The DOA Beach Volleyball

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Topic review

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by Jack Straw » Sun Apr 06, 2003 6:30 pm

The textures that came with the patch utility sucks. I got some good ones from and packaged them with the patcher. The resulting rarfile is now in the possession of Senor Juarez. Works perfect. Beats the bathing suits off of the Tomb Raider patch. Fuck Tecmo.

by forum delinquent » Wed Apr 02, 2003 4:17 pm

Relaxotron 2000 wrote:Your whole body is relaxed now. Pretend you are slowly sinking into a warm, comforting sea. Feel a weight on your chest slowly pressing you down. Feel yourself sinking.

Let the relaxation wash over you.

ahhh... hehehehe. yea.

hay anybody got any smokes?

haheheh. man u should of seen mr packard 2day. he got all pissed. hahaha.

ahhhh. thats what i call as Pause that Refreshes.

ahhhhh.... FART! hehehe

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Apr 02, 2003 4:04 pm

Jack Straw wrote:And, it has to be on your HDD to patch unless you patch it and make a custom Nude Beach DVD... it's almost the full 4.3 gig though. It would seriously limit your ability to put anything else on it if you don't have a bigger HDD in teh Box.
I'm not much of a console programmer, but I think I've identified something for the "1.1" patch!

by Jack Straw » Wed Apr 02, 2003 3:59 pm

I have one version of it. It's the first one someone did - works great but they're shaved and no nips. Someone did a better texture pack that actually looks real but I've only seen a screenshot.

And, it has to be on your HDD to patch unless you patch it and make a custom Nude Beach DVD... it's almost the full 4.3 gig though. It would seriously limit your ability to put anything else on it if you don't have a bigger HDD in teh Box.

by Relaxotron 2000 » Wed Apr 02, 2003 3:44 pm


Hey Robb.

Come on, let's just lay back. Lay back and relax. Feel your muscles relaxing. Start at your shoulders. Feel your shoulders relax. Then that wave of relaxing energy moves down to your arms. Feel your arms relax. All the stress is leaving your arms. Now down to your legs. Feel your legs relax. All the negative energy being pushed out by a healing wave of relaxation. Down to your feet. Your feet relax, and the last of the days worries go out through your toes. Feel your toes relax.

Your whole body is relaxed now. Pretend you are slowly sinking into a warm, comforting sea. Feel a weight on your chest slowly pressing you down. Feel yourself sinking.

Let the relaxation wash over you.

The DOA Beach Volleyball

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Apr 02, 2003 2:49 pm

Lex, did you grab that? Can you send it to my e-mail account if you did? Tecmo is trying to get it removed from the web and are being complete fucking bitches about it. I don't give a shit about "naked" beach volleyball, but their fucking attitude:
"Please do not post anything about nude patches and other hacked information or you will be punished to the fullest extent of the law," it said.

The warning went on to say: "So far we're tracking one suspect, anybody care to be the second?"
Fucking hell, I hate an attitude like that. I don't know how many times it needs to be said. It needs to be made law. Hardware and software manufacturers need it crammed through their fucking skulls that once the product has been sold IT IS NO LONGER FUCKING THEIRS. Jesus Christ. If some kid wants to run his patch on his game then power fucking to him. "Anyone care to be the second?" HURR HURR DURRRRR OK TECMO!! Tecmo, of all fucking companies. They hadn't made a "worthwhile" game since the second Tecmo Bowl 10 years ago -- and I put worthwhile in quotes, because it's my understanding that the gameplay of DOA BV is fucking shit. Noteworthy, though -- that I can't deny.

Anyway, if you've got it (or if you nabbed it, Straw) send it on over and I'll put it up on JC as a link. I'm not going to go out of my way to advertise it, but instead to metaphorically extend a middle finger to those annoying and arrogant shits.
