by Tdarcos » Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:14 am
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Tdarcos makes lots of great points and is a good human being. You, my anonymous nobody, are shit.
Unless you can get me that mouth computer, in which case fair's fair.
Thank you for your vote of confidence. I wouldn't be interested in a mouth-based mouse anyway unless I was paralyzed from the neck down or something.
Jonsey, I believe that including this anonymous poster in the class of shit "is a vile and reprehensible lie and a slap-in-the-face to the reputation of every piece of shit in existence. On behalf of every piece of shit in the world I DEMAND that you make a formal, public apology for such libelous remarks, or it may be necessary to take legal action to restore the unjustly tarnished reputation of every piece of shit in the world."
I await your response on this remark, sir.
[quote="Ice Cream Jonsey"]Tdarcos makes lots of great points and is a good human being. You, my anonymous nobody, are shit.
Unless you can get me that mouth computer, in which case fair's fair.[/quote]
Thank you for your vote of confidence. I wouldn't be interested in a mouth-based mouse anyway unless I was paralyzed from the neck down or something.
Jonsey, I believe that including this anonymous poster in the class of shit "is a vile and reprehensible lie and a slap-in-the-face to the reputation of every piece of shit in existence. On behalf of every piece of shit in the world I DEMAND that you make a formal, public apology for such libelous remarks, or it may be necessary to take legal action to restore the unjustly tarnished reputation of every piece of shit in the world."
I await your response on this remark, sir.