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by Lysander » Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:32 am
by Flack » Mon May 14, 2012 9:15 am
by Lysander » Sat May 12, 2012 1:57 am
by Roody_Yogurt » Fri May 11, 2012 9:10 pm
by Lysander » Fri May 11, 2012 8:57 pm
Roody_Yogurt wrote:I don't think that the reader confuses your voice with the characters' voices, but the game swings issues around like weighty sledgehammers so its natural to infer a somewhat-shared worldview.
Roody_Yogurt wrote:I know you're trying to get us to empathize with the character, but it just feels a bit forced.
Roody_Yogurt wrote:the way the game throws around big issues, it feels like it's trying to make statements, somewhat detracting from the narrative.
Roody_Yogurt wrote: I'm not suggesting throwing out the issues, but some more subtlety could be effective.
Roody_Yogurt wrote:Interesting. I didn't think the "other-world" section started until after the "crazy hick" part, so many of the tone things that bothered me the most happened in what I thought was the real world.
by Roody_Yogurt » Fri May 11, 2012 8:08 pm
Lysander wrote:Yeah, uh, no. If I ever do end up finishing it I don't want to spoil too much, but I wasn't going for an abortion angle at all--the lost child is more a thematic element than anything else. And she's not a whore, not even an x-whore--I didn't explain this right out because I intended to do it in trippy flashback at a later point in the game. Basically how it went was: she did a lot of drugs, then one of her friends died in front of her of an overdoce, so she tried to get off drugs, had a hard time coping with all that, so she turned to sex. As... stress relief.
Lysander wrote:As a first time IF author people have no idea what to expect from me, so when they see that my protagonist is a crabby bitch who hates everything they come to the conclusion that I am a crabby bitch who hates everything. I'll touch on this more later, but I don't think people realize the degree to which I have divorced my PC's voice from my authorial voice.
Lysander wrote:I don't think that's strange at all. Every story needs conflict; what better than to drop a girl into asetting where a lot of people don't like girls?
Lysander wrote:Fair enough. The tone of the game is somewhat unrelenting. I had hoped that all the custom responses (more on that later) would break up the dismalness but people seem to be coming away from it with a bad taste.
Lysander wrote:In my defense, she's in an other-world, at this point, so everything she sees is filtered through the lens of her perception and magnified to horror-level.
Lysander wrote:Roody_Yogurt wrote:The writing is quite flavorful throughout (something that it even comments on at one point). I commented on my own writing? I don't quite recall what you're referring to.
Roody_Yogurt wrote:The writing is quite flavorful throughout (something that it even comments on at one point).
The trees lean over the path, branches curling down, giving an impression of a set of teeth waiting for the perfect moment to clamp... You shake yourself. Now's not the time for flavor text.
Lysander wrote:] Correct. That is exactly what I am doing. Did you try it?
by Lysander » Fri May 11, 2012 6:45 pm
Roody_Yogurt wrote:Disappointingly, it attacks somewhat easy targets like drug addicts and sexual deviants and abusers. Even the ex-junkie, ex-whore protagonist, after having cleaned up her life, is living in some kind of "cautionary tale" limbo (both figuratively and eventually literally). There's some foreshadowing that the game's central issue will be the protagonist's guilt over an abortion (going for some kind of botched-childhood trifecta)- I could be wrong; maybe that is not the case.
Roody_Yogurt wrote: The game has some sympathy for the PC and her drug-addled friends.
Roody_Yogurt wrote:For a game with a female protagonist, it makes some odd choices, portraying the world as largely misogynistic.
Roody_Yogurt wrote:I can understand the reasoning for the abundance of this in the game, I think it loses its plausibility and effect when it's painted with such broad strokes.
Roody_Yogurt wrote: I'm also not sure how an ex-junkie working a crappy job somehow has the physique of a young Terminator 2 Linda Hamilton. I mean, it's kind of cute in its sheer insensibility, but still.
Roody_Yogurt wrote:Encourage the player to refer to one not-mentioned object and you're basically saying, okay, refer to anything you can think of.
