joebonk wrote:I was thinking about having video intro and game ending videos play, But I don't know if it closes out the dos window and then when video is finished does dos window come back up. I don't want to confuse player. Why is I'm making 3D model versions of npcs and then snapshot them for the bmps during dialogue. But since I'm making them, and have tones of other content I could throw in, why not make videos sequences. So if this works how I hope, then I think it is fantastic to have in ACK
I think what would probably be a lot more useful than the EXEC system, since we are already in an environment where you can have lots of DosBox instances or other programs running at once, would be to have some generalized way for ACK macros to communicate with external programs that are running in background.
For example, the macro could execute a command that would write a small 'trigger' data file that had just a few bytes in it - something like:
TRIGxxxx.DAT with 2/4 bytes data inside
where xxxx is a number set by the macro call.
An external program or batch file (started when ACK was started, running separately from DosBox) would watch for a particular file, and take action when it saw the file appear. It would delete the file, and when it completed its action, it could then write a 'result' file into the same area with return data, something like
RETNxxxx.DAT with a couple bytes data inside.
There could be a separate macro command to check for a RETN file and read the data inside if one existed.
That way, you could do something like play a minigame (run by a separate app) and then take an action back in the main ACK game depending on the minigame result.
Or you could have a one-way only action, like a batch file that launched a video player to play a particular file, when it saw a TRIG file appear with a certain name.
Lots of interesting possibilites for something like this, I think.
[quote="joebonk"]I was thinking about having video intro and game ending videos play, But I don't know if it closes out the dos window and then when video is finished does dos window come back up. I don't want to confuse player. Why is I'm making 3D model versions of npcs and then snapshot them for the bmps during dialogue. But since I'm making them, and have tones of other content I could throw in, why not make videos sequences. So if this works how I hope, then I think it is fantastic to have in ACK[/quote]
I think what would probably be a lot more useful than the EXEC system, since we are already in an environment where you can have lots of DosBox instances or other programs running at once, would be to have some generalized way for ACK macros to communicate with external programs that are running in background.
For example, the macro could execute a command that would write a small 'trigger' data file that had just a few bytes in it - something like:
TRIGxxxx.DAT with 2/4 bytes data inside
where xxxx is a number set by the macro call.
An external program or batch file (started when ACK was started, running separately from DosBox) would watch for a particular file, and take action when it saw the file appear. It would delete the file, and when it completed its action, it could then write a 'result' file into the same area with return data, something like
RETNxxxx.DAT with a couple bytes data inside.
There could be a separate macro command to check for a RETN file and read the data inside if one existed.
That way, you could do something like play a minigame (run by a separate app) and then take an action back in the main ACK game depending on the minigame result.
Or you could have a one-way only action, like a batch file that launched a video player to play a particular file, when it saw a TRIG file appear with a certain name.
Lots of interesting possibilites for something like this, I think.