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Expand view Topic review: Yep


by milkunits » Sat Mar 29, 2003 1:14 am

The world is a big shit salad, and we all have to take a bite!

Check this out: ... bes614.htm

I guess what they say is true, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
When on one hand you have sociopath that are willing to do anything to prevent you from eating meat, then you are bound to find some bastard that is out to save roughage from the world on the other.
You know where I stand on this. PETA are sociopaths with a cause. I am all about not swerving over to the other side of the road to hit little animals. I don’t drive with a points system for the things I hit like some ass backwards West Virginian redneck. And I am not about pouring hot soup and shampoo into rabbit’s eyes to see if it causes a “minor irritation”.
With that said, I eat a New York Strip about once a week, and when I have it in front of me...where that steak actually came from is the furthest thing from my mind.
I have tried to think about cows being slaughtered I truly have...but it has no effect on me when I am hungry.
Fuck being Hindu. I agree with Vishnu. Cows are sacred. That is why I eat them. I am psychotic about eating cows the way the NRA is about their “right” to bear arms. If you were to pass legislation to take away my steaks you might find me barricaded in a warehouse somewhere in Texas just like the Branch Dividians.
There is no meat substitute.
Don’t tell me that Tofu will give me protein or that I can get protein from any number of other places.
I don’t eat steak for fucking protein. I eat steak because of how it smells, tastes, melts in my mouth and feels going down into my belly.
Today some 34-year-old man named Marco Arellano, 34, was apprehended pouring bottle of shit and piss all over a salad bar at the Alpine Gourmet Farm deli on Seventh Avenue.
Cops responding to the bizarre call arrested Arellano and confiscated the bottles, which were sent to the Health Department for testing.
Apparently Arellano was wanted in no less than a dozen similar attacks in the area.

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Other suspected victims of the dung-disher in the past few days include a Krispy Kreme, Zaro's Bakery, and Caruso's Pizza in Penn Station, police sources said. Police said several proprietors witnessed what they thought was bizarre behavior by a man matching Arellano's description - while others had customers complain of foul odors coming from certain foods.

Now it is not certain if Marco Arellano’s actions are motivated behind some political or social cause. If they are motivated buy strange voices or problems from his childhood stemming from his inability to connect with his father we may never know because he is not talking. I don't know what he was saying but he said something...loud and clear.
