back to your death spot fast enough.
4) For me the most fun is discovery. Since the world is a) procedurally generated, b) completely random, and c) infinite, you can just head off and explore aboveground, or pick a cliff wall and start tunneling. Just don't get lost! You can discover some really cool shit underground in addition to useful ores. It's great when you're just tunneling along and all of a sudden you break into a huge underground cavern with a giant waterfall, or lava pools, diamonds, etc.
5) DON'T GO OUT AT NIGHT. Use the time to craft stuff, or else starting tunneling indoors to expand your home and/or discover shit.
6) As for homes, building square houses is very dull. For the first day, just find enough wood to make a crafting table and a door, tunnel a short way into a cliff or whatever, install the door, and cower inside for the night. On the second day, explore to find some amazing location for your home - a natural feature like giant cliff/cave or whatever. It's WAY easier (and more aesthetically pleasing) to carve your home out of an existing mountain than to build a castle. Make sure there's water nearby for farming. The terrain generation engine is *awesome*. If the world you created doesn't have anything interesting nearby, just delete it and make another one. Soon enough you'll find some feature that makes you go "WHOA - I'ma build my house THERE!"
7) Craft and place tons of stairs. This makes getting up and down in your house MUCH faster than jumping. It's a very vertical game.
8) Take advantage of the "no gravity" thing. I just built a walkway from my mountaintop home to the top of another mountain.
9) Make and carry tons of torches. Placed around your home, they keep monsters away (I think) and provide light. They are also absolutely required for tunneling/underground exploring. Also, always carry a workbench and a bunch of wood and stone. You never know when you'll need a new pickaxe or whatever. BTW, workbenches are portable. if you destroy your workbench it turns into an object you can grab and put in your inventory.
10) If your home is far from your spawn point, build and stock a little shelter right there in case you respawn there and don't have time to get home before nightfall. You can also clear/build a nice straight, smooth path from spawn point to your front door so you can find your way easily and don't have to detour all over while you're naked.
11) Go to youtube and watch some of the ten thousand "how to do <x> in Minecraft" videos. They're often very helpful. I've discovered a lot of shit that way. Did you know you can make glass, for example?
Tips from others are welcome - especially if you can figure out how to change your spawn point.