Good wishes to Pinback

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by Tdarcos » Thu May 17, 2012 6:26 am

Flack wrote:If you would rather nitpick over semantics rather than have a conversation, that's fine with me.

It's the "John Hancock Center", not the "John Hancock Building".
Oh. I stand corrected then. CORRECTION. I sit corrected, then.

by Tdarcos » Thu May 17, 2012 6:24 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I got back from the wedding and reception today. They actually split up already, because they read Paul's post.
That's so funny I've decided not to do the online Hugo Interpreter.

by pinback » Wed May 16, 2012 8:45 pm

We took a river tour of the city. The guide called it the Sears Tower. He acknowledges that wasn't the technical name anymore, but the point was that for everyone who still lives here, it's the Sears Tower.

We are staying at the "MileNorth" hotel, which was called the "Affinia" when we booked it, and which apparently changes names every two years. It's at St. Clair and Superior, which means it's about a five block walk to the east branch of the river.

We saw the Hard Rock hotel.

We saw lots of malls.

We saw the aquarium and the museums.

Frankly, I just want more beefs.

(Also to live here, because it's gorgeous.)

by Flack » Wed May 16, 2012 12:04 pm

If you would rather nitpick over semantics rather than have a conversation, that's fine with me.

It's the "John Hancock Center", not the "John Hancock Building".

by Tdarcos » Wed May 16, 2012 11:07 am

Flack wrote:What do you have planned while you are in Chicago? The Sears Tower thing is always fun.
You're behind the times, Flack. Sears sold the naming rights to the building to Willis Group Holdings. It's been the Willis Tower since 2009.

by Tdarcos » Wed May 16, 2012 10:55 am

pinback wrote:Anyway, it's 10 PM on Tuesday evening, from high atop a Chicago high-rise hotel, and we're all way too full of deep-dish pie and Italian beef to fulfill our marital obligations, so at least let me come here and fulfill our internet obligations and once again offer sincere thanks for everyone here who cheered us on, whether you were present or not.

Also, if anyone there knows what happened to the TrueCar Flip camera, we can't seem to put our fingers on that at the moment.
I've been in Chicago 3 times. One time I remember we were riding the bus from Milwaukee to Denver and had to change buses in Chicago, so basically I remember being in a brightly-lit waiting area probably at 10 at night. Second time I remember my father took me and my brother to one of the museums. I wanted to go so badly I ignored the fact I was sick with a bad cold and had to sit down half-way through. The third time I took the 8mm silent video camera we had to the top of the John Hancock Building and took some film.

Not to ask anything about what you're doing, but here's something I thought was amazing. I once saw a TV show about a honeymooning couple who has a professional photographer film the wedding night. The photographer's assistant told how she was utterly amazed that these two people were having sex and ignoring the photographer and her taking video and snapshots.

Of course you could just get a tripod and point it at a fixed spot and work from there, or more than one if you have multiple cameras. I have two tripods and four cameras myself.

by Flack » Tue May 15, 2012 8:38 pm

Where are you staying in Chicago? My dad's entire family is from there, so we visit once a year and know the city pretty well. I mean, I'm not going to show up tonight or anything, I'm just curious. The last time we went we used some of Susan's hotel points to stay at the Hard Rock downtown, which is right across the street from Giordanos. Much shitting was done in that room that night. The pizza was great, but the fried mushrooms were simply outstanding.

What do you have planned while you are in Chicago? The Sears Tower thing is always fun. There are a lot of museums (and the aquarium) which are all great. There's a million places to eat that I could recommend, but if you've already found pie and Italian beef sammiches, it sounds like you're doing okay. Most of my favorites are in the far south suburbs by my family (Ricobene's, Aurelio's, Frank's Pizza) but there's good stuff everywhere.

by pinback » Tue May 15, 2012 8:06 pm

Thank you all for your kind words. Except I didn't read Paul's so if someone could just sum it up for me?

Everything went off without a "hitch" (heh? get it?). Thanks to Robb for showing up and being the SOCIAL BACKBONE of the entire arrangement. Also thanks to ChainGangGuy and his fiancee, it was great to see both of you, and can't wait to return the favor and watch you two stand up there before the man.

