Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Forum theory. Let's start with this: A forum's entertainment value lies strictly within the writing quality of exchanges between its angriest members.
I think I can go along with that. Usenet news group was supposed to be about Ross Jeffery's method of getting women to go to bed with you and discussions on similar methods.
It has been, for six years I was there and years before, basically the display piece for a sociopath named Gordon Roy Parker who used the nickname "Ray Gordon," and everyone else who basically showed up either to use flamethrowers on him or to enjoy the show and perhaps throw wisecracks from the peanut gallery.
Ray is a sick fuck who said things like, ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, that the firefighters who died in the World Trade Center deserved it. On the very day it happened.
Gordo threatens people and files lawsuits in federal court against some people if he doesn't like what they said. It was so bad - and so entertaining - that I even had choice quotes of his, plus things Federal judges said about him in my signature file:
* "... upon consideration of Plaintiff Gordon Roy Parker's... continued and inexcusable failure..." {Gordon Roy Parker v. "Wintermute" et. al.} 02-CV-7215 (Feb. 25, 2003, Federal District Court, Eastern District, Pennsylvania)
At the time I wrote this in, the only other reference to "continued and inexcusable failure" on the Internet was the U.N. clusterfuck in Kosovo that got people killed.
** "[Y]ou can again go fuck yourself. I am too polite to get into detail about what I think is wrong with someone like you." - Ray Gordon, March 16, 2003 ...
*** "Plaintiff is... completely incomprehensible..." {Gordon Roy Parker v. Google, Inc.} 422 F. Supp 2d 492 (2006, E.D. PA)
He sued Google for indexing his website, if you can believe it. He apparently never heard of ROBOTS.TXT.
The only major poster on the group he never went near was me. He basically just libelled me a couple of times and threatened to sue me three or four times, I think.
I was there a week when I pointed out the whole thing was a mutual codependence society; the audience fighting him is the abused wife who can't leave while he was the husband who beat her. Nobody seemed to notice much that the purpose of the newsgroup was to find quick ways to seduce women, e.g. quick ways to figure out how to talk a woman into going to bed with you.
But it was crazy fun sometimes. When Ray was gone from time-to-time, most of the conversation died off. He was so rancid he even kept spammers away! We almost never got spam in the group, suprisingly.
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[quote="Ice Cream Jonsey"]Forum theory. Let's start with this: [i]A forum's entertainment value lies strictly within the writing quality of exchanges between its angriest members.[/i] [/quote]
I think I can go along with that. Usenet news group was supposed to be about Ross Jeffery's method of getting women to go to bed with you and discussions on similar methods.
It has been, for six years I was there and years before, basically the display piece for a sociopath named Gordon Roy Parker who used the nickname "Ray Gordon," and everyone else who basically showed up either to use flamethrowers on him or to enjoy the show and perhaps throw wisecracks from the peanut gallery.
Ray is a sick fuck who said things like, ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, that the firefighters who died in the World Trade Center deserved it. On the very day it happened.
Gordo threatens people and files lawsuits in federal court against some people if he doesn't like what they said. It was so bad - and so entertaining - that I even had choice quotes of his, plus things Federal judges said about him in my signature file:
* "... upon consideration of Plaintiff Gordon Roy Parker's... continued and inexcusable failure..." {Gordon Roy Parker v. "Wintermute" et. al.} 02-CV-7215 (Feb. 25, 2003, Federal District Court, Eastern District, Pennsylvania)
At the time I wrote this in, the only other reference to "continued and inexcusable failure" on the Internet was the U.N. clusterfuck in Kosovo that got people killed.
** "[Y]ou can again go fuck yourself. I am too polite to get into detail about what I think is wrong with someone like you." - Ray Gordon, March 16, 2003
*** "Plaintiff is... completely incomprehensible..." {Gordon Roy Parker v. Google, Inc.} 422 F. Supp 2d 492 (2006, E.D. PA)
He sued Google for indexing his website, if you can believe it. He apparently never heard of ROBOTS.TXT.
The only major poster on the group he never went near was me. He basically just libelled me a couple of times and threatened to sue me three or four times, I think.
I was there a week when I pointed out the whole thing was a mutual codependence society; the audience fighting him is the abused wife who can't leave while he was the husband who beat her. Nobody seemed to notice much that the purpose of the newsgroup was to find quick ways to seduce women, e.g. quick ways to figure out how to talk a woman into going to bed with you.
But it was crazy fun sometimes. When Ray was gone from time-to-time, most of the conversation died off. He was so rancid he even kept spammers away! We almost never got spam in the group, suprisingly.
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