I am now dropping the nuke bomb, pinpointed on Pinback

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by ChainGangGuy » Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:05 am


by pinback » Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:22 am

CO wrote:The last time I tried a chicken sandwich at JITB I literally threw up in my car. How the hell does a restaurant fuck up reheating a frozen chicken patty? There is nothing JITB serves that will not make me barf.
I thought it was clear that I just said "no it doesn't" to pacify TDR.

Everyone still knows that JITB causes an instant, raucous, machine-gun puke-fest as soon as you take even one bite of anything on their menu.

by CO » Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:12 am

Tdarcos wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Yeah, but all those instances of projectile vomiting at JITB that were posted? I agree more with Ben than I do you. That's ... that's enough to, statistically, say that Ben was right.
No, no, no. Ben was not talking about 18 year old reports. He was saying that, now[/i], people were going into Jack in the Box restaurants and in virtually all cases, were having projectile vomiting and it was so commonplace that the media wasn't even reporting it.

Well of course they're not currently reporting 18-year-old reports of things that happened then! When was the last time the news media reported on an incident from 1993 as if it was something that happened yesterday?

He wasn't using past tense when he referred to the incidents.

Let's move on.
The last time I tried a chicken sandwich at JITB I literally threw up in my car. How the hell does a restaurant fuck up reheating a frozen chicken patty? There is nothing JITB serves that will not make me barf.

by Tdarcos » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:27 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Yeah, but all those instances of projectile vomiting at JITB that were posted? I agree more with Ben than I do you. That's ... that's enough to, statistically, say that Ben was right.
No, no, no. Ben was not talking about 18 year old reports. He was saying that, now, people were going into Jack in the Box restaurants and in virtually all cases, were having projectile vomiting and it was so commonplace that the media wasn't even reporting it.

Well of course they're not currently reporting 18-year-old reports of things that happened then! When was the last time the news media reported on an incident from 1993 as if it was something that happened yesterday?

He wasn't using past tense when he referred to the incidents.

Let's move on.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:04 pm

Yeah, but all those instances of projectile vomiting at JITB that were posted? I agree more with Ben than I do you. That's ... that's enough to, statistically, say that Ben was right.

by Tdarcos » Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:56 pm

AArdvark wrote:You have that much money to spend on gambling but you cant drop a measly sixty bucks on StarCraft 2?
It wasn't gambling. When Ben mentioned it, there were no reports of regular chronic incidents of projectile vomiting or any serious issue regarding Jack-In-The-Box. I mentioned this, then he claimed that the incidents happened so frequently that the newspapers and broadcast stations stopped reporting them.

When I made my proposal to Pinback, it was more of a "put your money where your mouth is, prove it" challenge. I knew he couldn't prove what he claimed, so I did not expect him to take me up on the bet.

Since Ben declined the bet by admitting he was kidding, the issue became moot and I consider it closed.

Re: I am now dropping the nuke bomb, pinpointed on Pinback

by Tdarcos » Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:47 pm

Google News wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:So I'll make a bet with Pinback. $300.00 if you can find ten reports of projectile vomiting from eating Jack In The Box food. Either a newspaper of public record or a television station that has reported ten incidents, or any number of stations or newspapers that total up to ten or more.
Pack In The Box Fast Hamburger Food Poisoning Terrifies...
Ludington Daily News - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎
I'm referring to current reports; anything more than a year or two old doesn't count.

Re: I am now dropping the nuke bomb, pinpointed on Pinback

by Tdarcos » Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:45 pm

Google News wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:So I'll make a bet with Pinback. $300.00 if you can find ten reports of projectile vomiting from eating Jack In The Box food. Either a newspaper of public record or a television station that has reported ten incidents, or any number of stations or newspapers that total up to ten or more.
1993? You're referring to 18-year-old reports. Pinback was stating that right now, currently, at all of Jack In The Box's outlets, people are eating the food and in essentially all cases, they are having incidents of projectile vomiting, now, and that it is happening so often and so consistently that the newspapers and TV stations are no longer reporting them.

The issue is, however, closed as Ben has stated it isn't true.

by Tdarcos » Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:41 pm

AArdvark wrote:You have that much money to spend on gambling but you cant drop a measly sixty bucks on StarCraft 2?
Why should I spend 60 bucks on StarCraft 2? I do not like the program, as I don't care for this kind of game. Would you pay money to buy a bridge game if you don't do rubbers?