Thanks to Clash but he never comes here so forget that.

Anyway, it's 10 PM on Tuesday evening, from high atop a Chicago high-rise hotel, and we're all way too full of deep-dish pie and Italian beef to fulfill our marital obligations, so at least let me come here and fulfill our internet obligations and once again offer sincere thanks for everyone here who cheered us on, whether you were present or not.

Also, Chicago is the most beautiful city in the country. Well, I mean, any city in Hawaii is the most bea-- but I'm talking like, big cities. As far as big cities go, everything else looks like a pile of yak diarrhea.

Also, if anyone there knows what happened to the TrueCar Flip camera, we can't seem to put our fingers on that at the moment.

by Flack » Mon May 14, 2012 5:09 pm

Dearly Beloved,

We have gathered here today in the presence of God, to join this man and this woman, who have already been living together in sin in hopes of discovering any problems which might cause this institution of God fail, like not lifting the toilet seat or replacing the toilet paper roll when it runs out.

Let us therefore reverently remember that God has established and sanctified marriage, for the welfare and happiness of mankind, except for cases in which one or both of you does not wash his or her hands after using the restroom. In the name of the Savior, he hopes that neither of you have been living under a facade.

Our Savior has declared that a man shall forsake his father and mother and cleave unto his wife on this holy day of disaster. By his apostles, he has instructed those who enter into this relation to cherish a mutual esteem and love, to bear with each other's infirmities and weaknesses; to comfort each other in sickness, trouble, and sorrow; to put their dirty clothes in the hamper; in honesty and industry to provide for each other and for their household in temporal things; to do the laundry from time to time; to pray for and encourage each other in the things which pertain to God; and to live together as heirs of the grace of life.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, expect things to go wrong.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon May 14, 2012 3:24 pm

I got back from the wedding and reception today. They actually split up already, because they read Paul's post.

by Flack » Sat May 12, 2012 9:02 pm

You missed your calling as a professional wedding toaster.

by Tdarcos » Sat May 12, 2012 6:28 pm

I wish Ben all the best in the world. Having lived with her first probably allows them both to discover problems that might have made things fail. I've heard you should live with someone at least 6 months before getting married; it's virtually impossible to hold up a façade for that long. Then you (and the other person) find out what they are really like.

All I can say is I hope it works out, I've heard the numbers are that ½ of all marriages end in divorce within 5 years.

If you can get rid of the little irritations you can probably make things work better. Do you put your clothes in the hamper instead of just dropping them? Do you pick the toilet seat up when taking a leak and then put it back down? Do you change the toilet paper when it runs out? Wash your hands every single time you use the toilet? (This is the one thing I do practice religiously) Do you do laundry from time-to-time?

Little things that show her you care about her.

This is not meant to be a depressant, but something I've heard. Wedding days are always days of disaster; sometimes it seems like everything goes wrong. Now, if it's just a quiet civil ceremony or an elopement that's a different matter, but if you're having an actual marriage ceremony, guests, a reception, expect things to go wrong.

There was Leavitt, of course... Besides, there was his ingrained pessimism, which never deserted him. (Leavitt had once said, "At my wedding, all I could think of was how much alimony she'd cost me.")
- Michael Chricton's The Andromeda Strain, 1969, page 63

by RetroRomper » Sat May 12, 2012 5:03 pm

Flack beat me to it: Ben, your a great guy and everyone here knows your taking a step with marrying Kat that is nothing but filled with confidence, love, potential, and surety of a grand future you'll forge by embodying those traits. With Robb, Gerrit, and those others you hold close attending your wedding, it'll be nothing but blessed because you'll be surrounded by friends and family who care and wish nothing but the best for you.

You'll make your union into a great and wonderful thing because... Well... As I said, your a great guy and I'm sure Kat is a great woman.

My best to you Pinner!

Good wishes to Pinback

by Flack » Sat May 12, 2012 10:10 am

All bullshit aside, I know Ben is getting married this weekend and I just wanted to wish him and his wife the best of luck in their marriage and adventures together.

I was going to tell him live, but he had me on mute. /rimshot

Seriously though, best of luck to you and your new bride.
