So you think he's funny. I don't. My sister doesn't think my jokes are funny, Like this one.
There's a washing machine #46 that can talk. Some people know about it but basically it's kept a secret so either he isn't grabbed as something weird or possibly destroyed.
Washer 48: Hey 46!
Washer 46: Yeah, 48?
48: You tried that new yellow detergent yet?
46: No, mostly they use powder and occasionally that raspberry flavor, you know, the blue stuff?
48: Tell me about it! It's pretty good but the yellow? Talk about lemon fresh! Plus I never have bad breath after I eat.
46: Really? I never get rid of that aftertaste.
48: Really! Sometimes they feed me baby clothes, and can you believe it, some people still use real diapers instead of buying disposables.
46: That must be horrible.
48: No, actually with the Yellow Stuff all I ever taste is the Lemon Fresh Battle Axe.
46: You mean Lemon Fresh Borax.
48: Yeah, that. Sorry, my previous assignment was the maintenance room at an elementary school. You think I'll learn more here in a college dorm?
46: Oh yes, I figure I've got at least a Masters in engineering. Plus I... Uh oh, customers coming.
Man: Oh, there it is! Washer number 46, I see they moved you out of Engineering. I got something special for you, a bottle of red extra strength, your favorite.
46: Clang! Clang!
Man: Oh yeah, I made sure no one's around.
Washer 46: You'll still have to pay for a full cycle. They moved me out of the other building because I didn't collect enough money.
Man: Okay, here.
Washer 46: Thath tahst graht, hohld ohn a specont fohr dah rinhs cycul. (Spit) Ah, that's better!
Man: I got this weird question.
Washer 46: You mean you
have this weird question.
Man: Yeah, you're right.
Washer 46: I did a semester in the English Department. Go on.
Man: Well, anyway we're supposed to give estimates needed to supply power in the case...
Washer 46: Hold on a second. Hi, Tom.
Tom: (in maintenance man's uniform) Hi, 46. What's the count so far?
Washer 46: I have $38.50, 48 over there has $12.50, the dryers collected $20.
Tom: Great (Shown emptying coin boxes) See you in a couple of days. (Leaves)
Man: And he knows you can talk?
Washer 46: Yeah, he said, and I quote, "I don't care if you're the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as long as you pull in at least $125 a month, I don't care what you do!"