Knuckles the CLown wrote:BACK TO BEING KNUCKLES
Lot a good riding a bike did you, aren't you housebound?
I think that comparing how I am, oh, let's see, more than 35 years later is not relevant. It also isn't the point, the point was the price of fuel is not going to go down, so it would make more economic sense to have kids bicycle to school if they can, and supplying them the bicycles, vs. spending a lot of money - which keeps going up - on fuel to bus them.
And I'm not housebound, I'm
wheelchair bound. It's a power wheelchair with about 10-15 miles on a full charge - I've never even gotten close to running down the capacity when the batteries were new, like these are - and if I want to go anywhere I can.
The place I live at is 100% accessible. I can go through the door in my room, the front door has a ramp, and there is a ramp reaching over the one step on the walkway. The bus stops about a block-and-a-half away. I just don't go out when it's
I can go out, make anything up to 5 or 6 trips on various errands, and not even run the meter down by 30%. It takes at least 2-4 days of regular use to get down to 1/2 charge. Whereupon about 10 hours will recharge to full capacity.
It was when the batteries were bad that I had a real problem, I'd routinely use up the entire capacity on 1/2 a trip; I'd have to take the charger with me and recharge en-route. I could tell something was wrong when the chair would fill on two hours charge time. Turns out the batteries were bad and wouldn't hold a charge.
As I admitted about 18 months ago when I first got the power chair, I'm restored to about 70-80% of what I had when I could walk.
The only problem I have is one I've pointed out to others, the damn chair has a cargo capacity of a postage stamp. I fixed that by purchasing a second 42-quart wastebasket, marked 'not for trash'. That will carry the equivalent of about two shopping baskets.
I bought a replacement desktop computer a couple of months ago, it's a Dell Optiplex 740 tower style, about 1/2 as thick as my previous one. I'm using it now. I took it home by balancing it on my lap and the footrest/table on a bus, a train and another bus.
I also brought home some storage bins, the 20-gallon size that Home Depot had on sale for $3 each. I do quite a bit for someone who can't walk and really only has one hand free.