Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I throw in a little cash of my own and I could own a pin.
As someone once pointed out, you should not buy things unless you need or want them around. This is why I have three grab sticks. They're 3 feet long, have a handle at one end and a pincer at the other, and because they're solid aluminum, I can pick up 5 pounds with them. They cost $20 each, and having one near the bed, one in the middle of my room, and one in the bathroom is well worth the extra expense for the convenience it gives me to reach things I can't otherwise get to because of my disability.
So this explains why I'd have three of something that most people might use one. But it also begs the question as to why you want a pinball machine? Just for the ambiance? Or do you really think you're going to play it that much?
I have three cameras because on rare occasions I want to film two things at once, like two different angles or such. I might do this once every two or three months but when I need that capacity I need it.
It's been said that - back when they were much more expensive - that most people won't watch a video often enough to justify its cost vs. renting it when they wanted to see it. But there are benefits in having a movie you like around when you want to. But I tend to be selective, I buy a movie because I really liked it AND it's inexpensive. That's why I only have about 8 DVDs because I have to watch what I collect.
My brother has about 600. He has them in racks so he can find them. He also has a list of all of them; I started him on it many years ago, because if you don't catalog them you can end up buying the same movie a second time.
So let's ask the question, what's your reason for wanting the space-eating box of a pinball machine? Just to be another item out in your collection like your video games, or are you going to actually put it in the house and play it?
I mean, I'm not a billiards fan, but if a guy plays it at least one or two times a week then it makes sense to have his own pool table so he can practice regularly. Otherwise it's less trouble to just visit a laundromat and pay a buck to play there. (The laundromat down from my house has 3 coin-op pool tables.)
One of the local tabloid-format daily papers - the Examiner or the Express - has an article about how lots more people are going carless. With the ability to rent a car by the hour as needed a lot of people are finding that owning a car is no longer necessary. (It mentioned that it took short-term car rental company ZipCar 11 years to become profitable.)
[quote="Ice Cream Jonsey"]I throw in a little cash of my own and I could own a pin.[/quote]
As someone once pointed out, you should not buy things unless you need or want them around. This is why I have three grab sticks. They're 3 feet long, have a handle at one end and a pincer at the other, and because they're solid aluminum, I can pick up 5 pounds with them. They cost $20 each, and having one near the bed, one in the middle of my room, and one in the bathroom is well worth the extra expense for the convenience it gives me to reach things I can't otherwise get to because of my disability.
So this explains why I'd have three of something that most people might use one. But it also begs the question as to why you want a pinball machine? Just for the ambiance? Or do you really think you're going to play it that much?
I have three cameras because on rare occasions I want to film two things at once, like two different angles or such. I might do this once every two or three months but when I need that capacity I need it.
It's been said that - back when they were much more expensive - that most people won't watch a video often enough to justify its cost vs. renting it when they wanted to see it. But there are benefits in having a movie you like around when you want to. But I tend to be selective, I buy a movie because I really liked it AND it's inexpensive. That's why I only have about 8 DVDs because I have to watch what I collect.
My brother has about 600. He has them in racks so he can find them. He also has a list of all of them; I started him on it many years ago, because if you don't catalog them you can end up buying the same movie a second time.
So let's ask the question, what's your reason for wanting the space-eating box of a pinball machine? Just to be another item out in your collection like your video games, or are you going to actually put it in the house and play it?
I mean, I'm not a billiards fan, but if a guy plays it at least one or two times a week then it makes sense to have his own pool table so he can practice regularly. Otherwise it's less trouble to just visit a laundromat and pay a buck to play there. (The laundromat down from my house has 3 coin-op pool tables.)
One of the local tabloid-format daily papers - the Examiner or the Express - has an article about how lots more people are going carless. With the ability to rent a car by the hour as needed a lot of people are finding that owning a car is no longer necessary. (It mentioned that it took short-term car rental company ZipCar 11 years to become profitable.)