My last blog post came off a bit more depressing than I intended. Jeff came over Friday night and gave me the kick in the pants I needed. He has a gift of being able to look at a big project and break it up into bite-size chunks, and he did just that. "Sell these, fix these, part out these." He's really good at that.
I saw an old rerun episode of American Pickers last week. In it, one of the guys bought an old metal sign. All parties involved agreed that it was rusty and in pretty bad shape. Later in the show, the guy admitted that the sign was in bad shape, but that everybody starts collecting somewhere, so this was an entry level purchase for somebody just starting out a collection.
That one little comment helped me put a lot of things in perspective. Not everybody is looking for a thousand dollar game that's fully restored. Some people are still looking for their first game, one for a couple hundred bucks that they can fix up (or not).
So far I sold Ms. Pac-Man, and tentatively X-Men (4 player) and Ultimately Mortal Kombat 3. Part of Jeff's advice was to get the ones that are working 100% out the door.
I got my Buster Bros. 95% converted over to a 48-in-1. I already had the PCB and I'm running it through an old PC monitor. I paid $50 for the cabinet (working) and have another $100 in the PCB so ... $150 in, and I'm going to ask $500 for it. There are Multicades all over CL right now for $800-$1,200, so I think at $500 I can say, "here's a fixer-upper, paint it whatever color you like." We'll see how that approach goes.
The absolute destruction of cabinets would/will be a last case scenario. Hell, I'd rather give some of them away than destroy them. I've got one guy who wants to build a MAME cabinet -- I told him to come over and pick which one he wants.
I listed a couple on Craigslist and got 0 bites. The three I've sold were all through Facebook, but you have to think that resource is going to be limited. Someone mentioned posting some for sale signs out here at work so, that's an option.
Right now, I'm looking for options. :)
I'll let you know about the Robocop soon. The cabinet is a good candidate for a 48-in-1 if I can rotate the monitor. My contact is getting me 60-in-1 boards for (I think) $80 locally so if I can come out a little ahead by converting some of these already Frankencabinets, it'll be a good day.
[url=]My last blog post[/url] came off a bit more depressing than I intended. Jeff came over Friday night and gave me the kick in the pants I needed. He has a gift of being able to look at a big project and break it up into bite-size chunks, and he did just that. "Sell these, fix these, part out these." He's really good at that.
I saw an old rerun episode of American Pickers last week. In it, one of the guys bought an old metal sign. All parties involved agreed that it was rusty and in pretty bad shape. Later in the show, the guy admitted that the sign was in bad shape, but that everybody starts collecting somewhere, so this was an entry level purchase for somebody just starting out a collection.
That one little comment helped me put a lot of things in perspective. Not everybody is looking for a thousand dollar game that's fully restored. Some people are still looking for their first game, one for a couple hundred bucks that they can fix up (or not).
So far I sold Ms. Pac-Man, and tentatively X-Men (4 player) and Ultimately Mortal Kombat 3. Part of Jeff's advice was to get the ones that are working 100% out the door.
I got my Buster Bros. 95% converted over to a 48-in-1. I already had the PCB and I'm running it through an old PC monitor. I paid $50 for the cabinet (working) and have another $100 in the PCB so ... $150 in, and I'm going to ask $500 for it. There are Multicades all over CL right now for $800-$1,200, so I think at $500 I can say, "here's a fixer-upper, paint it whatever color you like." We'll see how that approach goes.
The absolute destruction of cabinets would/will be a last case scenario. Hell, I'd rather give some of them away than destroy them. I've got one guy who wants to build a MAME cabinet -- I told him to come over and pick which one he wants.
I listed a couple on Craigslist and got 0 bites. The three I've sold were all through Facebook, but you have to think that resource is going to be limited. Someone mentioned posting some for sale signs out here at work so, that's an option.
Right now, I'm looking for options. :)
I'll let you know about the Robocop soon. The cabinet is a good candidate for a 48-in-1 if I can rotate the monitor. My contact is getting me 60-in-1 boards for (I think) $80 locally so if I can come out a little ahead by converting some of these already Frankencabinets, it'll be a good day.