Roody_Yogurt wrote:It doesn't seem like there are a ton of choices per "scene"
by Roody_Yogurt » Fri May 11, 2012 2:28 am
A sinister voice hisses "Wrong game, dumb bitch!"
by Roody_Yogurt » Fri May 11, 2012 12:57 am
This is the MS-DOS port of an old Commodore 64 game called African Adventure. This was ported to GW-BASIC, then compiled using the excellent PowerBASIC compiler. This was ported in September, 1997 by Tony Baechler with help from Audrey De Lisle.
by Flack » Tue May 08, 2012 4:33 am
Roody_Yogurt wrote:Huh, I have both read that blog and had African Adventure for my C64. That'd be crazy if it is the same guy. Anyhow, without looking at the walkthrough, I remember using some some smelly balm or something to get wood without being bitten by a poisonous spider, giving some trinkets to some natives (the game is kind of racist, yeah), killing the snake in the tree, and jumping over some quicksand. I remember at one point, you "escape" the game and enter a computer world. I never got more than, say, half way through the game, though. The behind-the-curtain computer room really broke my young mind, though, as it just caught me so off-guard that this seemingly serious game (I thought the beginning quote about Dr. Livingston had such gravitas) actually didn't take itself seriously at all. Ok, think I'll read that walkthrough now. Oh, you were saying that dude is only responsible for the PC port. Gotcha.
by Lysander » Tue May 08, 2012 2:55 am
by Roody_Yogurt » Mon May 07, 2012 10:45 pm
by Roody_Yogurt » Mon May 07, 2012 10:38 pm
by Flack » Mon May 07, 2012 10:00 pm
Flack wrote:Text adventures on the C64 were ev-ery-where. I just picked up a disk the other day (one of those magazine-style disks) and there were two on there that I couldn't find in Google. And yeah, they were horrible, both in writing and in coding. I still haven't figured out a good way to transcribe them other than manually. Maybe I'll end up doing that.
by Lysander » Mon May 07, 2012 2:14 am
by RetroRomper » Sun May 06, 2012 6:36 pm
Lysander wrote:Okay, if you have a problem with personal attacks, then you really should leave this board because that is kind of all we do around here.
by bruce » Sun May 06, 2012 6:13 pm
Lysander wrote: Wow, you threaten me with lible the very next sentence after making up shit I said, that's fantastic. I'd give you a golden statue of internet douchebaggery, but fear you'd think it was delicious chocolate and hurt yourself.
by Lysander » Sun May 06, 2012 2:54 am
Tdarcos wrote:Your inability to engage in a rational discussion without resorting to personal attacks shows that your intellectual capacity, and the validity of your opinions, is zero.
Tdarcos wrote:I did not make any statements criticizing other people or insulting them.
Tdarcos wrote:your comments make you a creature I must exclude from the class of entities known as human beings, and as that creature you are at least a thousand times worse.
Tdarcos wrote:if you disagreed, the answer would have been to say where you thought I was wrong, not to try to claim my opinions are wrong because I'm overweight.
Tdarcos wrote:I never said any such thing and you know it. I find your vapid and sophomoric commentary to be at a minimum ridiculous and more likely, intentionally disingenuous, bordering on libel.
Tdarcos wrote:I have done nothing but state my opinions
Tdarcos wrote:And yet, another example of your incompetence is shown by your misspelling of what I believe you meant, the word 'syphilis',
Tdarcos wrote:I don't bother with and stay away from incompetents; I have enough brain damage to deal with from environmental causes; I don't need to acquire more by responding to them.
by Tdarcos » Sun May 06, 2012 1:04 am
Lysander wrote:The hell is this we shit? Look pal, until your corpulence reaches the point where the only thing you can see is your own swelling, mammoth teets, then don't go putting yourself in a group with me. Kthx.
Lysander wrote:Are you... suggesting blind slave labor?
Lysander wrote:You are a truly horrible person who should have died of cyphalus . Good DAY, sir!
by Lysander » Sat May 05, 2012 7:25 pm
Tdarcos wrote:Considering that we don't have the ability to program through voice commands,
Tdarcos wrote:e.g., to write programs if you're not sighted, it is very hard without expensive software (or having a sighted assistant) to work on a program to run on a machine if you actually are blind.
Tdarcos wrote:Or the guy would have to find someone who is blind and run the game through him and get his comments.
Tdarcos wrote:I mean, there are a lot of things I know only as a result of being in a wheelchair that I otherwise wouldn't realize. There are also things I know as a powered wheelchair user that I did not know during the two years I was using a manual wheelchair
Tdarcos wrote:Again, considering that the amount of money available for developing a text adventure is essentially zero, someone is only going to do this because of their love of the genre. I mean, at least writing fiction has lots of paying outlets, writing interactive fiction has almost no paying outlets except perhaps for games written for cell phones and tablet computers, by purchasers interested in a text-type adventure, a very small market. Regular games have much larger markets and there is a much bigger range of targets for those apps.
Tdarcos wrote:So again, given this, to be able to actually develop in such a manner that the way the game operates shows descriptions in a way that a blind person would, would require that the author find a blind person and ask them if the descriptions were good or if they would use different descriptions, presuming the person was able to do so.
Tdarcos wrote:And unless they are going to pony up money out of their own pocket to do so, they'd have to get this blind person to do so for free, too.