by pinback » Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:58 pm
/ / / came out last week, my #1 Most-Looked Forward To Game. I have more thoughts on it, but let's just say that for now, it's... fine. Fine game. And the devs are excited about continuing development on it, so I have high hopes for its future.
Just because Jonsey's a good guy and a good friend, I sent him a copy as a "gift" over Steam. The only reason anyone really does this is they're hoping to get a free game in return. And wouldn't you know, ten minutes later, there was my shiny new copy of...
This is an RPG dungeon crawl in the old-style, where everything is square-based. You can go four directions. Bad guys can go four directions. Every square of every level of the dungeon looks exactly the same as every other square of every level of the dungeon.
Lame, right?
Legend of Grimrock is the best game I've played in hundreds of years. No, let me put it another way:
I remember when games were addicting. I was younger, then. Now, I still recognize that a game could be addicting, but they never really have that same pull on me.
The first thing I did after waking up and feeding the dogs this morning was run back to the computer to sit down and start playing again. I finally stopped when it was time to get dinner ready.
It's fucking addicting, it's fucking amazing, it's fucking TERRIFYING, and although right now it's starting to toe very close to the line of being fucking repetitive, it's too far in now to deny: It's fucking brilliant.
I love Legend of Grimrock, and so would you if you bought it. Buy Jonsey a game, maybe he'll send you a copy.
/ / / came out last week, my #1 Most-Looked Forward To Game. I have more thoughts on it, but let's just say that for now, it's... fine. Fine game. And the devs are excited about continuing development on it, so I have high hopes for its future.
Just because Jonsey's a good guy and a good friend, I sent him a copy as a "gift" over Steam. The only reason anyone really does this is they're hoping to get a free game in return. And wouldn't you know, ten minutes later, there was my shiny new copy of...
This is an RPG dungeon crawl in the old-style, where everything is square-based. You can go four directions. Bad guys can go four directions. Every square of every level of the dungeon looks exactly the same as every other square of every level of the dungeon.
Lame, right?
Legend of Grimrock is the best game I've played in hundreds of years. No, let me put it another way:
I remember when games were addicting. I was younger, then. Now, I still [i]recognize[/i] that a game could be addicting, but they never really have that same pull on me.
The first thing I did after waking up and feeding the dogs this morning was run back to the computer to sit down and start playing again. I finally stopped when it was time to get dinner ready.
It's fucking addicting, it's fucking amazing, it's fucking TERRIFYING, and although right now it's starting to toe very close to the line of being fucking repetitive, it's too far in now to deny: It's fucking brilliant.
I love Legend of Grimrock, and so would you if you bought it. Buy Jonsey a game, maybe he'll send you a copy.