by Admiral Ackguh » Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:22 pm
After some research, I found out that TORCHL and TORCHD cannot be used to the right of the = in a SET statement, nor in SAYVAL.
They can be assigned and compared, and otherwise work properly. Just a very minor bug; one I can work around....
In one of my games I have a mining helmet, which functions just like a normal helmet, but also provides light when worn. The step macro has "perpetual light" code that uses TORCHL and TORCHD.
- A.A.
After some research, I found out that TORCHL and TORCHD cannot be used to the right of the = in a SET statement, nor in SAYVAL.
They can be assigned and compared, and otherwise work properly. Just a very minor bug; one I can work around....
In one of my games I have a mining helmet, which functions just like a normal helmet, but also provides light when worn. The step macro has "perpetual light" code that uses TORCHL and TORCHD.
- A.A.