Here is my brand new grill I'll be using for the crepe video

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Expand view Topic review: Here is my brand new grill I'll be using for the crepe video

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:48 pm

Really!? Some say they prefer the cooler side of the pillow.

Here's when my opinion on ESPN changed: one night, Stuart Scott said someone was "cooler than the other side of the pillow." A good line. These guys doing Sportscenter are great.

Stuart Scott went on to say it approximately - and this is just my best guess - four billion more times. Ah. So, he's not so clever.

Isn't the worst thing in the world repeating one's self? That's why I like meeting new people. There's no danger I've repeated myself at any point.

by Worm » Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:34 pm

Speaking of warming trays, i found a shabbat warming tray at a salvation army and started using it to warm my pillows. Eventually it produced scorch marks so i stopped, but there is nothing quite like a pillow that is 105 degrees.

by ChainGangGuy » Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:25 am

I'm inspired!

by AArdvark » Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:31 am

And a pull-out warming tray. Never had that on my pos Sears one.


by Tdarcos » Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:21 am

pinback wrote:Whoa. Faaaan-cy!
Not only that, it was on sale too! They dropped the price to $17.99, so I decided to get it. I was considering getting it later on, it was only $24.99, but I figure I'm not going to find it any cheaper and sometimes you just have to pull the trigger.

I'm just glad this was one of the few times I had the resources in hand to do so. I've had times when there were some terrific bargains I'd have loved to take advantage of but couldn't because I didn't have the funds.

Anyway, now that I'm awake - yeah, I know it's 2 in the afternoon, but it's Saturday and who gets up early on Saturday? - it's time I got started on the video. Plus I'm hungry.

So first things first. Go get a cloth and some soap and water and clean the grill, just like the instructions say to do the first time you use it. ("DO NOT IMMERSE IN WATER") This is a very nice appliance and unlike the frying pan I literally got for $1, I am taking good care of this lovely item.

Oh, since I got the grill, the frying pan was retired to the recycling bin. It is made of metal, and the regulations on residential recycling seem to be unclear whether they want it or not. I printed them out from their website and they basically want everything except garbage and unrecyclable items. (Like one of those half cardboard, half foil thingies they provide for browning stuff in a microwave, the packet the flavoring from a package of ramen came in, that sort of stuff.)

Prince George's County is even more aggressive in what they want in recycling. All paper and all cardboard; even Montgomery County - you might remember this, Ben, when you lived there - did not want pizza boxes.

by pinback » Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:11 am

Whoa. Faaaan-cy!

Here is my brand new grill I'll be using for the crepe video

by Tdarcos » Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:35 am

I went to Target yesterday and picked up this grill. First, the package. (I have three photos; this is the best and clearest one). This is reduced in resolution from the original image so as not to be a typical 'huge' image that expands this page enormously. What surprised me was adding more light made the package blurrier.


This is the grill itself:


It may be hard to see on a gray background, here it is on a wooden table, with the phone books behind for scale:


This is the cropped image full size:

