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by Flack » Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:15 pm

Woz assembled about 200 Apple I machines. According to Wikipedia the whereabouts of "40-50" are currently known, but some of those are in pretty bad shape (missing all the chips, etc).

There's an unofficial Apple I registry here:

Of those, I've seen two in person: the one in ABQ and the one in the Smithsonian.

According to that same webpage, four have sold on eBay for between $17k and $50k. Much more affordable is the Apple I replica kit:

by AArdvark » Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:37 pm

Thank You!!

Like the Apple I in the nice wooden case. I was wondering what that was.

by Flack » Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:18 am

AArdvark wrote:Re: Computer museum
Please to be adding comments to the photos.(at your convenience, of course) I only recognize less than half of the subjects portrayed and would like to know more if I could.
It's the retro bug that bit me.
Captions, to the best of my ability, have now been added. ... FWest_2011

There are a couple of shots in the museum that I'm not sure what it was I photographed. I believe one is a PDP-8 or a PDP-10. I remember reading a sign for one, so I think that's what that one is.

Also, I need to add one last caption. The large, wall-o-computer that you see in the first photo is a section of UNIVAC.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:13 pm

Flack wrote:I saw him live in 1986 (I think) in seventh grade, so yeah, he's been around for a while. I would have to say Penn and Teller's show is better, but Copperfield is a legend and I'm glad we got to see him, too. My kids didn't pick up on his complete disinterest in being on stage.
Some of these guys amaze me, doing Vegas so often. Penn and Teller do a show six days a week, don't they? That's unbelievable to me. Like, no matter how the day starts or whatever else you have planned, you have a full-on magic show at 7:00 PM each night or whatever.

by AArdvark » Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:51 am

He's gotta burned out worse than Elvis, being in Vegas. When was the last time he did something TV worthy?


by Flack » Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:55 am

I saw him live in 1986 (I think) in seventh grade, so yeah, he's been around for a while. I would have to say Penn and Teller's show is better, but Copperfield is a legend and I'm glad we got to see him, too. My kids didn't pick up on his complete disinterest in being on stage.

by Isxek » Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:58 am

Flack wrote:Sooo ... David Copperfield has this deal where one random person who tweets him during his performance gets invited backstage after the show. Well, tonight it was us!!
Cool! Last time I saw the guy on TV was...more than 6 years ago, I think.

by Robo » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:29 pm

Compared to the day before, yesterday was lame. The kids swam. I won $600 on slots and ended $500 up, so that was nice. Drove forever, stopped and saw Meteor Crater, drove some more, slept in albuquerque, swam, had lunch with retro gaming friends, drank boba tea, hit I40. 6 hours to go.

by Flack » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:52 pm

Sooo ... David Copperfield has this deal where one random person who tweets him during his performance gets invited backstage after the show. Well, tonight it was us!!


by Rick Harrison » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:19 pm

Flack wrote:and dropped $100 in the casino so far.
Oh yeah? I'll give you $50 for that $100.

by Flack » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:56 pm

Went to the M&M store today. My kids could give a fuck all about anything else in Vegas. I don't even think they like M&M's all that much, but both of them are eating M&M's right now, wearing M&M shirts, and talking about the 3D M&M movie we watched. If M&M opened an M&M casino where kids could bet toys and slot machines spit out M&M's ... pure chocolate gold, I tell you.

We also went and saw the lions at the MGM. My kids had one question: "DO THEY EAT M&M'S?"

Walked down the strip a bit and saw all the people in costumes that you can have your picture with: Spider-man, Batman, Minnie Mouse, Transformers, Michael Jackson, SpongeBob, a giant cowboy on stilts, and homeless people with "FREE HUGS" signs. ... GP4428.JPG

Had lunch at Fatburger, dropped $20 in Gameworks, and dropped $100 in the casino so far. That about covers today, I think.

