hydrolythe, stolen from Tdarcos wrote:I am surprised nobody mentioned the first video game made available for mass-market, and thus started the whole video game industry.
I also think Marble Madness should be included.
hydrolythe wrote:First of alll, Pong is 1 of the games I would like to set on my list but can't because I do not have experienced its gameplay yet.
I remember it because we bought - "we" meaning my mother - for the whole family, a large console television, for a really expensive price of around $600, and it included a game system which I remember included Pong.
hydrolythe wrote:The same saying goes for Marble Madness.
Secondly, have you ever heard of the magnavox oddysey.
I remember the Odyssey (and I'm not picking on your spelling), It was very expensive for that period (around $200, I think) and I wanted one. Buffum's Department Store at their Flagship site and headquarters in Long Beach, California had it. I was amazed for what it did and I visited that store a whole lot more than I would have otherwise if it wasn't for that game.
Couldn't talk my mother into buying one for me, however. Probably a good idea as I probably wouldn't have played it that much.
I think I stumbled on real computers shortly after this and forgot about it because being able to make computers do things myself was a lot more fun than playing someone else's game.
[quote="hydrolythe, stolen from Tdarcos"]I am surprised nobody mentioned the first video game made available for mass-market, and thus started the whole video game industry.
I also think Marble Madness should be included.[/quote]
[quote="hydrolythe"]First of alll, Pong is 1 of the games I would like to set on my list but can't because I do not have experienced its gameplay yet. [/quote]
I remember it because we bought - "we" meaning my mother - for the whole family, a large console television, for a really expensive price of around $600, and it included a game system which I remember included Pong.
[quote="hydrolythe"]The same saying goes for Marble Madness.
Secondly, have you ever heard of the magnavox oddysey.[/quote]
I remember the Odyssey (and I'm not picking on your spelling), It was very expensive for that period (around $200, I think) and I wanted one. Buffum's Department Store at their Flagship site and headquarters in Long Beach, California had it. I was amazed for what it did and I visited that store a whole lot more than I would have otherwise if it wasn't for that game.
Couldn't talk my mother into buying one for me, however. Probably a good idea as I probably wouldn't have played it that much.
I think I stumbled on real computers shortly after this and forgot about it because being able to make computers do things myself was a lot more fun than playing someone else's game.