Lemonade Roundtable

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by AArdvark » Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:16 pm

by Tdarcos » Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:51 pm

pinback wrote:I know music appreciation is generally subjective, and in this case. You're correct, Tdarcos.

I realize you're right.
I'm glad you came to your senses because the opposite was rank insanity.

You could have screamed, for example, that I was wrong until you were blue in the face, and it would never have made it so. I am, of course, correct and no matter how much anyone were to say the opposite couldl never raise so much as a scintilla of evidence to the contrary.

The song is terrible, and I am correct, as you have realized. Anyone silly enough to go whining in the opposite direction would not make a garbage song ungarbage.

by pinback » Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:05 pm

I know music appreciation is generally subjective, but not in this case. You're wrong, Tdarcos.

You're wrong.

by Tdarcos » Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:50 am

pinback wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:After having heard a part of this Lemon Song, and having heard other works by Led Zeppelin, including Stairway to Heaven I have to say I am soured by their performance.
There's not a goddamn thing wrong with that Lemon Song clip. What's your problem, man.
I did not say there was a problem with the clip. It was not faulty. I (effectively) said that the song stinks. It was a terrible performance and/or a not-very-good song. Purely, I did not like it. Even Shakespeare had his off days (some say "As You Like It" is his weakest work.)

To speak in the spirit of Bo Catlett in "Get Shorty" who tells the movie producer (Gene Hackman) about his works, "I've seen better film on teeth," I have my own comment: "I have heard better music made by people banging on trash cans."

by bruce » Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:37 pm

pinback wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:
pinback wrote: one lemon is about 79c
The cost of fresh lemons is outrageous.
Have you tried:

1) Mexican groceries, or
2) Limes?

Never buy your citrus at a honky supermarket. _Never_.


by pinback » Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:59 pm

Tdarcos wrote:After having heard a part of this Lemon Song, and having heard other works by Led Zeppelin, including Stairway to Heaven I have to say I am soured by their performance.
There's not a goddamn thing wrong with that Lemon Song clip. What's your problem, man.

Stairway to Heaven is one of my least favorite Zeppelin songs, and I am their number one fan. I know I sound like "contrarian number one fan who thinks the song everyone else likes sucks guy", but it's the truth.

by pinback » Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:57 pm

Tdarcos wrote:
pinback wrote:I can't stress this step enough. Lemons: required.
Personally I just buy Target lemonade drink mix. $3.20, makes about 8 quarts of lemonade. Water: required

According to Safeway.com, one lemon is about 79c, which means to get one cup - 8oz - of lemon juice you're talking six lemons or about $2.40 . On the other hand, a 15oz bottle of Safeway Reconstituted Lemon Juice is $2.19.

Did you consider packaged lemon juice as opposed to squeezing individual lemons?
Yes, tried it. Much like the difference between reconstituted orange juice and fresh, it does the trick in a pinch, but is most definitely a "flatter" taste -- hard to describe. Like lemon juice with the volume and "brightness" turned down. And with citrus, as with any other fruit I'd imagine, you want the VOLUME AND BRIGHTNESS CRANKED.

But yes, it'll do in a pinch.

The cost of fresh lemons is outrageous.

by AArdvark » Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:00 am

Your funny is coming along just fine.

Countrytime in the Sam's Club size, large yellow cardboard cylinders. There was a time, when I first went off drinking soda, that this was the only beverage I would consume (alcoholic beverages excepted). I would drink a pitcher of this stuff a day. Then I realized how much sugar is really in that pale powdery stuff..

I can't say that fresh squeezed is better, cause I just don't have the lemonade palate required. I will say that it wasn't bad, the couple times I had it, though.


by Tdarcos » Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:07 am

After having heard a part of this Lemon Song, and having heard other works by Led Zeppelin, including Stairway to Heaven I have to say I am soured by their performance.

by AArdvark » Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:44 pm


by Tdarcos » Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:11 pm

pinback wrote:I can't stress this step enough. Lemons: required.
Personally I just buy Target lemonade drink mix. $3.20, makes about 8 quarts of lemonade. Water: required

According to Safeway.com, one lemon is about 79c, which means to get one cup - 8oz - of lemon juice you're talking six lemons or about $2.40 . On the other hand, a 15oz bottle of Safeway Reconstituted Lemon Juice is $2.19.

Did you consider packaged lemon juice as opposed to squeezing individual lemons?

by Tdarcos » Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:48 pm

pinback wrote:Like, this last batch I made? Sour enough to rip your fucking face off. "Oh, I don't like it THAT sou--- THEN MAKE IT A DIFFERENT WAY NEXT TI-
Lemon Tree very pretty
And the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon
Is impossible to eat
- Trini Lopez, Lemon Tree

by pinback » Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:25 am

I'd like to be a technical consulant for the lemonade recipes, and also get to approve all the hawt pictures, but yes.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:03 pm

It's fine. One day we're going to do "Sexy Lemonade Stand" and have pictures of hawt chicks in the background for Lemonade Stand.

Or hawt men. Whatever. I don't want to get a reputation, so I'm waiting until you die and I can release it as the "newly discovered, thought-lost Ben Parrish graphical text game."

Actually, can I make Sexy Lemonade Stand and just put your name on it? Are ... are you cool with that?

by pinback » Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:33 pm

Let's make some delicious LEMMINGADE!

I didn't mean to start any domestic violence with this, I swear.

(Okay maybe a little?)

I just wanted to make some lemonade. With friends.

Also I fired up "Lemonade Stand" last night and spent all of the time just sneering at the default settings for sugar/lemmings per pitcher.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:06 pm

Oh. That reminds me. I will be referring to lemons as "lemmings" for the rest of this thread. I demand pinback acknowledge that I am doing that.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:05 pm

This BBS, and by extension, fucking lemmings are tearing families apart!

by Flack » Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:54 pm

I told my wife to pick me up 12 lemons the next time she is at the store. She asked me why. I told her it's so I can make my own lemonade. She called me a retard and said she would just buy me some lemonade if I wanted some. I told her to just get some the next time she's out. She told me it'll be six bucks, the same price as 60 servings of Crystal Light. I told her to forget it and that I'll get my own damn lemons the next time I'm in a grocery store, which will probably be six months.

So we seem to have hit our first impasse. I'm working on a plan B.

by pinback » Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:39 pm

Let's get a dozen lemons, just to be safe! We're looking for a cup of lemon juice. Some recipes say this means "six" lemons, which may be true, but as with everything up in the Pacific Northwest, where I live, lemons are terrible, and take at least a dozen to even approach a cup of lemon juice.

I would suspect things are better wherever you are. Anyway. Get a dozen or so lemons. Maybe in a bag. They sell them in bags.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:20 pm

My gal enjoys going to Sunflower Market. I have come to like going there, too. They certainly have lemons. They have an entire aisle of free range lemons. My question is: how many do I need? I don't require an exact number, but I'd like an exact number and even take it to a couple significant digits if you please.
