Missile Command

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by Flack » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:07 pm


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:37 pm

The world record is, what, 800,000? You got a shot, kid!

by pinback » Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:01 pm



by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:49 pm

All right, the seller told me he has two MCs available. An average one for $500, a good/restored one for $600.

I am gonna try to do that thing where the hobby pays for itself. I have the following items I am gonna try to sell:

a Time Pilot board
a Warlords board
a Tetris board

I guess I should sell my Jailbreak PCB, since that requires the same setup as Gyruss/Time Pilot, but why bother. They go for $30. I'll just keep it.

If all that stuff sells I can probably make enough money to buy the nice MC.

by bruce » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:43 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I like Gyruss too! Let's say you're in Colorado again, Bruce, and a mad man is holding a gun against your head. Do you pick GYRUSS or MISSILE COMMAND?

I'd play Gyruss, 'cause I kinda suck at Missile Command.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:36 pm

Ok. I am efforting to make the switch in February. I gotta do this:

1) Pull the new monitor out of Gyruss.
2) Put it in the new cabinet I have for Zoo Keeper.
3) Put my current Zoo Keeper, which is a conversion, into the real Zoo Keeper as per #2.
4) Put the monitor I have with Zoo Keeper burn in Gyruss.
5) Sell Gyruss.

With CASH IN HAND, try to fund the purchase of either a cabaret or stand-up Missile Command. I'd rather keep all the money "in the family."

by pinback » Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:44 pm

Anyone who would pick Gyruss over MC is either mentally deranged or remembers them wrong from their youth.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:34 pm

I like Gyruss too! Let's say you're in Colorado again, Bruce, and a mad man is holding a gun against your head. Do you pick GYRUSS or MISSILE COMMAND?


by bruce » Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:56 pm

I like Gyruss. But it's not like I'm'a buy it from you.


by Flack » Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:31 am

Cactus Jacks is selling their Missile Command Multicade (Missile Command, Centipede, Millipede, and some bowling game) for $500.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:15 am

Understood, Pinner.

OK, I am going to sell Gyruss and be on the lookout for a Missile Command cabaret machine starting on 2/2/12.

by pinback » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:03 pm


by pinback » Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:24 am


by pinback » Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:47 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I feel I am better at the real thing than this shitty Chrome version.
I feel like Missile Command is one of those games that everyone remembers being better at than they actually were.

by AArdvark » Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:18 pm

From the Microsoft arcade games pack thingie:

Originally called 'Armaggedon', Missile Command was designed at a time that the United States and Russia were locked in a fierce 'cold war'. Missile Command was originally going to have a large status panel as part of its marquee which indicated the status of the bases and cities but it was eliminated when the designers learned that players lost track of on-screen gameplay when they looked up at the panel. There is a picture of a prototype cabinet with the status panel on page 60 of the book 'High Score : The Illustrated History of Electronics Games, 2nd Edition'.

* The Creation of Missile Command : The idea for Missile Command began with a magazine story about satellites that captured the attention of Atari's president, who passed the clipping to Lyle Rains. Rains asked Dave Theurer to lead the effort in creating the classic, action-packed arcade game.

* Remembrances from the Video Game Masters : Recalling the birth of Missile Command, Dave Theurer said : "The request was for a game where there are missiles attacking the California coast and the player is defending the coast. They said, take it from here and write up a game proposal. In the first proposal it was the California coast. "Part of creating a great game is knowing what to strip away. Some of the first baggage the developers dropped was geographic identifications because of the frightful scenario of the game. And then they stripped away more. Dave Theurer : "The original suggestion was for there to be a scanning radar, but I immediately said, no way! It would be just too hard for the player because he wouldn't be able to see what was going on. We chucked that idea. And when we first developed the game, we added railroads to transport missiles from the cities to the missile bases. That got to be too complicated and people got confused... if you get too complicated, people won't play. We also had submarines for a while but that didn't work out so we ripped them out, too.".

