You're sitting at a red light, and it turns green. In the millisecond before you step on the gas, the guy behind you honks his horn and makes an obscene gesture at you.
This doesn't happen. Come on, his first argument is fake. How about, "You're sitting at a red light checking your phone for text messages and Twitter. It goes green and you are unaware. A guy honks at you."
The waitress mistakenly brings you your hamburger with the tomato you didn't want, and you react as if the burger were covered with hemlock. Why are people so mad these days?
Ha, this is funny. So I was sick this morning and needed half a day off to recover. Rather than get into work and take lunch, I decided to get some fast food during the drive in.
I ordered a fish sandwich and a sundae, because I am a 12 year old. The drive-through line was one of those that had two lanes that "merge" into one where you pay. I finished my order and was about to merge. The woman in the other lane finishes her afterwards and then GUNS it ahead of me, because she is a disgusting pig that has to get her order fast all of a sudden.
Whenever that happens, I know that the kids behind the counter will screw the order up.
So, sure enough, I get my bad and just the sundae is in there. Now I have to walk inside the place, wait in line and ask for my fish sandwich.
Why are people so angry? Because we're starting to get a bit sick of the goddamn incompetence from the minimum wagers.
Why are people so angry? Let's say the entire thing I just described didn't involve a fish sandwich, but a mechanic at a repair shop. My girlfriend had to take her used car into a place over 10 times because there was a leak that resulted in six inches of water appearing over the floor and the used car place she bought it from refused to give up and pay the dealership to fix it properly.
Why are people so angry? Let's pick on my career instead of food and cars -- every fucking day some untalented asshole has to change the way user interfaces work "just because." So now the simple act of scrolling through your Google IM list involves two scrollbars that move indepentendly of each other ******and disappear****** when you are not using them.
I'll credit the restaurant this: they had 12 or 13 people in there. So they were certainly hiring a staff. A lot of businesses fired employees when the recession started and are now scraping by in completely understaffed situations, angering their customers because the owners of those businesses are too fucking cheap to hire up properly. EVERY business is doing this, so there's no places to turn. (A libertarian hears this and thinks, "No! The free market will create businesses out of whole cloth with the proper number of employees!" The libertarian then leaves on his indigo-colored butterfly-unicorn.)
The guy in the original article complaining that someone told him to kill himself has no idea how the internet works and shouldn't write on it: that stuff is noise. Static. He should be thankful he's getting the views. In fact, you CAN'T get views over a certain number without people screeching about Obama, climate change, the gays, and their desire for you to kill yourself. It doesn't mean anything.
But for the most part, people are angry because America, as a whole, isn't happy. And it's because we all made it this way in our own tiny way, one interaction at at time.
[quote]You're sitting at a red light, and it turns green. In the millisecond before you step on the gas, the guy behind you honks his horn and makes an obscene gesture at you. [/quote]
This doesn't happen. Come on, his first argument is fake. How about, "You're sitting at a red light checking your phone for text messages and Twitter. It goes green and you are unaware. A guy honks at you."
[quote]The waitress mistakenly brings you your hamburger with the tomato you didn't want, and you react as if the burger were covered with hemlock. Why are people so mad these days? [/quote]
Ha, this is funny. So I was sick this morning and needed half a day off to recover. Rather than get into work and take lunch, I decided to get some fast food during the drive in.
I ordered a fish sandwich and a sundae, because I am a 12 year old. The drive-through line was one of those that had two lanes that "merge" into one where you pay. I finished my order and was about to merge. The woman in the other lane finishes her afterwards and then GUNS it ahead of me, because she is a disgusting pig that has to get her order fast all of a sudden.
Whenever that happens, I know that the kids behind the counter will screw the order up.
So, sure enough, I get my bad and just the sundae is in there. Now I have to walk inside the place, wait in line and ask for my fish sandwich.
Why are people so angry? Because we're starting to get a bit sick of the goddamn incompetence from the minimum wagers.
Why are people so angry? Let's say the entire thing I just described didn't involve a fish sandwich, but a mechanic at a repair shop. My girlfriend had to take her used car into a place over 10 times because there was a leak that resulted in six inches of water appearing over the floor and the used car place she bought it from refused to give up and pay the dealership to fix it properly.
Why are people so angry? Let's pick on my career instead of food and cars -- every fucking day some untalented asshole has to change the way user interfaces work "just because." So now the simple act of scrolling through your Google IM list involves two scrollbars that move indepentendly of each other ******and disappear****** when you are not using them.
I'll credit the restaurant this: they had 12 or 13 people in there. So they were certainly hiring a staff. A lot of businesses fired employees when the recession started and are now scraping by in completely understaffed situations, angering their customers because the owners of those businesses are too fucking cheap to hire up properly. EVERY business is doing this, so there's no places to turn. (A libertarian hears this and thinks, "No! The free market will create businesses out of whole cloth with the proper number of employees!" The libertarian then leaves on his indigo-colored butterfly-unicorn.)
The guy in the original article complaining that someone told him to kill himself has no idea how the internet works and shouldn't write on it: that stuff is noise. Static. He should be thankful he's getting the views. In fact, you CAN'T get views over a certain number without people screeching about Obama, climate change, the gays, and their desire for you to kill yourself. It doesn't mean anything.
But for the most part, people are angry because America, as a whole, isn't happy. And it's because we all made it this way in our own tiny way, one interaction at at time.