Re: I am now dropping the nuke bomb, pinpointed on Pinback

by Google News » Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:25 pm

Tdarcos wrote:So I'll make a bet with Pinback. $300.00 if you can find ten reports of projectile vomiting from eating Jack In The Box food. Either a newspaper of public record or a television station that has reported ten incidents, or any number of stations or newspapers that total up to ten or more.
Pack In The Box Fast Hamburger Food Poisoning Terrifies...
Ludington Daily News - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎

Jack In The Box Poisoning Scares Parents .
Prescott Courier - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎

Firms reject blame in food poisoning
Los Angeles Times - ‎Jan 22, 1993‎

Poisoning cases affect stock | Value of Foodmaker hit hard...
San Diego Union - Tribune - ‎Jan 23, 1993‎

Vons loses Jack in the Box meat pact
Los Angeles Times - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎

… -- 2-Year-Old Is First Victim Of Food Poisoning | Seattle...
nwsource.com - ‎Jan 22, 1993‎

Food poisoning from tainted burgers spreading
Chicago Tribune - ‎Jan 27, 1993‎

Jack in the Box battles to restore tainted image
USA TODAY (pre-1997 Fulltext) - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎

Food Poisoning Outbreak Spreads to 4 in Nevada
Washington Post - ‎Jan 27, 1993‎

Fast-food poisoning symptoms appear in Nevada children
Chicago Tribune - ‎Jan 26, 1993‎

The Dallas Morning News: Fatal food poisoning may have...
Dallas Morning News - ‎Jan 23, 1993‎

Death Linked to Tainted Burger Food poisoning: Two-year-old...
Los Angeles Times - ‎Jan 24, 1993‎

Food Poisoning Terrifies Industry, Patrons
The Telegraph - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎

San Jose Mercury News - ‎Jan 27, 1993‎

Fast-food Industry Shaken By Poisoning Incident .
Daily Times - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎

Food Poisoning Terrifies Parents .
Press-Courier - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎

225 Food Poisoning Cases Reported In West .
Herald-Journal - ‎Jan 27, 1993‎

San Jose Mercury News - ‎Jan 23, 1993‎

More Fall Ill In Las Vegas .Burger Chain Cans Supplier .
The Bulletin - ‎Jan 27, 1993‎

Daily News of Los Angeles : JACK-IN-THE-BOX REPLACES VONS...
Daily News of Los Angeles - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎

Fast Food Poisonings Continue To Increase .
The Bulletin - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎

Tacoma Boy, 2, Dies In Outbreak Linked To Contaminated...
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - ‎Jan 23, 1993‎

Cool grill still in use at a Jack In The Box
San Diego Union - Tribune - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎

Bob Nugent, President Over The Food Poisoning Conference...
Lewiston Morning Tribune - ‎Jan 22, 1993‎

The Denver Post: Fast food blamed in boy's death
Denver Post - ‎Jan 23, 1993‎

Customers Fall Ill To Bacteria In Fast-food Burgers; One...
Beaver Country Times - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎

Burger-linked Illness Reported In Nevada I Classified .
Daily Union - ‎Jan 27, 1993‎

… -Statesman : Washington boy, 2, dies of infection linked...
Austin American-Statesman - ‎Jan 23, 1993‎

Bacteria Outbreak Hits Fast-food Chain .
Lawrence Journal-World - ‎Jan 28, 1993‎
Boy Dies Of Food Poisoning .
Daily News - ‎Jan 23, 1993‎

by AArdvark » Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:02 pm

You have that much money to spend on gambling but you cant drop a measly sixty bucks on StarCraft 2?

1-800 NUMBER

by Tdarcos » Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:04 am

pinback wrote:I was just kidding. Jack in the Box does not cause instant projectile vomiting in 100% of all cases.
I was considering using the Tsar Bomba, the biggest nuclear bomb ever designed, on Pinback. Now, I was stating I'd bet $300 he was wrong, and that's merely a Little Boy class of bomb, but I was thinking of using was something even stronger, more equivalent to the meteor of 1908 that hit Russia, as I note below.

I have just over $500, so what I could have done was borrowed $2500 from those loan sharks on the reservation, Western Sky Financial, who will loan anyone $2500 on one day's notice. Presuming they charge as much as a payday lender, which is 33% a month*, I could have borrowed it for two weeks, then dropped the Tsar Bomba on Pinback and offered to bet $3,000 that he could find neither 10 cases of Projectile Vomiting from eating Jack-In-The-Box food, nor that he could find any broadcast station or public newspaper to admit this happens so often that they don't bother reporting it. Pay them back what I figured might be as high as $750, then keep the other $2200.

That would have only happened if Pinback actually was stupid enough to accept such a bet, and I figured he's not that stupid.

