by bruce » Sat Mar 29, 2003 9:33 am
Lex wrote:Don't get me wrong; if they let me go a horrible, horrible legal battle will ensue.
No it won't.
For one thing, the rational thing, you can't possibly sue them, since they have like actual lawyers and income and stuff.
For another--and I apologize if it offends you--you've been such a giant pussy to this point that I'm virtually certain you won't do anything. They'll say, "we're firing you. No, of course you don't get any of your money. You should feel lucky we don't press charges," and you will bitch and moan to us, instead of going postal on them with a Garden Weasel.
No, what's happened here is that your immediate boss has said to <i>his</i> boss something like "Lex has been bugging me for months about the pay we haven't been giving him." And <i>his</i> boss said, "Well, find--or make up--him doing something wrong, and fire his ass. Whiny pussies who let us abuse them without pay for six months are a dime a dozen."
Look, you're not going to get either money or a job out of this. They want gross misconduct? <b>GIVE</b> them gross misconduct. It begins with a can of accelerant and a match.
[quote="Lex"]Don't get me wrong; if they let me go a horrible, horrible legal battle will ensue.[/quote]
No it won't.
For one thing, the rational thing, you can't possibly sue them, since they have like actual lawyers and income and stuff.
For another--and I apologize if it offends you--you've been such a giant pussy to this point that I'm virtually certain you won't do anything. They'll say, "we're firing you. No, of course you don't get any of your money. You should feel lucky we don't press charges," and you will bitch and moan to us, instead of going postal on them with a Garden Weasel.
No, what's happened here is that your immediate boss has said to <i>his</i> boss something like "Lex has been bugging me for months about the pay we haven't been giving him." And <i>his</i> boss said, "Well, find--or make up--him doing something wrong, and fire his ass. Whiny pussies who let us abuse them without pay for six months are a dime a dozen."
Look, you're not going to get either money or a job out of this. They want gross misconduct? <b>GIVE</b> them gross misconduct. It begins with a can of accelerant and a match.