Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:What is the Jumble, then? If it's not the newspaper "Word Jumble Game" that I originally thought it was?
IS the Word Jumble Game that you originally thought it was. But you, like the countless BILLIONS of other lay-OO-zers who have infested the internet (and let's be honest, the planet Earth), you refuse to actually read, comprehend, and answer a question.
Somebody asks, "Who likes the Jumble?", and instead of answering the goddamn question (which you never, technically, did), you assume that rather than being a question, it is a STATEMENT (i.e., "I LIEK TEH JUMBEL!!!")
This is probably why you're alone on a Saturday night, but I don't want to get into all of that.
So, if you don't mind, how about if you just let me conduct my poll, please.
3. Both Jonsey and I are sitting at our computers on a Saturday night, furiously clicking Refresh, hoping for some glimmer of hope that they can simulate a "social life" by typing to their computer friends.
I'd like to go on at length about how utterly, totally and completely depressed I am, currently. I would like to do so, but I'm too far gone to even want to express it any longer. The worst part is, this complete apathy has crossed over to my real life as well. I have felt more "empty" and "without hope" this week, during these last seven days, than I ever have for any other seven days in my entire life.
I mean, shit, I had two days off from work due to all the snow and I completely pissed it all away.
The only way that I am able to cope with this is in the hopes that I can produce one (1) "funny" comment before this eve is over and make someone out there laugh. Or titter. Or smile.
This someone isn't you, though, as you are farther gone than I am. (See next)
Oh, and I'm losing at poker in the other window.
Case in point.
4. I am drunk, and therefore cannot remember to stop this list at 3 items.
OK, I'm not drunk. The grocery store down the street caved in due to all the snow and I don't have enough drive to... er, drive myself to the other one.
(JC FUN FAX: The store was a King Soopers, and quite visibly out of commission due to the heaping, honking cave-in. The thing looked like it had undergone a Shock & Awe campaign of its very own. As my brother and I passed it to go to the sub shop today, he had this exchange with one of the people outside where all the pharmacy drugs were:
Mike: Hey, you guys open?
Drug d00d: ....
My brother keeps me sane in a way that I can not fully detail.)[/quote]
[quote="Ice Cream Jonsey"]What is the Jumble, then? If it's not the newspaper "Word Jumble Game" that I originally thought it was?[/quote]
It [i]IS[/i] the Word Jumble Game that you originally thought it was. But you, like the countless BILLIONS of other lay-OO-zers who have infested the internet (and let's be honest, the planet Earth), you refuse to actually read, comprehend, and answer a question.
Somebody asks, "Who likes the Jumble?", and instead of answering the goddamn question (which you never, technically, did), you assume that rather than being a question, it is a STATEMENT (i.e., "I LIEK TEH JUMBEL!!!")
This is probably why you're alone on a Saturday night, but I don't want to get into all of that.
So, if you don't mind, how about if you just let me conduct my poll, please.
[quote]3. Both Jonsey and I are sitting at our computers on a Saturday night, furiously clicking Refresh, hoping for some glimmer of hope that they can simulate a "social life" by typing to their computer friends.[/quote]
I'd like to go on at length about how utterly, totally and completely depressed I am, currently. I would like to do so, but I'm too far gone to even want to express it any longer. The worst part is, this complete apathy has crossed over to my real life as well. I have felt more "empty" and "without hope" this week, during these last seven days, than I ever have for any other seven days in my entire life.
I mean, shit, I had two days off from work due to all the snow and I completely pissed it all away.
The only way that I am able to cope with this is in the hopes that I can produce one (1) "funny" comment before this eve is over and make someone out there laugh. Or titter. Or smile.
This someone isn't you, though, as you are farther gone than I am. (See next)
[quote]Oh, and I'm losing at poker in the other window.[/quote]
Case in point.
4. I am drunk, and therefore cannot remember to stop this list at 3 items.[/quote]
OK, I'm not drunk. The grocery store down the street caved in due to all the snow and I don't have enough drive to... er, drive myself to the other one.
(JC FUN FAX: The store was a King Soopers, and quite visibly out of commission due to the heaping, honking cave-in. The thing looked like it had undergone a Shock & Awe campaign of its very own. As my brother and I passed it to go to the sub shop today, he had this exchange with one of the people outside where all the pharmacy drugs were:
Mike: Hey, you guys open?
Drug d00d: .... [i][b]No.[/i][/b]
My brother keeps me sane in a way that I can not fully detail.)[/quote]