The people on Caltrops are kind of stupid, aren't they?

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by pinback » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:58 am

That guy is famous for hanging out on TV at the Academy Awards and commenting on everyone's dresses as they walk by.

by Tdarcos » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:35 am

I mentioned the ad to my sister, she immediately recognized it, and said that the guy's "over the top" gay speech patterns were so obvious it was irritating.

by Tdarcos » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:34 am

Here's what I wrote, and I just discovered I wrote it wrong, the advertiser is Expedia, not Travelocity.

Title: Travelocity: Major Dick Factor!

Travelocity's latest commercial shows a man (and I can just barely say that) who is apparently instructing a class on how to set up bargain travel. Every time I watch it, my gaydar goes off the scale, I mean, this guy is so over-the-top flaming they probably had to have additional extinguishers around on the set to keep the place from catching fire. I have to believe this guy was either an interior decorator or a hairdresser before getting this gig, I mean, his voice is so clearly gay if it was any more so he'd have to be wearing a dress or something.

Then, at the end of the commercial, when he's pleased that one or all of the students got it right, he says, "Major wow factor!" More like "major gay factor" if you ask me.

Now, there's nothing "wrong" with being gay, I came to the conclusion a long time ago that whether your normal choice of people for whom you go for is the opposite sex, the same sex, or both, is a matter of genetics. Nobody gets to choose their sexual orientation, but this guy's speech patterns were so obviously swish that it was hilarious.

If the intent of a commercial is to make people remember a product or service, then this commercial for Travelocity has clearly served its purpose.

Here's the video:

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:15 pm

They were trolling you.

The people on Caltrops are kind of stupid, aren't they?

by Tdarcos » Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:34 pm

I decided to post a comment there about the latest Expedia ad where they have an obviously gay guy trying to teach a bunch of people how to get better rates on travel.

I point out - although I don't say it that way, I was trying to be funny - that they must have hired the guy specifically because of his obviously swish speech patterns.

I also mentioned how I'm simply noting he's gay, and I mean really obvious gay; it's not something "wrong," and we don't have a choice about whether we're straight, gay or bi, it is genetic.

So one guy posts a comment that calls me homophobic. To quote Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon!"

Clearly, someone who's homophobic doesn't go pointing out that being gay is just different and there's nothing wrong with it. It's like the guy never read what I wrote, and simply because I was making fun of the fact the guy was clearly flaming gay, that brands me a homophobe.

I remember one time writing in a Usenet post just to see if people would read it, that it was a shame that gay people had to have such unnatural practices, and that it's too bad they can't become bisexual like normal people.

I got mercillessly flamed, and it showed that nobody read what I wrote, they just saw the first part, never noticed the complete statement I made, and went ballistic over the first half of my comment.
