by Tdarcos » Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:44 am
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Come on now. We're a family. Families fight. But this place would be dead without Tdarcos. He's saving our very virtual lives.
When Michael Jackson and the other writers were doing the words for
We Are The World, there is a line in the song, that goes, "There's choice we're taking / We're taking our own lives," which was rejected because they figured some people might think it was an encouragement to
The line, as used in the song, is, "There's a choice we're making / We're
saving our own lives."
"Someone Saved My Life Tonight
Sugarbear ...
Sweet freedom whispered in my ear
'You're a butterfly
And Butterflies are free to fly
High away
Bye Bye.'"
- Sir Elton John, CBE, which makes
him a
real "Commander"
[quote="Ice Cream Jonsey"]Come on now. We're a family. Families fight. But this place would be dead without Tdarcos. [i]He's saving our very virtual lives.[/i][/quote]
When Michael Jackson and the other writers were doing the words for [i]We Are The World[/i], there is a line in the song, that goes, "There's choice we're taking / We're taking our own lives," which was rejected because they figured some people might think it was an encouragement to [i]suicide[/i].
The line, as used in the song, is, "There's a choice we're making / We're [i]saving[/i] our own lives."
"Someone Saved My Life Tonight
Sugarbear ...
Sweet freedom whispered in my ear
'You're a butterfly
And Butterflies are free to fly
High away
Bye Bye.'"
- Sir Elton John, CBE, which makes [i]him[/i] a [i]real[/i] "Commander"