Day[9] is really funny

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Expand view Topic review: Day[9] is really funny

by Worm » Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:22 pm

I'm going to respond to a few things after skimming this thread
1) Fucking spoony is awful and played with action figures in one of his videos for well over three minutes, I'll never watch another one again.
2) Felicia Day has approached some critical point where she's cute enough for nerds to love without being so knock out gorgeous that they decide she's a fake. Where this line is exactly is confusing as hell because poor Jade Raymond was just too pretty for gamers to be nice to.
3) In the one or two Day[9] videos I watched he didn't play with action figures and didn't use a million cuts.

by pinback » Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:24 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Ben, is Day9 gonna be on that show she does? The one about the MMORPG?? Are we gonna see the beginning of his acting career?? Answer me this one question you hateful spore.
I would like to see that, but doubt it.

by pinback » Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:24 pm

Tdarcos wrote:
pinback wrote:Oh, he's better than us, alright. He's better than all of us!
Both Sean Plott and Felicia Day have pages on Wikipedia. When I tried looking up Day9 in Wikipedia it outed him. Sort of like when Murray Langston decided to take off his paper bag.
His name is not a secret.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 14, 2012 5:52 pm

Ben, is Day9 gonna be on that show she does? The one about the MMORPG?? Are we gonna see the beginning of his acting career?? Answer me this one question you hateful spore.

by Tdarcos » Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:25 pm

pinback wrote:Oh, he's better than us, alright. He's better than all of us!
Both Sean Plott and Felicia Day have pages on Wikipedia. When I tried looking up Day9 in Wikipedia it outed him. Sort of like when Murray Langston decided to take off his paper bag.

by pinback » Tue Feb 14, 2012 10:50 am

Oh, he's better than us, alright. He's better than all of us!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:35 am

Look, this forum is filled, almost to bursting, with losers. It's ok. None of us seem to mind.

Day[9] has never actually posted here, or visited here, or been made vaguely aware of this place. But because we inline his Youtube videomarts, it's like he was frimming on the frim fram here in this hopeless fucking gulag with the rest of us.

But that's not true. His Youtube appearances are an illusion. He is really successful, in real life, and THAT is why he never stopped by. All we're really seeing in those screenshots is something that we knew in our hearts, but were able to somewhat ignore. He is a success. He is better than the rest of us.

I do like that at one point he had to say to himself, "I gotta clean this room up, Felicia Day is dropping by later." That's charming! I bet he'll even do a video about it. And when he does... well... we'll post it.

by pinback » Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:27 pm

Day[9] took a day away from StarCraft to stream the new RPG Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

He had a "special guest" for this occurrence. Let's see what goddamn nerd he got to stink up his hous---




I demand it.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:35 pm

I spent 30 minutes watching Day9 play Skyrim. I don't deserve the gift of life.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:14 pm

This thread will be used for when I find Day[9] episodes where he doesn't actually talk about Starcraft 2. ... ly-5893969

by AArdvark » Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:59 am

That needs a video, STAT!


by Tdarcos » Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:36 am

So you think he's funny. I don't. My sister doesn't think my jokes are funny, Like this one.

There's a washing machine #46 that can talk. Some people know about it but basically it's kept a secret so either he isn't grabbed as something weird or possibly destroyed.

Washer 48: Hey 46!
Washer 46: Yeah, 48?
48: You tried that new yellow detergent yet?
46: No, mostly they use powder and occasionally that raspberry flavor, you know, the blue stuff?
48: Tell me about it! It's pretty good but the yellow? Talk about lemon fresh! Plus I never have bad breath after I eat.
46: Really? I never get rid of that aftertaste.
48: Really! Sometimes they feed me baby clothes, and can you believe it, some people still use real diapers instead of buying disposables.
46: That must be horrible.
48: No, actually with the Yellow Stuff all I ever taste is the Lemon Fresh Battle Axe.
46: You mean Lemon Fresh Borax.
48: Yeah, that. Sorry, my previous assignment was the maintenance room at an elementary school. You think I'll learn more here in a college dorm?
46: Oh yes, I figure I've got at least a Masters in engineering. Plus I... Uh oh, customers coming.
Man: Oh, there it is! Washer number 46, I see they moved you out of Engineering. I got something special for you, a bottle of red extra strength, your favorite.
46: Clang! Clang!
Man: Oh yeah, I made sure no one's around.
Washer 46: You'll still have to pay for a full cycle. They moved me out of the other building because I didn't collect enough money.
Man: Okay, here.
Washer 46: Thath tahst graht, hohld ohn a specont fohr dah rinhs cycul. (Spit) Ah, that's better!
Man: I got this weird question.
Washer 46: You mean you have this weird question.
Man: Yeah, you're right.
Washer 46: I did a semester in the English Department. Go on.
Man: Well, anyway we're supposed to give estimates needed to supply power in the case...
Washer 46: Hold on a second. Hi, Tom.
Tom: (in maintenance man's uniform) Hi, 46. What's the count so far?
Washer 46: I have $38.50, 48 over there has $12.50, the dryers collected $20.
Tom: Great (Shown emptying coin boxes) See you in a couple of days. (Leaves)
Man: And he knows you can talk?
Washer 46: Yeah, he said, and I quote, "I don't care if you're the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as long as you pull in at least $125 a month, I don't care what you do!"

by pinback » Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:25 am


Day 9: You're no comedian

by Tdarcos » Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:45 pm

"I've seen comedians. I know comedians. Day 9, you're no comedian."
- Paraphrased from Lloyd Bensen telling Dan Quayle he's no Jack Kennedy.

I wanted to consider the guy funny, or even interesting. He was neither. There are two guys I find interesting, Dan Brown ( ) and Philip DeFranco ( ). Also, Noah Antwiler, who does The Spoony Experiment ( ) can be extremely funny; some of his reviews of video games are hilarious.

by AArdvark » Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:02 am

B/S = back stabbed by my own team. Deplorable aggression.

by Flack-iPad » Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:51 am

I agree with Pinback's point that, however good you think he is, he is 1,000 times better when compared to other people of the same genre doing the same thing.

It's like most web comics. A web comic that is remotely funny becomes a lot more funny when you compare it to other web comics. When your web comic isn't as funny as Marmaduke it's time to hang that shit up.

In other news I sure like this new keyboard for my ipad. It used to take me a long time to peck out a message full of errors. This new keyboard allows me to fucking crank out errors at record speed.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:41 pm

Yeah, he's the greatest announcer ever. He should be doing Monday Night Football.

by pinback » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:57 pm

It's not for everyone, Aardvark, but if you compare him to any other person on the planet doing any sort of announcing or web seriesing related to SC2, you would see that this is, on a relative bases, such grade-A material that the second best is like H-minus-rated.

What is B/S. We're not all Brood War elitists like you, mister.

by AArdvark » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:15 pm

I think this is a be-in-the-mood series of videos. I got the Starcraft stuff but since I haven't played since 2001* it had little relevance for me. The dumped video was better. If Mr. Day9 tightens up his monologues a bit he could have grade A material.


(The last game of Starcraft I played, and I remember this quite well, was in December of 2001, between Christmas and New Years. The game was 3X3, 20 min., no rush. Just for fun I called my army 'The Taliban Regime'. I got B/S and basically pwned by all five other players. Really really fast.)

by pinback » Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:31 am

Also, this whole thing is pretty entertaining from start to finish:
