Is Monto Rusa down?

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:20 pm

Vitriola wrote:I have a webcam!


by Vitriola » Mon Mar 17, 2003 6:51 pm

I have a webcam!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Mar 17, 2003 11:11 am

Are we going to get pics out of this?

by Yumiko » Sun Mar 16, 2003 9:30 pm

Please put this fight away, Robb. Ben to be bring content without any complaint every day.

Hello, Ben! You are an ability to eat flame wars trash and produce the great content. BAM! recycling story.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Mar 14, 2003 4:25 pm

Ben wrote:Hey, pal. I know we both went into this with the best of intentions, but if you take a look at the contract, it does state "this contract may be nullified by either party for any reason at any time", the so-called "umbrella clause".
Did you add that in? You added that in, didn't you? Roody told me to send the contact to you as a PDF and not a .DOC file... (checking...) unbelievable. Well, you're right. I hope it feels satisfying, taking advantage of a novice to such contracts and legal matters in this way. My legal experience is limited to filling out some Turbo Tax forms, and playing through the Jerry Orbach scenes in the "Law & Order" computer game. Yours apparently involve the delicate transfer of third-party souls to Mephistopheles, Prince of Lies.

If you dispute this, please call me off-line, because I do not care to get into this in front of your audience.
I did call you. When did you get a secretary? When did you start "screening" your calls?

And although it was outside the scope of the current contract, I should hasten to point out the other content I have brought you, free of charge and royalty, in the form of MP3's and WAV files filled with original music. That has no bearing on this discussion, but it DOES have a bearing on the discussion of whether the contract had been entered into in good faith or as some sort of scheme (which I do not think you are implying, but I am not sure.)
But surely this was done pro bono? Gerrit has donated a song for the upcoming endeavour, and he has not requests any further financial or social considerations or compensation!

We have been through a lot together, particularly on this website, and I would hate for this to have to come to an end. Your audience might feel differently, but I am fairly certain that you do not. Therefore I implore you to rethink your recent statements and course of action, and see if we might resolve this in a less contentious manner.
Indeed. I think we both want the same thing. For:

1) You do not be a such an angry (and angered) prick. Except towards the Scottish kids, as noted in the original contract.

2) For you to fulfill the character-based content terms of our original agreement, as per our... er, original agreement.

3) For Monto Rusa to reach its stated goal of 98% uptime, so that the larger "Pinback's Web Central, Jolt Country, Monto Rusa" Conglomerate Family of Independent Websites can continue to bring only the highest quality content for years to come.

4) No hitting in the face

I request this with the utmost of respect. But I will not allow myself to be the Woz to your Steve Jobs, sir.

by Ben » Fri Mar 14, 2003 4:04 pm

Hey, pal. I know we both went into this with the best of intentions, but if you take a look at the contract, it does state "this contract may be nullified by either party for any reason at any time", the so-called "umbrella clause". I have done the best for you that I could in the last few months, given my various financial (as you pointed out) and personal (as I need not bring up again here) difficulties. Sports Maven, TigerCast 2003, GAY FINDER (not "GAY FINGER" as you continue to call him), "aaaaa...", etc., are all well within the guidelines established in the contract, as are their respective content outputs.

If you dispute this, please call me off-line, because I do not care to get into this in front of your audience.

And although it was outside the scope of the current contract, I should hasten to point out the other content I have brought you, free of charge and royalty, in the form of MP3's and WAV files filled with original music. That has no bearing on this discussion, but it DOES have a bearing on the discussion of whether the contract had been entered into in good faith or as some sort of scheme (which I do not think you are implying, but I am not sure.)

We have been through a lot together, particularly on this website, and I would hate for this to have to come to an end. Your audience might feel differently, but I am fairly certain that you do not. Therefore I implore you to rethink your recent statements and course of action, and see if we might resolve this in a less contentious manner.

Thank you.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Mar 14, 2003 3:24 pm

Your business?!

Look, I paid you $59.40 after taxes for a month's worth of Sports Maven updates. I don't want to take the behind the scenes stuff of the BBS on-line, but if you are forcing me to do this, then I will Anyway, $55 plus tax for a month of Sports Maven. And how many updates have I got so far? How many? You've done TWO in the last SIXTY days.

I know that this is a difficult time for you, financially. So I don't want or need your payment back. But if I am going to put people on the payroll, then I NEED content.

Let's take a look at another case. You and I negotiated (quite fairly) for the Coloradoan. $30 plus CA sales tax for three months of Coloradoan updates. You haven't posted one in a long, long time. I am concerned. I didn't want to say anything, but my e-mails along the lines of "Hey, are you still updating with the Coloradoan?" have fallen on deaf ears.

And I won't get into what is going on with alabaster.

They say that the "fun" leaves a website as soon as money is involved. I'd hoped that such a thing wouldn't be the case for us. The pop under ads on the main page, even when blocked by default by IE, are still generating income. We are doing better than breaking even... barely.

Do I want you to take your business elsewhere? No, I want you to bring your business HERE.

I apologize to everyone who had to see this. I don't know what else to do or how else to handle it, though.

by Ben » Fri Mar 14, 2003 3:01 pm

Should I take my business elsewhere? Is that what you're saying? Is that what you want?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Mar 14, 2003 3:01 pm

I do now.

Kudos to our MYSTERY MAN. You were one of the last people I suspected.

by Ben » Fri Mar 14, 2003 3:00 pm

I was not j/s/toker. But I think you know that.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Mar 14, 2003 1:04 pm

I had to go into the adminstrator panel and fix that, you fucking cunt punch. Do you know what a goddamn drag it is to go in there and fix that? And yet, because of your endless harping on the subject I somehow didn't click on the "IP" button. I didn't know who attempted to cross me until you ripped your mask off, Scooby-style, in the above post.

I let you get away with j/s/toker. I let you get away with Captain Fancy Pants or whatever that guy is called who calls everyone a homosexual. I let you get away with all of this -- and then, in an attempt to keep this place from buying a one-way ticket to the People's Republic of Shitholia, I get called out on it?


Seriously: not even kidding around: you have been a changed person these last couple of months. Where there was once a guy who took the lemons that life gave him and turned them into tasty lemonade, you're now taking said lemons and making lemon-flavored cyanide tablets.

And hoping we all take a pop.

by Ben » Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:22 pm

Okay, MR is back up. Have at it, you jackals.

Friends, huh? Would FRIENDS shorten a ridiculously long threat title that screwed up the rest of the page?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Mar 14, 2003 10:58 am

What the fuck, man? I was willing to indulge in your depressive and snippy change of personality for a little while there, but this shit has got to stop. We are your FRIENDS here. And this new, less improved, bitter-as-fuck version of you isn't going to fly. I half expect the next picture of you that we all see to have you with green fur, living in a garbage can.

You're better than this.

by Ben » Fri Mar 14, 2003 9:36 am

Oh, like you really care.

by ChainGangGuy » Fri Mar 14, 2003 3:10 am

5:05 AM EST and it's still not back up. Dammit, I have LifeTrax? to post!

Is Monto Rusa down?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:34 am

12:33 MST... nooooo!!
