Happy Day Off from Oklahoma!

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:56 pm

hygraed wrote:I would be enjoying this a lot more if my paycheck had come through when it was supposed to. As it is, I'm broke and my employer is closed so I can't call and figure out what the deal is.
I don't care for their actions one bit. Companies need to PULL TOGETHER when the weather is terrible. Though I strongly believe that ever single person who owns a company honestly believes that their entire workforce would still come in regularly if money was eliminated from the world. None of them really, fully, 100% seem to get that we only show up because we're being paid to.

by RetroRomper » Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:01 pm

It was 53 degrees last night... 53 degrees!

Bloody christ, I had to close the window...

by Flack » Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:14 pm

Tdarcos wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:What motivated you to clear that much snow? Still-living cat?
Flack, if I'm going to get out to get food, I have to have a clear path.
I know the cold affects the synapses, but that was ICJ who asked that, not me. I'm the better looking but somewhat huskier twin.

by hygraed » Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:52 pm

I would be enjoying this a lot more if my paycheck had come through when it was supposed to. As it is, I'm broke and my employer is closed so I can't call and figure out what the deal is.

by Tdarcos » Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:02 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:What motivated you to clear that much snow? Still-living cat?
Flack, if I'm going to get out to get food, I have to have a clear path.

by Casual Observer » Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:05 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Image
Paul, you should take your own snapshots, I got the very same picture in one of those joke emails my dad mailed out two weeks ago, it was "snow in Russia" or some crap like that.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:53 pm

A lot of people came into work when we had it off, so I am still here. At work. There ya go.

by AArdvark » Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:00 pm

Yeah! we didn't get hardly any accumulation. I think we're due for a good 'ol Noreaster. Of course I'll have to get my snowblower running before I condone such weather, but dammit! we're due.


by Knuckles the CLown » Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:42 pm

Our snow total was a farce. The people of upstate New Yorks spirits are once again crushed. I've never seen a more resilient group of people. We are all severley disapointed we DID NOT get 24 inches of snow. I think we got 8 and we were like "8 fucking inches, that sucks"

They did however manage to close all the fucking schools over 4 inches of snow. My goddamn over thirty basketball league which we play at the middle school got cancelled because of this. I am going to atlantic city in one month and want to look good for the strippers so I am pissed at this loss of physical activity.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:52 pm

What motivated you to clear that much snow? Still-living cat?

by Tdarcos » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:17 pm

Flack wrote:We got 12 inches of snow in 12 hours,
Here's a pic of the backyard drift: [image deleted]
And this was taken in the front yard:

Oh Come On, Flack. That's ridiculous. I mean, that little bit of snow made At-At crawlers delayed? You should have seen what it took just to allow me to get out to the front sidewalk in my wheelchair:

by Knuckles the CLown » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:05 pm

I have no problem with them letting those bastard children stay home, gets the buses off the fucking road. But they should hand those overpaid teachers a fucking shovel and tell them to get to work.

Scratch that, let the teachers him stay home
less buses+ less Prius' =quicker I get to and from work.

by Flack » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:06 pm

We got 12 inches of snow in 12 hours, which essentially brought the city to a standstill. I have 3'+ snowdrifts in my backyard. Ambulances, firetrucks and tow trucks are all getting stuck. Fortunately, most people are simply staying off the roads so there haven't been a lot of wrecks. From what I hear they're doing a good job of plowing the main roads, but most people can't even get to one. I barely got out of my neighborhood in my truck earlier today. There's no way a regular car could make it through.

Here's a pic of the backyard drift:


And this was taken in the front yard:


by AArdvark » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:27 pm

Is that a lot of snow for OK.? And do the local authorities have the equipment to deal with it? If we get 12 inches of snow here it's big but not shut-down weather. Lots of practice I guess.

Re: day off because of low temps. I could see not sending the chilluns out in those conditions but everyone else? Balls! i want a day off cause the thermometer dipped that low. Last week we had an overnight temp in that range and nobody at work said anything.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:11 pm

It's -6 F right now in Colorado. Had the day off from work.

by Knuckles the CLown » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:56 am

we are supposed to get between 12-15 inches here in Rochester tonight. It's about 10 degrees out right now. AND NOT ONE FUCKING THINGG WILL BE CLOSED! PUSSIES!

Happy Day Off from Oklahoma!

by Flack » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:22 am


We got ice, followed by snow, followed by ice. The high today is 13, tomorrow it's 12, and Thursday it's 22.

The airport and all city, state, and federal facilities are closed, probably for days.