I never believed Pinback would really be stupid enough to accept the $300 bet in the first place, so going from a Hiroshima class nuclear explosion at a bet of $300 with Little Boy, to a Tunguska Forest one with an explosive level of the Tsar Bomba class and a bet of $3,000 would have been overkill.

*Actually they only charge about 133% a year, which is around 11% a month. They also do not list Maryland as one of the states they can loan to so I might not have been able to borrow it, but I could always have given them my sister's address in Virginia.

by Tdarcos » Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:50 pm

Tdarcos wrote:
pinback wrote:I was just kidding. Jack in the Box does not cause instant projectile vomiting in 100% of all cases.
Now announced, the undefeated winner and still champeen: Tansin A. Darcos!
(And the crowd goes wild!)
By the way, you still owe me the $5 you promised me, you cheap fuck!

by Tdarcos » Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:49 pm

pinback wrote:I was just kidding. Jack in the Box does not cause instant projectile vomiting in 100% of all cases.
Now announced, the undefeated winner and still champeen: Tansin A. Darcos!
(And the crowd goes wild!)

by pinback » Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:28 pm

I was just kidding. Jack in the Box does not cause instant projectile vomiting in 100% of all cases.

(It does.)

I am now dropping the nuke bomb, pinpointed on Pinback

by Tdarcos » Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:13 pm

I will now announce that I am officially dropping the nuke bomb on Ben regarding Jack In The Box and his claims that their food is regularly causing projectile vomiting all over the country. If he won't accept it, it proves categorically that he's lying.

I just got my statement from the credit uniion. My entire life savings amounts to $514.29.

So I'll make a bet with Pinback. $300.00 if you can find ten reports of projectile vomiting from eating Jack In The Box food. Either a newspaper of public record or a television station that has reported ten incidents, or any number of stations or newspapers that total up to ten or more.

Or, $300.00 if you give me a television station or newspaper of public record in a major city - over 100,000 - having one or more Jack In The Box outlets, that I can call reporters at that newspaper or television station who will tell me that the question is ridiculous because it is well known that Jack In The Box food causes projectile vomiting so they don't bother reporting it.

I will point out that if this were really happening, there would have been reports in the past before it became too common and they stopped. Where were the reports? Even murders in DC still get coverage from time-to-time.

Even if they did stop covering incidents of projectile vomiting from consumption of Jack in the Box food, this is a food safety issue. San Diego County - I used to live there - has a licensing system, A B C and D, and the lower the letter, the worse the health. Even cafeterias in public schools have to have a letter card. I remember the cafeteria at my school that had their "A" card hanging on a rope from the ceiling; most restaurants put theirs in the front window. (Unless they get a "B" card, then they try real hard to get their ass cleaned up and reinspected to get an A card back.) I never saw any restaurant with a grade worse than B, although I heard that C and D were possible.

If people were routinely projectile vomiting, Jack In The Box restaurants would have reports filed about them with the county health department, as well as other places. They would not continue to hold "A" ratings and I am certain their restaurants all still have A cards. And maybe the FDA, if there were lots of projectile vomiting reports nationally, or the incidents affected the whole JITB franchise system nationally. So there would be reports of this. Hell, JITB would be sued out the ass thousands of times.

Furthermore, I went to the website of the Superior Court of San Diego County where Jack In The Box is headquartered. Foodmaker, Inc. - that's the corporate entity that runs Jack In The Box - has exactly one lawsuit against it, in small claims court, which means a claim of less than $7,000, probably a slip and fall, because a food poisoning case would be worth millions.

So let's see if you'll put up or shut up.

I'll even make it fair; you send $300 to Jonsey, I'll send $300, and once you find ten cases, in the entire United States of projectile vomiting from Jack In The Box food, you win and you get the $600 back. If you can't find ten cases, or even one reputable newspaper or television station to say the question is ridiculous because it's well known that Jack In The Box food causes Projectile vomiting, then I win.

And you get ten days to find it. If you can't do it in ten days, you lose and I get the $600. If it's that obvious that this is regularly happening so they stopped reporting, finding the cases or finding a legitimate newspaper or television station who will say the question is ridiculous should be trivial.

However, if you do get a newspaper or television station to actually claim the incidence of Projectile Vomiting is true, I have the right to confirm with any competing television stations and/or newspapers within 25 miles that this is a legitimate reporter for that paper or station who has stories on the air at their TV station or that they regularly get stories printed in their paper.

I'm willing to bet more than 2/3 of my life savings that I'm right. I'm dropping the nuke bomb on you. Either you accept this challenge or if you won't, it's clear you're jerking us off, and we ain't getting no orgasm out of it.

Put up or shut up, Chrome Dome.
