by joebonk » Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:37 pm
Wow, thank you very much. hmm looks like its hex editing. I'll read it all, thanks.
There is one problem I have with macros. I can't get it to summon creature qith QA 24 1
This is not an action in an object, though I am using the QA command. I'm typing it into the macro editor.
And it's not being run from a dialouge.
It's just not successessfully being written. Or won't.
I have some objects that are trapped victoms, and Enoch can set them free.
Like chains, or as a sacrificial victom.
I type:
16 QA 24 16 (16 is villager)
but it turns out to say
SO I type QA :24 16 and same thing
So I type QA :24:16 and the same thing
Or I go over the name 'none yet' and type 16 but nothing works.
What I hope to happen is the chained victom or sacrificial victom object's action is execute macro.
And also object is elliminated if action triggered.
I used to have an empty chains tile space that replaces the chained victom but this overwrote the creature being summoned.
like mapset does (killing the ncp) And that was when the object, not a macro, summoned the creature.
But then I wanted more then just one type of ncp being summoned.
The macro sets a variable random to 6. Depending on enoch's intelligence, the creature summoned can be
either a possessed evil (man women or child) or if INT is higher, (good man women or child.)
INT tells goto, and then set varaible to rnd 3 or 6, 3 for first three evil choices, or 6 for all choices, I should also have it if
INT is high enogh, only the last three choices are available (good citizens) but then what if the player is seeking to become
a demon (as the game allows) so maybe I'll leave it alone.
Edit: (sometimes I write txt files for my questions at work and save to flash drive. Thanx for above bit save data. I hope it doesn't involve figures like 2e and b7. But then if it works, why not. I'll read it avidly)
Here is what I want to save into one variable's 16 bits so far:
bit 1 - demon status (how evil enoch performs)
bit 2 - angel status (how hero enoch performs)
bit 3 - fish status (marriage to neptunes daughter and living in fish world)
bit 4 - dream captive status (citizenship in dream world)
bit 5 - seer knowledge status (which happens by schooling, egypt partisipation, task)
bit 6 - warrior status, (how victorious enoch is)
bit 7 - curiousity factor (the game rewards you by how far you go without succuming to the game altering stages)
bit 8 - doubleness status (how advanced enoch is at doubleness, which is required to win the game)
bit 9 - death status (enoch can become just a slayer of giants, or take death's place)
bit 10 - werewolf status (because one a month, if bitten (toach macro), enoch terrorizes a town. The time macro watches this one)
And The rewards and specific develupments that occure will watch them all. SO some rewards will have a formula,
if bit 1 is 3 and bit 2 is 7 and bit 9 and so on.
mainly each staus has it's own home map, and the greater the bit, the more doors are opened in each
but rescuing a victom, sets angel status higher, and demon status lower. sacrificing victom does opposite.
these forces are at war in the game, and also within enoch.
I want to simulate a once a month turn to werewolf.
I sacrificed a monster for the moon tile.
And it has 4 fazes. New Half Half and full, so I guess enoch will spend a day or two as a werewolf (if activated).
And at night fall. SO I guess the global macro will decide which quarter tile gets used in displaying the moon.
And since I have a moon now, I might as well time some spells to it's faze.
I also wonder then, can the global macro decideof much torch light happens at nightfall.
I want to make it just one tile more visible at new moon and 4 tiles a full moon.
And who wants to wait a month for the fazes to change. SO Maybe 2 or 3 days changes the faze of the moon.
Is there already a varable for the clock? And is there day varaible and hour varaibles? I know something watches time.
At this point I'll keep adding stuff till I run out of everything.
Seems possible to make U4 and U5 dungeons just using bmps. I thought of making a huanted house.
Even a mosaic could be displayed, one for pathway, one for crossroads, one for ladder up or down.
Wow, thank you very much. hmm looks like its hex editing. I'll read it all, thanks.
There is one problem I have with macros. I can't get it to summon creature qith QA 24 1
This is not an action in an object, though I am using the QA command. I'm typing it into the macro editor.
And it's not being run from a dialouge.
It's just not successessfully being written. Or won't.
I have some objects that are trapped victoms, and Enoch can set them free.
Like chains, or as a sacrificial victom.
I type:
16 QA 24 16 (16 is villager)
but it turns out to say
SO I type QA :24 16 and same thing
So I type QA :24:16 and the same thing
Or I go over the name 'none yet' and type 16 but nothing works.
What I hope to happen is the chained victom or sacrificial victom object's action is execute macro.
And also object is elliminated if action triggered.
I used to have an empty chains tile space that replaces the chained victom but this overwrote the creature being summoned.
like mapset does (killing the ncp) And that was when the object, not a macro, summoned the creature.
But then I wanted more then just one type of ncp being summoned.
The macro sets a variable random to 6. Depending on enoch's intelligence, the creature summoned can be
either a possessed evil (man women or child) or if INT is higher, (good man women or child.)
INT tells goto, and then set varaible to rnd 3 or 6, 3 for first three evil choices, or 6 for all choices, I should also have it if
INT is high enogh, only the last three choices are available (good citizens) but then what if the player is seeking to become
a demon (as the game allows) so maybe I'll leave it alone.
Edit: (sometimes I write txt files for my questions at work and save to flash drive. Thanx for above bit save data. I hope it doesn't involve figures like 2e and b7. But then if it works, why not. I'll read it avidly)
Here is what I want to save into one variable's 16 bits so far:
bit 1 - demon status (how evil enoch performs)
bit 2 - angel status (how hero enoch performs)
bit 3 - fish status (marriage to neptunes daughter and living in fish world)
bit 4 - dream captive status (citizenship in dream world)
bit 5 - seer knowledge status (which happens by schooling, egypt partisipation, task)
bit 6 - warrior status, (how victorious enoch is)
bit 7 - curiousity factor (the game rewards you by how far you go without succuming to the game altering stages)
bit 8 - doubleness status (how advanced enoch is at doubleness, which is required to win the game)
bit 9 - death status (enoch can become just a slayer of giants, or take death's place)
bit 10 - werewolf status (because one a month, if bitten (toach macro), enoch terrorizes a town. The time macro watches this one)
And The rewards and specific develupments that occure will watch them all. SO some rewards will have a formula,
if bit 1 is 3 and bit 2 is 7 and bit 9 and so on.
mainly each staus has it's own home map, and the greater the bit, the more doors are opened in each
but rescuing a victom, sets angel status higher, and demon status lower. sacrificing victom does opposite.
these forces are at war in the game, and also within enoch.
I want to simulate a once a month turn to werewolf.
I sacrificed a monster for the moon tile.
And it has 4 fazes. New Half Half and full, so I guess enoch will spend a day or two as a werewolf (if activated).
And at night fall. SO I guess the global macro will decide which quarter tile gets used in displaying the moon.
And since I have a moon now, I might as well time some spells to it's faze.
I also wonder then, can the global macro decideof much torch light happens at nightfall.
I want to make it just one tile more visible at new moon and 4 tiles a full moon.
And who wants to wait a month for the fazes to change. SO Maybe 2 or 3 days changes the faze of the moon.
Is there already a varable for the clock? And is there day varaible and hour varaibles? I know something watches time.
At this point I'll keep adding stuff till I run out of everything.
Seems possible to make U4 and U5 dungeons just using bmps. I thought of making a huanted house.
Even a mosaic could be displayed, one for pathway, one for crossroads, one for ladder up or down.