by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Thu Apr 03, 2003 2:38 pm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You're anti Discs of Freaking Tron? What next? You're going to tell me that you saw an I, Robot in some Sugarcreek store and you kicked the monitor in?
I plan on getting married in a Discs of Tron environmental cabinet.
Ah, well, you didn't mention the
environmental cabinet. (Probably the only known instance of Jonsey being environmentally-friendly.) There were standup cabinets for it, too, ya know. Still, the game itself sucks balls. If you're after a good sit-down game, you just can't touch the old Star Wars vector game. What a classic.
Get Baby Pac in the basement and let's get the party started! (Did you ever define what was wrong with it? I know it was the monitor, but is it as simple as just dropping a new one in?)
Well, it'll probably stay in the garage until it gets functional. If I do say "fuck it" and decide to pay some knob-twiddler to fix it proper, I don't want to have to lug it back upstairs, then downstairs again after said fixing. I haven't really touched in since we had the apartment - soon after, it was carted to my uncle's barn and there's where it's been ever since. I do see it in the spring and fall when I take my Lotus in/out of storage.
FWIW, the monitor is "in storage" on top of my parent's garage, completely seperate from the console itself. I'll need to retrieve that and maybe find a good arcade-restoration message board and get some feedback.
Right. Ideally I'd like my next job to be with somebody who is making computer games in some capacity, but shit, at least otherwise I can be somewhere where I can get a good pizza. Plus, who knows how many years mom and dad have left. Everybody gets along now like something out of a 50s Sit Com, so that could be pleasant as well.
Well, that's what happens when you're not actually living together (or at least, haven't been living non-stop together for 20 years.) I get along famously with everyone from my folks to my sister, which wasn't always the case.
Were I in your shoes, I would first spray them with antibacterial cleaner (who knows what kind of biological disasters are going on in there), then I would save my pennies & dimes and start figuring out how I was going to move all my shit to Rochester. (C'mon, Buffalo or Syracuse? Eccchhh!) Could it all fit in a U-Haul truck, with the Black Rage on a tow rig? If so, could you talk your brother or someone else into riding shotgun as so not to go bonkers on the long drive? Meanwhile, I'd keep my ears open as to whether or not anyone has considering hiring the group you work with to go work somewhere else. Hey, if you can stay gainfully employed, it's best to do that. Otherwise, make plans to crash at the folk's house for a least a couple months, until you "get back on your feet" and find a job, preferably not with the bitter, existance-hating short fat dude at EB.
Does EDS hire a lot of programmers? I only know of them, as they used to supply us with equipment like PCs and such at Xerox. I am not sure what really goes on there.
Well, nowhere hires a lot of anyone lately. I think one former developer (here, they're developers, not programmers) is imminently coming back - that'll be the first outside hire in while. Yeah, EDS does tons of programming. Though, as Nessman will tell you, it's damn hard for anyone to get a job nowadays. But, from what I understand, every single person who left EDS in the "boom years" of the internet has come sniffing around, looking for their old job back. Every one.
Has there ever been a determination as to whether or not I am "dating material" with that girl? Can we get a ruling there? That's all the reason any man should need to move any where, but if my lack of a criminal record is to be held against me, that's important information that I need to have.
Geez, I dunno. Her ex is moving out of town and she doesn't want a long-distance thing. She's stuck living with Boop at the moment, which means that they're both stressed most of the time. But, she has expressed interest in going to a titty bar with the usual group. Bitchin'!
(And, FWIW, her ex seemed to be a fairly decent dude. Apparently he used to come over and call Boop his "favorite Bancroft", while he was dating Cleo - that's fucking comedy.)
Cleo is working at the same library as Mrs Walrustitty now, and they work together every Thursday - hey, that's today!
In other news, your local ex is preggers again...
[quote="Ice Cream Jonsey"]You're anti Discs of Freaking Tron? What next? You're going to tell me that you saw an I, Robot in some Sugarcreek store and you kicked the monitor in?
I plan on getting [i]married[/i] in a Discs of Tron environmental cabinet.[/quote]
Ah, well, you didn't mention the [i]environmental[/i] cabinet. (Probably the only known instance of Jonsey being environmentally-friendly.) There were standup cabinets for it, too, ya know. Still, the game itself sucks balls. If you're after a good sit-down game, you just can't touch the old Star Wars vector game. What a classic.
[quote]Get Baby Pac in the basement and let's get the party started! (Did you ever define what was wrong with it? I know it was the monitor, but is it as simple as just dropping a new one in?)[/quote]
Well, it'll probably stay in the garage until it gets functional. If I do say "fuck it" and decide to pay some knob-twiddler to fix it proper, I don't want to have to lug it back upstairs, then downstairs again after said fixing. I haven't really touched in since we had the apartment - soon after, it was carted to my uncle's barn and there's where it's been ever since. I do see it in the spring and fall when I take my Lotus in/out of storage.
FWIW, the monitor is "in storage" on top of my parent's garage, completely seperate from the console itself. I'll need to retrieve that and maybe find a good arcade-restoration message board and get some feedback.
[quote]Right. Ideally I'd like my next job to be with somebody who is making computer games in some capacity, but shit, at least otherwise I can be somewhere where I can get a good pizza. Plus, who knows how many years mom and dad have left. Everybody gets along now like something out of a 50s Sit Com, so that could be pleasant as well.[/quote]
Well, that's what happens when you're not actually living together (or at least, haven't been living non-stop together for 20 years.) I get along famously with everyone from my folks to my sister, which wasn't always the case.
Were I in your shoes, I would first spray them with antibacterial cleaner (who knows what kind of biological disasters are going on in there), then I would save my pennies & dimes and start figuring out how I was going to move all my shit to Rochester. (C'mon, Buffalo or Syracuse? Eccchhh!) Could it all fit in a U-Haul truck, with the Black Rage on a tow rig? If so, could you talk your brother or someone else into riding shotgun as so not to go bonkers on the long drive? Meanwhile, I'd keep my ears open as to whether or not anyone has considering hiring the group you work with to go work somewhere else. Hey, if you can stay gainfully employed, it's best to do that. Otherwise, make plans to crash at the folk's house for a least a couple months, until you "get back on your feet" and find a job, preferably not with the bitter, existance-hating short fat dude at EB.
[quote]Does EDS hire a lot of programmers? I only know of them, as they used to supply us with equipment like PCs and such at Xerox. I am not sure what really goes on there.[/quote]
Well, nowhere hires a lot of anyone lately. I think one former developer (here, they're developers, not programmers) is imminently coming back - that'll be the first outside hire in while. Yeah, EDS does tons of programming. Though, as Nessman will tell you, it's damn hard for anyone to get a job nowadays. But, from what I understand, every single person who left EDS in the "boom years" of the internet has come sniffing around, looking for their old job back. Every one.
[quote]Has there ever been a determination as to whether or not I am "dating material" with that girl? Can we get a ruling there? That's all the reason any man should need to move any where, but if my lack of a criminal record is to be held against me, that's important information that I need to have.[/quote]
Geez, I dunno. Her ex is moving out of town and she doesn't want a long-distance thing. She's stuck living with Boop at the moment, which means that they're both stressed most of the time. But, she has expressed interest in going to a titty bar with the usual group. Bitchin'!
(And, FWIW, her ex seemed to be a fairly decent dude. Apparently he used to come over and call Boop his "favorite Bancroft", while he was dating Cleo - that's fucking comedy.)
Cleo is working at the same library as Mrs Walrustitty now, and they work together every Thursday - hey, that's today!
In other news, your local ex is preggers again...