Oh, and Susan bought cheap (?) tickets to David Copperfield. Web reviews aren't terribly kind, but it's rated higher than Criss Angel's show. Show stars in 90 minutes.

by AArdvark » Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:05 am

Thanks for looking. Somehow I doubt my table will ever be in there but was worth a shot.

by Flack » Tue May 31, 2011 8:21 pm

Also, picture dump has been updated with pix from the Pinball Hall of Fame and some other stuff. I also dumped my iPhone pictures in there too.

Captions coming when I get home, Vark.

by Flack » Tue May 31, 2011 7:48 pm

Checked the entire place; no Bon Voyage machine was in sight. Here's a list of their entire inventory:

We've had a blast in Vegas so far. We spent 10-15 minutes in the "Pawn Stars" pawn shop. That place is super small and half of the stuff they sell is Pawn Stars shirts, Pawn Stars stickers, Pawn Stars bobbleheads, and so on. Got a picture of the Galaga machine they have for sale ($1k) and Mason posed next to a picture of the cannon that shoots bowling balls. It's almost impossible to stand still in the place. The only person there we recognized was the big black bouncer dude.

The kids swam in the ghetto Fairfield Inn swimming pool and had a blast -- then, they were blown away by the pool here at the MGM. (Oh; we're staying at the MGM.) There are actually four or five pools here. The kids floated in the one with the waterfalls for a bit, then hopped into the lazy river and floated their way around. I sat in a lounge chair wearing a polo and reading on my iPad and looked conspicuously like a fat tourist who would do such a thing. I also wore sunglasses so occasionally I coulc check out all the boobs.

by AArdvark » Tue May 31, 2011 6:01 pm

Re: pinball hall of fame

Well, if it's not too late (and they added the machine to the collection) please to be taking a picture of the scoring instructions for a Bally Bon Voyage machine. I asked Doctor Jonesy when he was there a couple three years ago but the table wasn't in residence. It could be because the machine hasn't (nor is it likely) been voted in yet.


Re: Computer museum
Please to be adding comments to the photos.(at your convenience, of course) I only recognize less than half of the subjects portrayed and would like to know more if I could.
It's the retro bug that bit me.


by Flack » Tue May 31, 2011 7:48 am

Last night while driving to the hotel my wife was like "WOW LOOK A LIBERACE MUSEUM!" and we all laughed. Apparently the Pinball Hall of Fame is RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM IT so if we hadn't been yukking it up right then we would have seen it. Ah well, we've got a day (pushing for two) here so I'm sure we'll hit it. I forgot it moved; I went to the old location, so I'm looking forward to seeing the new.

Funny thing about the Roswell trip. Almost shot for shot, even having never seen your post, I took the exact same pictures you did. I got the Arby's sign, the lamp shade, the metal aliens climbing up the wall ... got 'em all. Did you see the McDonald's? The front half is designed like a UFO (from the 60s) and if you go through the drive through, the entire back side is a giant (GIANT) space mural. ... GP4026.JPG

I kind of felt bad for the people of Roswell. You know they're like, "CAN I NOT JUST GET SOME KFC WITHOUT SEEING AN ALIEN? PLEASE?"

by Flack » Mon May 30, 2011 11:40 pm

I haven't been to the Pinball Hall of Fame in about five years so I definitely want to check it out tomorrow.

Picture dump has been updated. When I get back I need to post some more detailed blog entries and stories about some of our destinations.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon May 30, 2011 8:55 pm



by Robo » Mon May 30, 2011 8:41 pm

We are in the middle of nowhere, in some weird combination of desert and mountains. I was thinking about killing myself but we just saw an In-and-Out burger sign so not all hope is lost. GPS now says 90 miles to Vegas. Been washing down Advil with Mikes Hard Lemonade at every stop to take the edge off the kids fighting over who stinks worse. Where are the god damn Roswell aliens when you need one ...

by pinback » Mon May 30, 2011 9:06 am

Does anyone else see "" and pronounce it "ROBO-HARA", as if it was a futuristic robot from space?
