Gameboy Advance SP Is great

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Expand view Topic review: Gameboy Advance SP Is great

by sargent_serious » Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:10 pm

Well after drooling over this unexpectedly stimulating ninja cop trailer i for one well be rushing out now thats right now and buying the game BUT only if i can be guaranteed the Weapon Lex does the commentary for the game to. o and so of the black ninja's spunk.


by Lex » Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:37 pm


Here it is: *


* This mini review is either streamable or downloadable, depending on your ninja code-of-honour.[/i]

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:18 pm

Worm's recommendations are helpful when I'm looking for games to avoid.

Lex - I considered waiting for the DS but:
1) This is not going to get heavy-duty intensive use - it's something for the wife to have and play with occasionally. DS will probably cost a good chunk more - and I'd have a damned hard justifying a handheld that costs as much as an X-Box and more than a GamePube.

2) Flash2Advance - 'nuff said.

by Worm » Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:41 am

If I'm going to buy a new system that can only do 2d well and I'm confronted with a company that only seems interested in licensing its own old games I'm not too crazy about it.

I mean, there are new pokemon titles, some brand new crap, oh and the BIG NAME TITLE for the GBA games. Unless they are doing something good with 2d like Eternal Daughter, Akuji the Vampire, or Cho Ren Sha 68k for the GBA it don't see any reason to buy it.

by Lex » Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:14 am

Ninja Cop (a.k.a Ninja Five-O) is my favourite game of this generation. It has been sadly neglected: It is all the best bits of all the best Genesis platformers put together, with a Ninja-Grappling-Rope that makes it the sweetest joy to maneuvre around the levels.

It is a thing of beauty.

And it is four megabytes.

Robb: I was gonna buy you a blue GBA-SP for finishing ND. Then I found out that customs was an asshole these days with their scanners and that my boss is more of a prick than I thought.

ICJ, though it's great, and pretty, maybe you should hold on for the DS? A lot of the great titles from the N64 are already being ported to it (including Snowboard Kids), and it's compatible with the GBA for all your Ninja Cop needs. I know you're not a graphics-whore or anything, but like me you enjoy the sumptious aswell as the well-playing. The nice graphics and backward compatibility would make me say "Wait." to you.

Plus: The price of the SP will drop, I am sure of that. It will be worth grabbing a DS and, if you don't like it, taking it back for an SP. This way you get all the great games aswell as the new-fangled 3D-and-touchscreen games for as long as you want to try them. Or, you can wait for the SP to drop and grab it, ignoring the DS: There is still going to be a lot of development for it because it's so cheap and easy to do. There's Ninja Cop and the X-Com/Final Fantasy fusion cuisine: Fire Emblem

Special Ninja Message:

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:21 am

I understand that Advance Wars is pretty good. Other than that, ah.... Paperboy?

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:38 am

Latest poop:

I bought Straw's GBA & Flash2Advance for the missus and am working my way through the headaches of figuring out all the best software to use, the settings, etc.

So far, the only game that's gotten a significant amount of playtime has been Mario vs Donkey Kong - good stuff.

Anyone feel like tossing out their top five favorite games? What should we be playing?

Selling my Flash Cartridge for Gameboy Advance

by milker » Tue Apr 13, 2004 8:59 pm

Time to upgrade a little. Anyone want to get one just to try, you should head on down to Ebay and pick this little fucker up.

Here it is: ... %3AIT&rd=1

Have a nice day.


by Jack Straw » Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:16 pm

For anyone who has a parallel linker, here's a procedure to fix the cable to be compatible with SP. I guess some people's didn't even work, mine was just flaky. I grabbed one and a piece of solder for a buck at the electronics store at the corner. Works perfect now - I wasn't looking forward to paying another $20 minimum to ship a goddamn USB cable to flash my cart with.

What's on the cart now:
-Metroid Zero mission (almost done)
-KOF:EX2 (kicks ass)
-Contra: Advance (boyee)
-Super Mario 3 (woot)

Milkers current cart listing

by milker » Wed Feb 11, 2004 11:33 am

Metroid Zero Mission: Fricken awesome game. I agree!

Lord of the Rings, Return of the King: I prefer this over the new GBA Baldurs Gate. Better Graphics and smooth game play. Each character starts at a different place in the game.

Prince of Persia, Sands of Time: I keep looking for a better side scroller game on the GBA, and I can not find it. It is always a toss up between this game and Advance Wars. Looks like the Prince beat out world domination on this round of games on the cart.

by Jack Straw » Fri Feb 06, 2004 7:24 am

What's on the flash cart 2/6/04:

-Metroid: Zero Mission
This is a remake of the original Metroid for NES. You have a map, everything's all nice and slick. This is pure gaming pleasure.
-King of Fighters: EX2
For a quick brawl, nothing beats this game. Nice big characters, this is just as much fun as Street fighter 2 but on the little screen.
-Need for Speed: underground
Soon to be deleted, I threw this on there out of curiosity. I came to two conclusions:
1.) GBA is not suited for 3D. At all.
2.) If I hear that damn "lil john" song one more time I'm going to take some C4 to EA's offices and go straight to lil john's "crib" and he can say hello to my lil friend.

by Jack Straw » Thu Jan 08, 2004 1:37 pm

Well let's see my milky friend, looks like Flash2Advance is coming out with a new cart called "Ultra"
One of the new features is:
4. Utilize the latest and most precise hardware technology in the industry, to make sure it 100% compatible with all the saving functions with today's GBA, including saving 256K SRAM, 512K/1M FLASH, 4K/64K EEPROM. You will never need a software patch to modify the game (manually or automatically) before you write a FLASH CART.
Er, I thought the old one was supposed to do that? Whatever. I need another cart anyways.. 256mb sounds big but is really too small.

This thread....

by milker » Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:38 pm

Damn, I would love to see this thread hit 10 pages. That is a lot of Gameboy SP knowledge and good whelm to everyone.

Do it for your country, the red, white, and the blue. Cause this thread be shockin yallllllll. Yeeee Hawwwwww!

by Lex » Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:25 pm

What? What the hell are you on about, Worm?

by Worm » Wed Dec 31, 2003 12:42 pm

Fuck you and your anime horseshit.

by Lex » Mon Dec 29, 2003 5:09 pm

I think it's important I hijack this thread about the GBA to make sure everyone here is playing Fire Emblem.

by Jack Straw » Sun Dec 28, 2003 1:13 pm


ANyone who thinks I'm "bragging" about this needs their fucking head examined.

by Jack Straw » Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:46 am

Should grab it, the page I snagged that pic from said it was rare...

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:26 am


I think I had that one, but it's probably in my parent's basement these days. Heh.

by Jack Straw » Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:14 am