The smart bombs presented the most difficult challenge in writing the code for Missile Command. Dave Theurer : "These little diamond-shape guys can evade your explosions. The only way you can kill them is if the explosion starts out right on top of them. Programming that was the hardest part. They had to be intelligent because the little guy had to look around on the screen to see what he had to avoid and he had to figure out the best path to go around what there was to avoid. Of course, if I made it too smart, then the player couldn't kill it and they'd be guaranteed instant death. So it had to be a fine line between smarter than the dumb missiles, yet not totally unkillable.".

Nerves of steel is the way Rich Adam one of the Missile Command team members described his coworker : "Dave Theurer was extremely detail oriented, very thorough, very disciplined. He had nerves of steel, would never get rattled, and worked tirelessly. You need nerves of steel because if your code doesn't work it's your fault, something inside that code is not correct. There's really nowhere to hide. The real Achilles' heel with a lot of software people, I believe, is that they spin their wheels and they go through this denial phase : 'It can't be my code! How could anything possibly be wrong with it? My code is so straightforward!' Well, it's so straightforward you might not have thought of a nuance. So, that's why it takes nerves of steel, I think. The work requires sort of a cold, methodical approach to the software."

* Popular from the Start : Even before it shipped, Missile Command had intense fans. Speaking of the play the game got just within the labs of Atari, Ed Rotberg said : "There were guys there that would literally have to worship that game for hours at a time. Their hands were sweating, and it was a definite adrenaline rush." Describing some of the dedicated players at Atari, Dave Theurer said : "We were in the same building as the consumer division and there were a couple of guys from that division who would come down and spend all day playing Missile Command. I don't know what they did upstairs, but they would spend the entire day playing the game."

* The Great 25-Cent Escape : The escape from reality could sometimes have frightful consequences. The horrifying subject matter of Missile Command had an impact on the developers. Dave Theurer : "It was pretty scary. During the project and for 6 months after the project, I'd wake up in a cold sweat because I'd have these dreams where I'd see the missile streak coming in and I'd see the impact. I would be up on top of a mountain and I'd see the missiles coming in, and I'd know it would be about 30 seconds until the blast hit and fried me to a crisp.".
Steve Calfee : "Everybody I know who really got into the game had nightmares about nuclear war.". The game was nearly shipped with a name that carried the message of the end of the world... Armageddon. Steve Calfee : "We had this big thing about the name of the game. From the beginning, it was called Armageddon. The management, themselves, didn't know what the word meant and they thought none of the kids would. Then we went through this big thing of naming it. Engineering loved the name Armageddon, and we always wanted to call it that. From the very top came the message, 'We can't use that name, nobody'll know what it means, and nobody can spell it.'" Placing the game in the context of the previous decade, Ed Rotberg said : "The thing about Missile Command is that the world was not nearly as stable politically as it is now. There is a little bit of a spooky message in that whole game when you have that final cloud at the end.".

by AArdvark » Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:14 pm

Gyruss was one of the games that made me lose a lot of quarters trying to get to earth.

I have to find the Missile Command trivia blub..Everyone wait here for a minute...


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:14 pm

Nobody is selling Missile Command on craigslist. I could ask around but maybe I will try to sell Gyruss first. I dunno.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:01 pm

I do not care for it!

Not being a snob. (Well, kind of?) But the music is all fucked up and gives you static instead of clear music. Doesn't it? I thought it did that.

But you're right, Flack. Gyruss should make way for a game like Missile Command, because Missile Command uses a trackball and cone buttons. Games with standard controllers should feel themselves in jeopardy. Plus, Ben hates Gyruss.

by Flack » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:22 pm

How does the 48-in-1 version of Gyruss compare to the original?

/fixes some popcorn ...

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:20 pm

I feel I am better at the real thing than this shitty Chrome version. (NOTE: this is an excellent port, the Chrome version. I am just taking my frustrations out on it.)

Since I have no more room I have to get rid of one. I mean, I say that all the time, but it's really serious now. I'd rather have Missile Command than Gyruss. Does anyone object? Missile Command over Gyruss? (NOTE: My Gyruss is currently set up to play Time Pilot.)
