by pinback » Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:55 pm
I was a wee, impressionable lad of about 22 when I was sent to South Florida to work in the post offices for a few months, setting up some new horrible computer system that they all hated. The work was terrible, but since the post offices would only let you in from 10 AM to 2 PM, basically the day was, get up, drive around for four hours, then go back to the hotel and drink greyhounds the rest of the day. Good times.
During one of my drives, I was flipping around the FM dial looking for anything good. There was none. I went to hit the off button, but accidentally flipped it to AM, and the first thing I heard was... " a goddamn asshole!"
You... you can't say that on the radio. But this guy did. And the entire rest of the time I was in Florida, from 10-2 every day, I never flipped off of 610 AM, WIOD, and when it was within my power, never missed the Neil Rogers show.
He was Howard Stern, but without a roomful of people to help. No. He was different from that. He was one guy, one "fat old maggot", as he would refer to himself, sitting in a chair, for four hours, just going apeshit into the microphone. It was riveting, amazing, and absolutely hilarious. With an AM dial drowning in Jesus, politics, and espanol, he was a shining light. He was the shining light.
He was, in short, the greatest goddamn radio host ever to grace the airwaves. I remained a fan until his last show in June of 2009. In the latter years, the fallout from the Janet Jackson bullshit totally neutered his show, and it was a shell of its former self, but you knew he could still do it if he was able to. Rather than continue the charade, he let them buy him out.
He was more than a great radio host to me, he was something of a hero. I always wanted to be a DJ, and the show I always wanted to have was his. Even to this day, the way I talk has been molded by his relentless daily onslaught. He's left his mark on me, like he left his mark on anyone who was ever lucky enough to hear him.
It'd been a while since I looked up any of his old bits, so when I opened my browser to find some today, I found out that Neil Rogers, the greatest man to ever sit behind a mic, had died on Christmas Eve, 2010 from a mixture of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, dementia, and what the hell else.
Even though he hadn't done a radio show in two years, I was still shocked, and still felt like I really lost something, even though he'd been gone since last year.
Anyway. I will miss you, Uncle Neil. You were the best goddamn asshole I ever heard.
I was a wee, impressionable lad of about 22 when I was sent to South Florida to work in the post offices for a few months, setting up some new horrible computer system that they all hated. The work was terrible, but since the post offices would only let you in from 10 AM to 2 PM, basically the day was, get up, drive around for four hours, then go back to the hotel and drink greyhounds the rest of the day. Good times.
During one of my drives, I was flipping around the FM dial looking for anything good. There was none. I went to hit the off button, but accidentally flipped it to AM, and the first thing I heard was... " a goddamn asshole!"
You... you can't say that on the radio. But this guy did. And the entire rest of the time I was in Florida, from 10-2 every day, I never flipped off of 610 AM, WIOD, and when it was within my power, never missed the Neil Rogers show.
He was Howard Stern, but without a roomful of people to help. No. He was different from that. He was one guy, one "fat old maggot", as he would refer to himself, sitting in a chair, for four hours, just going apeshit into the microphone. It was riveting, amazing, and absolutely hilarious. With an AM dial drowning in Jesus, politics, and [i]espanol[/i], he was a shining light. He was [i]the[/i] shining light.
He was, in short, the greatest goddamn radio host ever to grace the airwaves. I remained a fan until his last show in June of 2009. In the latter years, the fallout from the Janet Jackson bullshit totally neutered his show, and it was a shell of its former self, but you knew he could still do it if he was able to. Rather than continue the charade, he let them buy him out.
He was more than a great radio host to me, he was something of a hero. I always wanted to be a DJ, and the show I always wanted to have was his. Even to this day, the way I talk has been molded by his relentless daily onslaught. He's left his mark on me, like he left his mark on anyone who was ever lucky enough to hear him.
It'd been a while since I looked up any of his old bits, so when I opened my browser to find some today, I found out that Neil Rogers, the greatest man to ever sit behind a mic, had died on Christmas Eve, 2010 from a mixture of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, dementia, and what the hell else.
Even though he hadn't done a radio show in two years, I was still shocked, and still felt like I really lost something, even though he'd been gone since last year.
Anyway. I will miss you, Uncle Neil. You were the best goddamn asshole I ever heard.